Name: Deros


Location  – Home System:  An underground species. Some believe them to be human while others see them as non-humans. These are the beings from which comes our legends of leprechauns and trolls. Unlike the Teros, this ‘little‘ beings are considered ‘demented‘ and cannot be trusted. The Teros try to keep them under control and keep them from having excessive power. The Deros live in underground tunnels, cities and under the sea.

Distance from Earth:

Attitude: They contend that the Planet Earth was theirs originally and will be theirs again one day.


Physical Appearance:

  • Average Height:
  • Average Weight:
  • Body Temperature:
  • Pulse/Respiration:
  • Blood Pressure:
  • Life Expectancy:
  • Hair: Other than their blonde eyebrows, they have no hair on their bodies because of a disease called trichotillomania and are responsible for the diseases trichinosis and trichiniasis
  • Skin: pinkish-grey color skin, much like the corpse of a Caucasian, and a pig, having not being exposed to the inner or outer Sun.
  • Eyes:  are silver grey and they glow in the dark.
  • Life Expectancy:

Other Physical Information: The Deros have no fingernails, toenails, nipples, navel or rectum.  They have no teeth. Their mouth appears to be full of a gummy, slimy substance. They are nocturnal and hear extremely well. They’re not very peaceful and have a strong dislike for human beings. They are very human in appearance, yet far from it. Their noses are long, trunk-like which is very similar to that of an elephant.

Special Traits and Abilities:

Communication Type: 


Life Form Type: Humanoid

Sub Species:

Most Common Species:

Level of Species:


Transportation Type:

Witnesses Reports:

Special Features/Characteristics:  Many people today who are obese are descendants of the Deros. I’m talking about those people who have a serious weight problem, weighing over 300 pounds, which is abnormal for human beings. It is obviously a hereditary glandular problem and is caused by overactive glands. Certain endocrine gland disorders, such as hypothyroidism or tumors of the adrenal gland, pancreas, or pituitary gland, can cause obesity. It is a trait of who they are from, the Deros.

Summary/Description: This group of insane cave dwellers was called Sumuwnean meaning the obese ones, or Saamiym, and Abandonderos or as they are called today Deros, which is a combination of the words detrimental and robots. These Sumuwneans or Deros really exist. There Chief is Yabahaan. The Sumuwneans are constantly in conflict with the group of beings called the Duwaanis who hold the same belief, that they too will take over the planet one day. They are born by hatching from eggs that are four to six feet in diameter. They grow to seven feet and are extremely obese. The Deros who live in the caves have degenerated so much that, they don’t have much intelligence. They have two stomachs and their digestive system is the same as that of a cow. Deros and cows both chew the cud, meaning when they eat, they chew their food and it goes through the initial stages of digestion where it reaches a large sac that is before the true stomach. The food is then regurgitated to the mouth for further chewing; this is called chewing the cud.

Source: 1996 Nuwaubian Calendar, Extraterrestrial Amongst Us



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