Note: as this story unfolds, the events demonstrate the increasing power Roger and Jack were being given to counteract this menace. Their use of it demonstrates their sense of responsibility in using whatever means that were necessary to counteract the threat of three Alien races in an alliance bent on conquering the earth, without causing unnecessary loss of alien life. These feats described are typical of what is waiting for all of us when we ascend from the present 3rd density into the 4th and then 5th. But self control and acting for the highest good for all concerned is a primary requirement for maintaining this power. Letter from Jack to Roger Nov. 19, 1998:I felt “something” wrapped around me, and tuned in and it was Guardian Angel Big John, my serious danger protector. He said there were some negative entities outside. Then a large negative creature barged into my house and I forcefully removed it. I told it that my house was my private area and I did not want any negative forces intruding. I detected that it had no Divine Spark, but was a powerful thought form. So I received permission, and surrounded it with a shield that projected his negativity back at him, and he started weakening. Finally the Galaxy Being* suggested I transmute it into light energy and he would take him off my hands. So I did.*Galaxy Being – a group consciousness of all sentient creatures in the Milky Way Galaxy Then I detected some Gray ETs outside, wanting me to come outside. Based upon my previous experience with these entities being the “cannon fodder” for their creators, I placed a protective bubble around them and transported them back to their mother ship. I could detect considerable surprise when these were dumped onto the floor of their Starship, through the strong outer hull. Then a little while later I detected another group of aliens outside and I am sure they were Sirians. They tried to barge into my house, I ejected them, and I felt a battle in progress. I was told that there were about 25 Sirians, and a small army of Warrior Angels had cut them to pieces. (Their spirits, being eternal, now prepare for another incarnation, hopefully in a reality in which peace reigns.)


I contacted the Sirian Commander of the star ship, and told him that I had no patience with such as himself, and he has just lost 25 warriors at the hands of a large contingent of Warrior Angels. I also told him I could and would destroy him and his ship if he didn’t leave. He didn’t think I could. So I melted about a 1 foot diameter hole through the hull of his ship, producing a continuously dropping inside pressure. It was quickly sealed. He still wasn’t getting the message, so I asked him if he had a private room on an outside wall of the ship. He said he did. So I told him that he would find a 3-foot diameter hole in the wall of his cabin. I could detect that they were having a great deal of trouble dealing with this large a hole, so I put the plug I had removed back in place and seamlessly welded it all together as if nothing had happened. This impressed him. Then a conversation took place in which I told him I could riddle his ship with these holes, and I would track down his ships anywhere in this universe and do this if his race did not reverse their selfish agendas and leave the earth alone. I told him that I could detect a ship leaving his home planet with evil intent, and I would blow it up before it even started toward earth. I got the feeling that he felt totally naked and unprotected against this kind of energy. I have asked Archangel Michael to alert me if the Sirians were planning to launch an attack on earth, and I would immediately ask for permission to deal with this threat in this manner.

Michael replied that I would not have to resort to this because there would not be a threat from them. It has been several hours since these events took place, and I just spoke to the Commander of the Sirian ship, who said he was back on their home planet, but still on his ship. So I offered him the power of Unconditional Love that I had demonstrated, which really seems to get the negative alien’s attention. The bottom line is he accepted it, so on behalf of the Sirian Commander, I offered on his behalf the prayer of acceptance: “To All that Is, thank you for opening my heart and filling it with your Unconditional Love.” He experienced the usual strong impact of a flaming ball of Unconditional Love energy. After a few minutes I described his having to give this gift of Unconditional Love to anyone who asked for it, even his enemies, or he would lose it because he had placed conditions on the giving of it. He said he would have to get clearance with his commander, and give the gift to him first which he felt would be an easy thing to do. He said his segment of the Sirian race numbered about 20,000,000, but there were several other political divisions totaling billions. He felt they would all want this gift once they saw what it would do for them. The best way to conquer an enemy is to make a friend of him. I believe this is the way this encounter will work out. Time will tell. Apparently the Sirians are bull headed and used to having their way. Roger, it took both of us to change their minds. But I believe that all these visits are being detected in advance and our “protector” Draco ship is being alerted to let them come through. This allows us to deal with them and prevent an invasion attempt later. I am getting the idea that there are two more alien groups with designs on the earth, and we shall have to deal with them when they show up. It seems the best way to do this is to put on a display of power to get their attention.

Then offer to give them the same power, but with strings attached. I just detected a “spy” from one of these groups who was witnessing the display of power and the results when dealing with the Sirians. I told this spy to convey to his superiors what he had witnessed, and tell them I can give them the same power as the Sirians have. I hope to ward off any further attacks by using these tactics. In meditating on the two additional races who had interest in the Earth, these races are benevolent and were merely interested in observing the transition of earth from the 3rd to the 4th density. One of these is the Capellians I believe. Then I was advised of a third race who is from a parallel universe that is also interested in this transition. I am picking up the idea that the two ET races in this universe had been given the gift of Unconditional Love by Sir Henry and his crew, and I gave the gift to the race from the alternate universe. I can feel this gift of Unconditional Love constantly spreading to other galaxies and races, so that this whole universe will become benevolent before it comes to an end. The effects of our work is absolutely awesome. I received permission to invite representatives from these three races as observers as long as they kept their distance and did not interfere with the process. They have all agreed to this and expressed their appreciation for the invitation. So it seems that my newly acquired talent of hole boring in alien ship hulls is no longer needed. Apparently most of the sentient aliens in this universe live in the 4th or higher densities and they have no 3rd density world. So they are interested to see the ascension from 3rd to 4th density takes place. I understand that twenty planets have been given free will as opposed to a hive consciousness in the 3rd density and all but earth have self destructed, over the last 500,000 year cycle of this universe. None have evolved sufficiently to need a fourth density environment.

So with a little help from our friends, and despite considerable negative influence from self-serving ETs in our past history, it looks like we are going to make it. But according to Springs, a highly evolved intuitive who lives in Hawaii, it was a squeaker. Roger’s answer 11/20/98> One of these is the Capellians I believe. The Capellans, if you remember, were the ones who came to our aide a year ago, in the battle with the Draco. They helped turn the tide then. So I think that they were already pretty well balanced. I think you are right about them being allowed to observe. I am getting confirmation on that.> it looks like we are going to make it. But according to>Springs, it was a squeaker. Yes, I have that feeling too. I am sure that it was very close. I still think there is more work to do, but hopefully just of a cleaning up nature. To Roger from Jack, I tuned in on your ears ringing, and found that there are 20,000 Grays that were stranded on earth the other day when I incinerated two star ships. They don’t know how to get home, and they don’t want to bother me because they think I will do away with them. So they have been trying to get your attention to help them get back home. Apparently there is a protective shield around the earth which prevents any transporting of ETs to and from their ships. So I contacted the Galaxy Being and it said it would be glad to escort them back to their home planet but needed my permission (or some other human’s since we are in charge of the earth) So I said go to it. So you ears should quit ringing if this has been the cause. By the way, I believe the other ET race asking permission to observe the ascension of the earth are representatives of the Insectoids. I sensed some of them outside my house this morning. They were benevolent apparently, and just letting me know that they had permission to actually be on earth to witness first hand the events leading up to the ascension, and then the ascension itself. So things must be moving along. Freckles just announced some visitors and I tuned in and found a delegation of Sirians wanting to thank me for saving the lives of their grays. I told them that as long as they were not harming me, I did not want to harm them.

So the Sirians have gone, and Freckles has quit barking. I am picking up the idea that the Insectoids have established a base camp in the field behind my house, and they used their equipment to beam down the delegation of Sirians. Also they beamed the Grays onto their own star ship and are delivering them back to their home planet. So there is some cooperation between the different ET races, which I like to see. Letter from Jack to Roger 11/21I just contacted K (a 6th density Being, a member of the Galactic Council) and she said I had two decisions to make : (1.) do I want to get involved, and (2.) do I want to ask for help. When pondering this, I realized that in recent adventures, I have just waded in to the fray, believing I had the power to get the job done. But in the frying of the star Ships, I had borrowed a lot of energy from the Galaxy Being. And I had not realized it, or felt the necessity to ask. So I told K ( 1.) I do want to be involved if it was in the interest of the overall good of earth and its inhabitants. And (2.) I am asking now for help, since I am picking up the thought that it will involve a tremendous display of power, perhaps from all of us. And it is to transpire Monday, as you suggest. So I will set aside the day to tune in and see what is going on. If you get anything more, let me know. I just asked K if there was anything that I needed to know now, and she answered “Yes, you will be asked to wipe out a great number of Sirians.” So it may be that we will have to separate the Sirians from the light energy, use it as we are directed, and force the Sirians back to where they came from, or else destroy them. Perhaps the display of power I showed them yesterday is what caused them to import this light energy to combat our light energy. If so, it will really light up the sky.

I am now picking up the thought that they have tuned in to my conversation with K, and they realize that now that I have asked for help in advance (from archangel Michael), they wouldn’t stand a chance in their plans to retake control of the earth, and that rather than get killed, they plan to retreat and leave the light energy for us to deal with. See what you can make of this. Things are “fast breaking” as they say on the news channel. If, as I am picking up, the Sirians are leaving as I write this note, your ear ringing should subside. Letter from Roger to Jack. 11/22So I told K (1.) I do want to be involved if it was in the interest of the overall good of earth and its inhabitants. And (2.) I am asking now for help, since I am picking up the thought that it will involve a >tremendous display of power, perhaps from all of us. And it is to transpire Monday, as you suggest. Yes, Monday it is. I had a Chat with Araceli (Roger’s highly intuitive helper from Australia) last night. She is 6 hours behind or actually 18 hours ahead, not 7 as I had thought. So we will do the meditation at 6 am my time, 7 am your time. We did some work together last night. I was really getting blasted and she helped clear me. She was being attacked by the Sirians and Greys also, so I helped clear them from her. She has strong Sirian connections and said that they told her that she was a traitor. I guess they are really trying hard to stop us. Then I connected to the Blue Crystal Portal and channeled some Divine Energy to her. So I think she will be ready now. I will attach a jpg file with a photo of her so that you can tune into her.>I just asked K if there was anything that I needed to know now, and she answered “Yes, you will be asked to wipe out a great number of Sirians. “Well early this morning when I finally got to bed, about 3:00 am. I tuned into the Sirians and sent them a message. First I showed them what would happen if the Earth was destroyed by them. I had gotten the sense that what is happening now with all this ‘Light’ Energy from the Light Universe is what ended up destroying Maldek. Just got a ‘Yes’ on that. So I showed them that the Earth would implode into a Black Hole and suck in the whole Galaxy, and that Sirius would be one of the first systems to get sucked in since it is so close to us. Then I felt an attack from some of the Greys, and asked that they be destroyed and they were.


Earlier I had heard from Ankraruous of the Draco, and he said that, as you said, they have been standing by guarding and watching. I asked him if they would attack and destroy the Sirians if necessary. He said they would and were prepared to do just that. Then I got the message that the entire Galactic Fleet was also standing by, the Andromedans, the Taygettan Pleiadians, the Capellans, and many more. It was like they stood back and let the Sirians in, and then closed the circle on them, so that there would be no escape for them.


So I told the Sirians all this and that if they insisted on controlling the Earth that their whole fleet would be destroyed. I told them that you and I had permission from Source to do just that, and Archangel Michael sent them another message to confirm that. I told them that they would not be allowed to destroy the Earth, that All That Is would have all of them destroyed and even their home planet if that became necessary to save the Earth from destruction. So they were pondering all of that.


After the first group of Greys attacked me, I warned them that if they attacked again I would have some of their ships destroyed. Well, they didn’t believe me and attacked again. So I gave Ankraruous the order to destroy 5 of their ship, and they did. I could sense them being blown up and I asked that any of them who really had Souls be escorted into the Light. There were quite a few, so either some Greys do have Souls or there were lots of Sirians on board these ships. Then I told them that if they attacked me one more time, that I would order their entire fleet to be destroyed. Well, they finally got the message. No more attacks. Then this morning I had a real good clearing meditation. So I am doing much, much better today. I still don’t know exactly what will happen tomorrow. I know that I will connect to the Wormhole to the DAL Universe. This is a Universe of Perfectly Balanced Duality, it was the Universe where we began, some of us as the ‘Golden Ones’, of which you, I and Araceli were members. It is also the Universe of the Future, on the Other Side of the Wormhole in our Sun. This is where the 5D Earth will be/is located. Just got a ‘Yes’ on that also. So I will connect to that Wormhole and I suspect that Araceli will connect to the Wormhole to the Light Universe. I am not getting what your role is to be. But the Energy from these two Universes will be merged together. It will be like the Goddess Energy from the DAL Universe will merge with the God Energy of the Light Universe, to become ONE Being. Then I am sure that the Wormhole here in our Sun will open and they will go through it. That is what happened last June. We may also do some work on the Armageddon Stargate, but I am not certain about that. We will just have to wait and see. Anyway, they won’t tell me what your role is to be, so you will just have to tune in and find out. Maybe you will be our Protector and Guardian against any Sirian intervention. As I said earlier we will begin about 7 am your time. Roger’s report on his meditation the morning of 11/23:This morning, Jack, myself and Araceli, a lady from Australia whom I recently connected with, performed a joint meditation where we connected and integrated the Energies of the ‘Light’ Universe with those of the DAL Universe. I have come to understand that the DAL Universe is not the ‘Light’ Universe as I had earlier assumed. The DAL is a parallel Universe of Perfectly Balanced Polarities of Light and Dark. It is in a sense the ‘Neutral’ Universe. It was there where we began our journeys before we split off into the Separation of the Light and the Dark Universes, and it is there where we will end them. It is the Past and the Future, the Alpha and the Omega. In a similar meditation last June, on the Solstice, Dan Winter, Elora and myself connected and integrated the Energies of the Dark Universe with those of the DAL Universe. So today’s events brings the integration of the Light and Dark Energies with the ‘Neutral’ DAL Energies to a completion of sorts, as at the conclusion of our session, the Goddess Energy of the Dark Universe merged with the God Energy of the Light Universe. In a very real sense what happened today marks the beginning of the end. At the end of our session today, I was given the message that the Ascension truly begins today, although it won’t be manifested instantly as so many have hoped for. So, in my meditation this morning, first I was directed to connect to the two Medicine Wheel Portals here in the US, then to the Portal in Palenque, Mexico, home of Lord Pacal of the Maya.

Then I connected to the Great Pyramid Portal and then to Angkor Wat. These Portals were then connected forming a double Star Tetrahedron, that was then anchored into the Center of the Earth. All of the Beings present entered into this Star Tetrahedron. They included Archangels Metatron, Ratziel, Khamael, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and Sandalphon, also all of my Guides and I am sure Jack’s and Araceli’s. Also I had called in the Spirits and the Energies of the 4 directions, Father Sun, Mother Earth, and the Energies from Within, the Great Spirit and Divine Oneness. Next Araceli and myself merged our Energies, and then my Guides took us to the Wormhole leading to the ‘Light’ Universe. Araceli has strong connections to the Aryan Sirians, and hence, to the Light Universe, which is why her Energies were needed for this work today. I asked permission from the Wormhole Guardians and stated that we had come with intentions of anchoring Balanced Light and Dark, Male and Female Energies, of Love and Joy, of Peace and Harmony and Truth and Thrival (thriving survival) for all Beings. Permission was granted and Araceli and myself were connected to that Wormhole. She stayed there and I came back, and connected to the Wormhole here within our Sun, the ‘Deep Space Nine’ wormhole, again asking permission from the Guardians first. Then I connected to Jack, and we merged our Energies together. Then I asked that the Wormhole to the Light Universe be opened and the energies began to flow through Araceli to me and on to the Wormhole in our Sun. These energies flowed very strongly for a bit. Then I sensed the God Being of the Light Universe coming through. I felt some energy releases as this happened and asked that any energies that were out of Balance be transmuted and returned to Source. I saw this Being come down and ‘stand’ at the entrance to the Sun Wormhole. I sensed that Jack was then connected to this God Being and the Energies of the Light Universe.

Next, my Guides took me to the Wormhole to the DAL Universe. I had contacted Asket and Arunzhia of the DAL Universe and asked for their assistance. I had been introduced to them a year ago, when doing the Great Pyramid Stargate work. I again asked permission from the Guardians to connect to this Wormhole. It was granted and I was connected to the Wormhole. Then I was directed to open a WU window of intent, which also opened the Wormhole. The WU Consciousness emanates from the DAL (or BTL in the WU language) Universe. So in opening this window I was allowing the WU Consciousness to flow through me bringing with them the DAL Energies. I was brought back to the Wormhole in the Sun, and connected Jack to the DAL Energies. Then I saw the Goddess of the DAL Universe come through and joined us. She joined with the God of the Light Universe and their energies merged together. I sensed a lot of energy being released. Then I asked that the Sun Wormhole be opened. When it opened I sensed the Goddess, Shasha, of the Dark Universe coming through from the Other Side. She had gone through the Wormhole last June after having merged with the God of the DAL Universe. So she came back through and she and the God of the Light Universe joined together and merged their energies into Oneness. So this was really a merging of the Energies of the Light and Dark Universes. Again I felt some more big energy releases. I had the sense of a Cosmic ‘Child’ being conceived. Then I realized that actually it was Twins, and it was the Sun and the Earth. It also occurred to me that myself, Araceli and Jack represented the Mother, Father and the Child. After they merged, God and Goddess went through the Wormhole to return to the DAL Universe of our Future. I could see some Light flashes as they went through. Then I saw the Earth moving towards the Sun and they merged together and went through the Wormhole, and there were more Light flashes. I sensed that they too were conceiving a ‘Child’, which I sensed would become the Ascended Human Race. We are indeed the Children of the Mother Earth and Father Sun. I was told to step into the Wormhole myself, so I asked permission from the Guardians and stepped in. The energy there was quite wonderful. I was allowed to go on through to the Other Side, and I could see the Earth and the Sun and a whole new Solar System. Also, I noticed that the Earth’s axis was exactly perpendicular to the plane of the Sun. The orbit was elliptical so there would still be seasons, but the changes would not be nearly as drastic as we know them now. The seasons would be the same for the entire planet, so the whole planet would be in a form of Oneness. They took me down to the Earth’s surface, so I looked around and it was very beautiful there. It seemed very tropical and very ‘steamy’ or ‘foggy’. I had the sense that there was a lot more water there, the ocean levels were higher. This seems to fit with so many of the Earth Changes predictions. So I expressed my Love and gratitude to Great Spirit/Divine Oneness and to all the other Beings who had taken part in this ceremony today. As I returned back through the Wormhole, I heard them tell me that the Ascension really began today. I was told this Wormhole would remain open now, and I sensed that the Elementals and Devas would be begin going through very soon. Sir Henry, the Deva, appeared and acknowledged and thanked Jack and myself for our work. He said that he would be going through very soon. But I got the message that one more critical piece of work had to be put in place before any person could go through the Wormhole, and that piece is the Armageddon Stargate, which is to be opened on Dec. 20th. A bit later the Sirians came to me to tell me that they now understood what was happening, as they had been watching all of this.

See also  2016: Demons Walk Among Us: The Five Stages of Awakening

They said they would no longer offer any resistance to the Stargate work that needed to be done. Most of the Reptilians have already been dealt with, although there may be some more work required there. But I no longer anticipate any problems with that Stargate work being completed as planned. I got that people would not begin Ascending and going through this Wormhole until at least some time in January. This process will not happen instantly as many people have said or hoped. But the final stages of this process have begun now. So now it is only a matter of time. My Love and Gratitude to all those whose work has made this possible. Roger’s letter to Jack the evening of 11/23:(Excerpt from Jack’s letter to Roger) Roger: I have apparently been leveling and rearranging energies al l over the solar system last night. I have been told that my job is done, and that you already know that. Well, I sensed a lot going on when I was sleeping, in my dreams, etc. But I had no idea of what happened. So I just cleared this morning and tuned in to see what to do. So I guess some part of me must have known. I think you are right though about you being done. I just got that you mostly were just anchoring the energy, or maybe just being an Observer. Anyway, you didn’t really do anything. It was interesting when I got that thing about the 3 of us being Mother, Father and Son. I had known that Araceli and I had been mates in the DAL Universe World. I had been the female. Then I got that you were our son, but you were a twin. So I asked who the other twin was, and I got that it was Ruth. So I thought that was most interesting considering your relationship to her. Also, the Sirians came by to tell me they would no longer interfere, and that there would be no more attacks on me. They said they were also calling back all the Greys. They understand now what is going on. They had known about the Wormhole being the key to the Ascension, so they wanted to take over the Earth so they could go through the Wormhole. Now they understand that they will be given their chance at another time. The Earth will Ascend first and then the rest of them will Ascend at a later time. They had been afraid that if they didn’t Ascend now with the Earth, that they would be left behind. Then some Greys showed up and apologized to me for the attacks. Then they asked for Unconditional Love and I gave it to them, and I think that they really got it. Then they said that they were all ready to have the Galaxy Being take them to their new home. So I called in the Galaxy Being and it took them off.


From Jack to Roger Nov. 23, 1998

When I tuned in this morning about 6:45 AM, I visualized Araceli and sent her energy. As I mentioned, I felt that my work had already been done last night, apparently leveling and equalizing different energies over the face of the earth.. Then I did some channel surfing, and about 8:45 AM I tuned in. I could visualize her and perhaps you pushing back some force, I suspected it was the Sirians. I added my weight to the effort and immediately the force backed away. I got the impression that I arrived just in time to help. Then a little while later, I saw a star ship start through the disintegration barrier I had recently placed in front of the Armageddon Star Gate, and as it nosed through the barrier, the front of the ship disintegrated. Immediately the ship backed away, but I could see segments like piping or reinforcing ribs sticking out of the raw edge of the hull of the ship. I could tell that the air supply inside the entire ship had been sucked out, and that all the crew and occupants were dead. As I watched, I could detect rescuers transporting dead bodies out of the ship. This whole scenario was totally unexpected by the Sirians, and I had forgotten that I had put up this disintegration barrier against any life form that was not in the light, which included apparently any ship that contained these negative life forms. The Galaxy Being apparently agrees with this scenario. It said that there was total surprise and disbelief when the Sirians realized what was happening. They lost several hundred of their crew and specialists who were going to inspect the defenses of the U.S. They certainly have more respect for the power of thought we apparently have available. I don’t know if this had anything to do with their deciding to keep their hands off the earth, but I suspect it did. I believe I can see the partially disintegrated ship still in the exit to the Star Gate, in front of the disintegrating screen. It has been abandoned since the only way they could retrieve it would be through the other end of the Star Gate, and they don’t want to come close to it any more. However, I got the impression that the body retrieval was out the sides of the ship, which could mean that there is another ship this side of the Star Gate, but it is much smaller and unarmed. I believe it is an Andromedan ship, and they were retrieving the bodies for the Sirians. Back in my mind I have the feeling that this screen has been maintained without my knowledge by Higher Authorities since I was inspired to form it, for the very purpose of denying any negative ETs entrance to our Solar System. And the screen has been turned off to allow one or two Sirian ships to come through, and then turned on again. So these Authorities will turn it off when it has served its purpose.



I had already written a letter describing the method of their attacking and conquering the earth, but decided against sending it. But now they have decided not to go ahead with their plans, I will lay out as much as I was picking up, for what it is worth. This involved shearing off the propeller shafts of all surface fighting ships of all nations, by materializing along side the rudder of each ship small submersibles having powerful laser beam guns, leaving the ships dead in the water, and subject to being sunk if the nation involved did not surrender to their superior force. Submarines would be beached and abandoned or they would be located underwater and destroyed. Any fighter plane taking to the air would be hit with particle beam rays from UFOs thousands of feet overhead. They would be cloaked and thus undetectable. And our atomic weapons would be useless since there would be no nation attacking another nation. The governing bodies of major nations would be held hostage and the military would have to agree to lay down their arms, or whole cities would be vaporized. Using Walk-ins, the Sirians would take over all the national regulating syst-po98ems such as monetary, trade and the like, and would shut down all international communication systems, leaving only local TV and radio stations on the air. Local news bulletins would be issued as required to keep the people from mob rule. The whole earth would be reduced to mostly agrarian economy gradually, with small self-sufficient communities formed to prevent organized resistance. I never did grasp what would be the ultimate outcome, but this scenario is enough to get one’s hair standing on end. As you mentioned, there were vastly superior forces massed to take on the Sirians, and I believe you and I and others with God-given power, would simply blow up every arriving ship, and as you had threatened, blow up their planet also. When there were no more Sirians, there would be no more threat. So they could not have done anything but start their attack. So let’s hope when you do your Armageddon Stargate work, this will finalize the preparation for the Ascension.



To Roger from Jack Nov. 24. I was called outside this morning and was asked to stand attention and salute. When the salute was returned, I was told that my work in preparing the earth for ascension was at an end. From now on I would be working as a member of the Galactic Council, in helping solve problems within the Milky Way Galaxy. This would involve transportation in my astral body in an intergalactic cruiser working in relating the Milky Way Galaxy with other nearby galaxies as their sentient life forms follow our lead in rising to higher density levels. It is my understanding that we Terrans have been holding the entire Universe back from further ascension, as we are all inter-related on a higher level. Springs mentioned this in a recent note. We are at the bottom of the ascension process in this Universe, and just barely passed the test before time starts running out for this Universe. The Galactic Council operates under the authority of the Intergalactic Federation. This about all I know about it. I agreed to serve. One of the jobs I will be assigned to is what I had hoped to do on my own, as I spelled out in a recent letter: visiting other ET civilizations in our galaxy and returning with an in-depth description of their form of government, their relations with other ET races, their customs, etc. But this will have to wait until we and the earth ascend to the 4 density where the ETs I have been working with hang out. My third (intuitive) eye allows me to just barely see their outlines, but I can hear their thoughts fairly well. It is my understand that the Council works in the background, receiving and carrying out orders from the Intergalactic Federation, in the same manner as a similar group from each of the nearby galaxies are now doing.. Three days ago (Monday) I was told to be ready at 10:00 AM Tuesday for my first assignment as Galaxy Council member. So when the time came, I laid back in my easy chair and just drifted. About a half hour later, I was told that the assignment was over. I asked what I had been doing. I was told that I had been destroying negatively oriented androids (without souls) by the thousands with the help of the Galaxy Being and others, left over from different formerly negative ET races after they received the gift of Unconditional Love. They didn’t know what to do with them, and had heard that I was very efficient in incinerating them and turning their negative energy back into undifferentiated energy. So they are being transported here to get rid of them. Most of them are apparently held in suspended animation in carrier ships containing 10,000, and beamed down to Kennedy Mountain for disposal. In the meantime, there have been benevolent Insectoid beings surrounding me with protection to keep the awake negative androids from killing me for what I was doing to them. I understand the Insectoids have harmless paralyzing vibrational wave guns they use to help in controlling unruly people or crowds since they do not believe in killing. Since then, I have apparently been doing this during my sleep. As I understand things, I have given permission to my Higher Self to accomplish these assignments in a way that is beneficial to all concerned. My Higher Self knows where to get help if needed. So during my sleep, I go to work. I can tell when I have been on an assignment, because I find myself awake for an hour or two in the wee hours of the morning, apparently just letting down. And the next day, I am very tired, and take a nap periodically. This Higher Self direct involvement in what I have been assigned to do is not according to what His job description is supposed to be which is being only an interested observer, but that is what I am picking up. This segment is being written on Thanksgiving afternoon, and I was just informed that word is getting around about the efficient way of disposing of surplus negative androids (apparently used warriors) was through me and my helpers. Requests are coming in from other Galaxies for the same service, apparently as a result of Sir Henry and his band of helpers spreading the gift of Unconditional Love around different galaxies, making warrior androids useless. I told the messengers that I needed to take care of the Milky Way Galaxy first, and would have to receive approval from the Galactic Council for working outside this one, especially in their sending negative energy to earth for disposal. This would be better suited for setting up visits to these different galaxies, sending out word to bring their living garbage to me for disposal. This would prevent any negativity from spreading to earth. We have enough on earth as it is. I believe this work is what is called starting at the bottom. So my latest project that I have been given is garbage disposal chores. Letter to Jack from Roger Nov. 27/98Well now that you are formally working for the Galactic Council, there is something that you should be aware of, if you are not already. Last night I (my astral body) was attacked again, and felt some daggers going into my heart, and then later a spear in my sacral area just above the pubic bone. I asked if this was a Past Life and got ‘No’. Then a bit later it occurred to me that it had been both the Greys and the Orion Reptilians who had attacked me. So then I got the sense that the Sirians and the Orions had formed some sort of Alliance. I had known that they had agreed to a Peace settlement. But now I sensed an Alliance between them to mutually continue their aggression towards the Earth and the Stargate. I asked the Andromedans about this, and they confirmed it. So see what you get on this. I sent both the Sirians and the Orions a message this morning warning them that by the Will of God/Goddess and All That Is, they shall not be allowed to interfere here any more. That if they continue this aggression that they will be destroyed, their entire race and planet if necessary. I think that they got the message. So anyway, thought you should be aware of this. See what you get on it.


Letter to Roger from Jack Nov. 27, 98Roger: I just had my power tested. I asked the Powers that Be if there was anything that I should do concerning this aggressive alliance you wrote about. I was informed that there definitely was. So the first thing that popped in my mind was to progressively blow up their war ships to get their attention, then offer them the gift of unconditional Love. I received approval. So first I started blowing up the Sirian’s war ships, one at a time. I received an immediate response from their leaders telling me to stop this destruction immediately. I then asked them if they had received the gift of Unconditional Love. They said they had but rejected it as being useless to them. So I told them that what was happening to their war ships was an example of use of the enormous power of Unconditional Love, and that I was taking on the job of protecting the earth from all aggressive efforts. This included destroying all the war ships of theirs and their alliances. They responded that without this protection, they feared being attacked. I told them their enemies would get the same treatment. Or I would offer the Sirians the gift of Unconditional Love which would eliminate their aggressive plans toward earth, and would give them the gift of this power for their protection. Their leaders agreed. I then asked them to contact the Orions and advise them of my destructive intent and that I was coming after them. I then directed my attention to the Orions and Grays. I started looking for their warships and received the impression that at present those in active duty were transporting civilians. But I detected a few on the ground. I blew up two. I immediately picked up the impression that they had no overall leaders, but they had a collective consciousness that directed their individual behavior. So I addressed the collective consciousness and advised it to contact the Sirians. I received the impression that the Sirian’s message had been received, but they had not received word of the two blown up ships. So they didn’t believe I had the power to carry out my threats against those who had aggressive intent toward the Earth. They offered me a ship to demonstrate my abilities. So I heated it red hot and it swelled up and burst, then wrinkled into a burnt out hull. News of this spread quickly, and I offered the group consciousness the gift of this power which I had just demonstrated, which would offer them more protection their warships had provided them, but with no loss of life. They accepted. I then went on to explain that this gift must be shared if asked for by any other group or race, because their refusal to share placed conditions on the gift, which is unconditional by its very nature, and they would immediately be stripped of the gift and its protection. My feeling is that they agreed to these terms. Then I want back to the Sirians and explained this again to them. I could feel resistance. So I explained that the power that I wielded came directly from All that Is, and since it is the ultimate creative force behind the entire universe, it is capable of eliminating all of their race and blowing up their planets and even their solar systems if necessary to stop their aggression against their earth. They hesitated, then said that they were advised by their Ultimate Authority (their God?) that they must do whatever I said or they would indeed be wiped out as a race. They agreed. But this was just a ploy. The military leaders started sending out word to gather their remaining warriors and ships and planned an immediate attack to test the power of Unconditional Love, going against their Highest Authority. In anticipation of this, an enormous army of Warrior Angels met their ships circling their planet. They concentrated their energy weapons on the headquarters ship and vaporized it, wiping out the entire high command of the Sirians. Needless to say, that was the end of their aggressive intent, at least for today. The remaining ships are heading toward their docking moon. I contacted the Andromedans. They said that they had been watching every move I had made, they approved the way I handled the situation, but they have not had time to assess the situation. But they believe the show of force by the Warrior Angels would be difficult for them to ignore, especially since their high command was no longer available to lead them. They had suffered the ultimate error in judgment by underestimating the power of their enemies, which in the minds of the Sirian military establishment, was unforgivable. I then contacted the Galaxy Being, and she said it looked good to her, and she would contact me if there was any more threat. So Roger, you can do your own assessment, but I believe that wiping out the entire military leadership of the Sirians should make you feel better about being attacked again, which indirectly led to this (successful?) confrontation. And I was seated in front of my Computer screen all the time. The power of creative imagination is indeed unfathomable. I just received a nudge from Sir Henry. He said that I had just engineered the greatest success story in the annals of the Galaxy. The combined power of this alliance was invincible by all standards of warfare, but it was defused by the Warrior Angels in their vaporizing the alliance High Command and their ship. He said that because of this most favorable outcome of my first real assignment by the Galactic Council, he expected to have me taken off my garbage collection and disposal job. He has a real sense of humor. As time continues to pass, I believe I can sense Unconditional Love spreading among the Sirians, and a wave of good will toward Earth resulting. Letter from Jack to Roger Freckles barked an alert that someone wanted to speak to me outside. It was 7:30 PM and I normally don’t answer such requests after dark. But this voice said I really needed to heed this call, and I was to go out the back door to the garage immediately. So I went. I heard the kindest voice say “We will no longer be able to protect you. We lost some of our kind this afternoon during your skirmish before the Warrior Angels came to our rescue. Then I realized it was a representative of the Insectoid race who had established an outpost in the field behind my house, and were there to protect me from negative thought forms which I was attracting. Butthese were more than thought forms and were strong enough to overcome the defenses of the Insectoids and about 25 of them were killed before the Warrior Angels answered their call. Then I started hearing an entirely different voice start talking. This was a deep powerful voice, the chief Warrior Angel who said his Angels had wiped out the attacking force, which was about 2500 mostly Grays and their Reptilian leaders. Some had been beamed down to you last night from their outpost on the back side of the moon and they tried to do you in for your upcoming Stargate work. Then when they were alerted to my taking a stand against their brethren this afternoon, the entire garrison was beamed down to Kennedy Mountain, where they started their attacking the Insectoids protecting me. I remember feeling some pressure on the back of my head for a while this afternoon, apparently my Guardian Angel Big John doing his thing. The Warrior Angel said that they were still looking for additional Grays and Reptilians on the moon and the earth. I was led to their ship on the back side of the moon and advised the skeleton crew in no uncertain terms that they were to return to their home planet where they would be given the gift of Unconditional Love as their fellow ETs had this afternoon, instead of being killed. But if they gave you any trouble again or interfered in any way with your work with the Stargate, I promised them I would destroy every member of both races. They would have lost their right to exist on this or any other planet in this galaxy. I could detect their absorbing my message and being very cowed by my determination in doing exactly what I said I would do. I am picking up the thought that there was another starship full of mostly grays handsome Reptilians t


hat had also been hiding on the back side of the moon. I was about to incinerate their ship when I picked up the idea that they were trapped here. They had used the Stargate for entry, and had no way to return to their home planet now that entry is blocked. So the end of the story is that they accepted the love gift treatment and the Galaxy Being has agreed to take them back home. But it is a tragedy that the peaceful Insectoids had to lose some of their kind in protecting me. I believe that this will be an object lesson to the Warrior Angels. They will have to provide constant protection for me if I am to do the kind of work I will be assigned to in the future. So far I have not been personally attacked as you have many times, so the shielding around me and my house seems to be holding pretty well. I have been grieving for these lost Insectoids, but was admonished not to since they have an innate knowledge of their lives continuing on after bodily death, and their death for a good cause was all they needed to accept their loss without grief. I just asked if there would be any more negativity from this group, and received a positive answer that there would be. The Warrior Angels are preparing to annihilate Orion Reptilians if necessary. They cannot accept defeat, just as the 50,000 Reptilians who lost their lives in the first battle. However I am picking up the idea that the Grays are not going to be involved, or the Sirians. So let’s see what tomorrow brings. I have just been advised that the Orion Reptilians are the meanest race in the Galaxy, and the Higher Authorities were looking for a showdown event to get rid of them. So it looks like I played the roll of bait for a negative ET attack again. So what else is new? My mind keeps toying with the thought of their changing their minds, but it is not to be apparently. They are too set in their ways. But at least I gave it my best shot. Letter to Roger from Jack Nov. 28, 98I went to sleep last night fully expecting to be told this morning that a battle had ensued. But apparently not. I picked up bits and pieces during the night that the Orions were reevaluating their positions, and being advised by the Grays and Sirians to back off. By morning I had the conviction that the Orions had decided to accept the Unconditional Love gift from the Grays, just to see how it would affect their lives. They have decided to keep the gift. It will take a long time for them to change their whole outlook on who they are and how they will relate to other ETs as they abandon their conquer and destroy traditions. But am picking up an increasing aura of peace and love, of all things. If things keep going as they are headed, there will be no battle. It has been defused by Unconditional Love. “Whatever the problem, Love is the answer.” Late last night just before retiring I am sure I was picking up a lot of the same negative energy from the Orion Queens that you were getting. I had never had this kind of an attack before and I could not detect any negative entities around. I felt as if all the energy was draining from my body. When I finally realized I was being attacked, I didn’t have enough energy to fight back. So I turned the problem over to the Holy Spirit. My strength started returning and I drifted off to sleep. I think this is another strategy to add to our bag of tricks. I believe the Holy Spirit is the most powerful Being in the universe. However it doesn’t kill. It simply protects and directs. Warrior Angels have been given the options to kill. Killing negative beings beyond the hope of redemption is one of the strategies that has been approved for them to use if necessary. And sometimes it is when all else fails. There seems to be a Gray-Orion ship still trapped this side of the Wormhole, but it has been abandoned and the entities returned to their home planets. Maybe it can be put on display someplace as physical evidence of the protection the earth has been given to allow it’s ascension. (Sections of this ship are on display next to the Monument building, Letter to Jack from Roger Nov. 28:Well today has been interesting again. I had a real good clearing this morning. Then I had to call Marney, and picked up all kinds of Entities, and was just getting blasted again. This morning I still had the sense that the battle was still going on. Have had a couple groups of Greys show up last night and this afternoon. I called in Ankraruous to blast them, when I heard them say ‘please don’t’. They were very confused with all that was going on with the Sirian-Orion Alliance and all the battles and all the ships being destroyed, and they just wanted out. They didn’t trust the Orion Reptilians. They said that they were ready to surrender, and needed my help to get out of here. They apologized for their attacks on me. So I forgave them, and sent them the Unconditional Love, then called in the Galaxy Being to take them to their new world. Then later I was guided to do some work. I was getting ready to do another session with Araceli and had asked to go to the Great Pyramid to connect to the Blue Crystal. Then I was guided to do some retuning of the Pyramid Stargate. Usually I need someone else, like Elora, to help me with that. But I was told that I could do it alone. I could feel a lot of psychic energy being directed at me trying to interfere with what I was doing. I am getting now that it was the Sirians. But I refused to let them stop me, and got the message that they could not affect me. So I retuned the Stargate to the Frequencies of the Blue Crystal in Andromeda. Then my Guide took me to the Blue Crystal Portal and I activated it, to direct the Energy flowing through it from Source to the Great Pyramid. Then they brought me back to the Pyramid Portal, and I pushed some buttons to open the channel, so to speak. All the time I was doing this, I kept feeling this energy and getting some releases. They were really intent on stopping me. So once all the connections were made, I could feel the Divine Energy flowing into the Pyramid and to the Earth. I sensed a lot of stuff being cleared out, like all the Sirians and Orions and Greys, and felt a lot of big energy releases, like their anger and fear. I don’t think that they had any idea of what was happening. What I sensed was a giant force field being placed around the entire Earth. It was like I could see a beam of energy coming from the Blue Crystal and forming a ball of Blue Light that completely surrounded the Earth. I heard the message being sent to the Sirians and the Orions, that they would no longer be allowed to access the Earth, that she was now being protected and shielded from all outside influence. They would no be able to penetrate this shield. The amazing thing is that as I write this, the energy seems to be perfectly calm. That has not happened in a long while. My Guides were doing some work on me a short while ago, and I was really feeling the effects of that. But now, everything is very quiet and peaceful. Pretty amazing. If this holds, it will certainly make the Stargate work much easier. Last night I did a session on Q. I took her into that Dark Universe to face her Dark Lord Self. I could see what he looked like for the first time. He had the head of a Bull, and was totally black. So I worked with them, and Q’s armor was removed. It was quite a powerful session. She was able to tune into it as I was doing this. So I think she is making great progress. I have asked her to come up here to see me before the Stargate. I think she will. I am getting that is important for her to be here, so I can work with her. Will be interesting to see how that goes. Letter from Roger to Jack Nov. 29:I had my usual buzzy, disoriented feeling this morning, and when I cleared a bit, I finally got confirmation on what I had suspected for a while. The Reptilians come here to Earth through my Portal at night when I am sleeping. Since I am totally oblivious to what is happening, there is nothing I can do to stop it. This morning I got that about 1200 Orion Reptilians came through me. I think that I managed to get rid of maybe half of them, but who knows where the other

s go. Obviously, even that Force Field around the Earth they put in place still can’t contain my portal or shield me. How wonderful! So I get that as long as I am alive on this planet, there will be no way to stop the Reptilians from continually infiltrating. Maybe the Sirians are using me too, I don’t know. I got the message that this was the real reason Pi tried so hard to get me out of here last March. They knew this all along, but they couldn’t let me know as they figured I would freak out. I suppose they weren’t too far off there. <g>I don’t know if it is just my own fear and paranoia, but I had the sense that as long as I am here on Earth and this portal of mine is wide open, that the Ascension cannot begin. It’s sort of like trying to bail a leaking boat. The water keeps coming in as long as the hole is still open. Well, I think that I am that hole, that the Dark Energy keeps coming in through. I am bailing as fast as I can, and I think that we have been able to keep ahead of it. But I think that they have to get me out of here to close the hole in the dam. I think there is enough Dark Energy that comes through me every night, to hold things back. I could be wrong about that, but that is what occurred to me this morning. Any thoughts on that? Letter to Roger from Jack Nov. 29:After I read your message, I started wondering if I could place a disintegration filter at the entrance to the Roger portal from outside the earth, which would disintegrate any entity not in the light that tried to go through in either direction. I contacted K and she said I had the power and authority to do it. So then I contacted the Orion Reptilians who had slipped through and told them that I had just put this filter in place and they were now trapped on earth. Their leader said they realized this. I asked them how many there were on earth that had slipped through. I received the impression that there were lots more than the 1200 you were told about. So I told their leader that I would open the filter to allow entities not in the light to escape from the earth, after which it would disintegrate any such entity trying to get through in either direction. The leader said he realized that what I had said was true since he had witnessed the disintegration of the warship that had tried to enter the Armageddon Stargate. He said it would only take about a half hour to move all his kind out through your portal. So I asked him to contact me when it was done. He also said he appreciated my letting them escape in this manner instead of killing all of them which he said he knew I was quite capable of doing. So as of 5:15 PM my time, your portal is blocked to all dark entity traffic, and the earth is cleared of all ETs not in the light. I then asked permission to place a death warrant on any ET still remaining on the earth who was not in the light. I was told it wouldn’t do any good since there weren’t any. I was monitoring your portal, and could detect a pileup of what I believe to be Grays, trying to enter. Then I saw the filter being armed and as some of the Grays are entering, I can see them being deprived of their awareness, and their bodies just drifting aimlessly in the entrance. I contacted the Orion leader again and told him that I had suspected he would test out the filter with his “cannon fodder” Grays and he said he had directed some to go through the filter. I suggested that he not waste any more of his Grays and call them off. He said he was in the process of doing that. I said that this episode is now over. He agreed. Freckles has been trying to get my attention, and I tuned in and detected some of the resident Insectoids expressing their extreme gratitude for my blocking the entrance of your portal. So things should quiet down in your neck of the woods. If not, I will go negative ET hunting with a license to kill. This afternoon I received the message from the Galactic Council that I had now been placed in charge of protecting the earth from enemy invaders and had been given the power and authority to carry out this mission. So let me know if you have any more trouble. Every day I ask “Are there any ETs on earth who are not in the light?” Every day I get the same answer “NO”. I think we are all working on our fears and negative thought forms, but no negative ETs. Roger’s reply:: After I read your message, I started wondering if I could place a disintegration filter at the entrance to the Roger portal from outside the earth, which would disintegrate any entity not in the light that tried to go through in either direction. I contacted K and she said I had the power and authority to do it. Well, I truly hope this works. I guess I will know soon, like tomorrow morning. Thanks for all the help. I received the impression that there were lots more than the 1200 you were told about. I just got that you are right. Plus they have been doing this every morning. I felt an attack a few hours ago, not sure exactly what time But anyway, I had warned the ‘Queens’ that for every attack on me I would take one of them out, so I did, and that quieted them down for a bit. I really think that they don’t really believe that we have the power that we do.


So much of it is making sense now. I had known for a while now that it was the abductions, and what they did to me that ripped me open and created this portal. I always wondered why the Reptilians would do that. They had to know how much power it would give me, and since they can time travel, they would have known what I would do with it. So it never made any sense until just now. It just occurred to me that they knew about all the Stargate work that was going to be done here, with or without me. All these Stargates would have eventually been cleared and tuned so that they would be denied access through them. They knew that, but they also knew that with me being a portal, one mostly in their control, that they could access the Earth through me anytime they wanted, and there would be nothing I or anyone else could do to stop it. Well, maybe you have now, we shall see. But I am a UNIVERSAL Interdimensional Portal. I go far beyond just the Earth, which is why I can’t just simply be ‘shut down’. So as long as I am here on Earth they have access here, through me. Pi was here tonight and also Asariel, my Galactic Council Self and Guide, and they confirmed this to me. They told me that they hadn’t let me know before, because I had already taken on enough guilt and they knew I would feel guilty about this. Well, I don’t feel guilty about it, it wasn’t me, Roger who created it. But I know on a Soul level I agreed to it, so I must have known that it would all work out for the Highest Good of ALL. The Orions had this well thought out and pretty well executed. They just didn’t count on my strong will, and all your power. So anyway, I really hope this filter works. Must be one humongous filter. *grin*Letter from Roger Nov. 30:Well, sorry to say, the filter is not working as you suggest. I was buzzy as usual this morning, and went through my clearing. Then I connected to Source and also to God/Goddess of the DAL Universe, and Asket of the DAL as well. The message that I got is that since this portal is a dynamic thing, with energy continually swirling, that it would not be possible to stabilize a filter there. Yes, you could put one in place and it would work for a bit, and then it would break down. Last night, I had some more Dark Entity attacks that apparently came from Marney’s mother. Marney, she and I obviously have a long history together, and their have been many curses, between me and her mother. Marney never had the power to place curses, so her mother always did it for her. It was a pretty brutal attack, but Araceli helped me clear it. I forgave her, removed any remaining curses I had placed on either of them and asked them to forgive me. Then I sent both of them Love. But I suspect that this attack lowered my energy to the point that the filter broke down, as a bit later the Orions began attacking again. Then this morning I got that about 6000 Alcyone Reptilians came through. I asked if there was a way to prevent these Beings from coming through me and got ‘Yes’. I will have to meditate on that, but it has to do with staying constantly connected to the Blue Crystal. They will have to show me how to do that. These Beings can not penetrate that Divine Energy. So this is what I will have to focus on and learn to maintain. Also I got the message that it is the Orion’s who are killing the Greys and that it has nothing to do with your filter. They just wanted you to believe that so that you would not do any more with it. I am getting a ‘Yes’ on that. I asked them if this problem with me and my portal would hold up the Ascension process, and got ‘NO’. So that is one worry off my mind. So I just have to focus on ME. But basically everything else I got about this portal yesterday was accurate. This morning some Alycone Reptilians were here, so I just surrounded them in the Blue Crystal Light and sent them back to Alcyone with the message that the next ones who come through will be destroyed. We’ll see what happens. I did get some more information about my portal that was most interesting. I think what my Guides are doing is to make it so that I am constantly connected to the Blue Crystal, so that it will bypass the place where the Reptilians have tapped into me. I got that there are really 2 portals in me, one is basically the Haric or Central Channel that connects the 9th Chakra down through the Higher Level Etheric Body down into the Earth. The other one goes out through my heart, front and back. It is really tapped into my 10th Chakra, the ‘Soul Seat’. This is where the Reptilians tap into me. I got that they connected the other end of my portal to a portal in Orion, and also one in Alcyone in the Pleiades. So they plug into me through their portals. Then each of these portals is connected to that Dark Universe. So they have bypassed the main Wormhole to the Dark Universe and have created their own wormhole, which is why these Dark Universe Beings keep coming through. Anyway, I also got that they have tapped into the Chakra below my feet, which Amorah Quan Yin called the Earth Portal Chakra. So they have me in a loop so to speak, they can disrupt my connections to Source through the 10th Chakra, and then keep me from Grounding the energy by tapping into that Earth Portal Chakra. No wonder I am so spacey so much of the time, and it is so hard for me to connect to either the Earth or to Source without intense focus and concentration. I can bypass their connections, but it seems I can only do this in meditation, not in a normal way of functioning.

See also  2016: Earth Was Chosen To Be A Prison Planet


Letter from Jack to Roger Nov. 30I, too, asked if there was anything I could do to stop the infiltration of not only the Alcyone Reptiles, but any ETs who were not in the light who showed up on earth. I, too, got a “YES”. So I asked if I gave them the gift of Unconditional Love, would this change their minds about coming to earth. I got a Yes, but I also got a feeling this was not the practical solution. So I asked if I could get permission to authorize the Warrior Angels to destroy them. I got a Yes. So after checking on approval the second time, I said to go ahead. I believe the 6,000 Alcyones you sent home simply slipped back here again. I got a Yes on this. When I authorized the Warrior Angels to proceed, I could immediately detect a conflict going on. Then I decided to shrink the Alcyones into a smaller size to make them easier to kill. I kept shrinking and shrinking. Then the Warrior Angels asked why I had asked them to enter the fray since I had just killed the group by shrinking them. So I asked the Galaxy Being to take them off my hands so it did. I then asked if I could kill all their queens. There was a long hesitation, and then I got the idea that if I did, the Alcyones would be leaderless and they would attack me for killing their queens. However I received the impression that they consider their queens expendable if in the process their objective was achieved. Then the thought occurred to me that if I had the power to kill, I certainly would have the power to paralyze. So I asked permission to paralyze the Alcyone’s arms when they arrived on earth, and they would regain their mobility as soon as they returned to their home. However the longer they waited, the more they would suffer an increased loss of function which would be permanent. So this is the plan: I will check several times a day, and every time I wake up at night, paralyze the arms of all self-serving aliens who are on earth. Within three days this immobility will become permanent, at the rate of 1/3 loss of strength each day they remain on earth. I just checked and detected a great number of Alcyones coming in. so I started immobilizing their arms as they arrived, but they kept coming. So I entered the wormhole and immobilized all the Alcyones clear back to their home planet, and proceeded to immobilize the arms of all warrior Alcylones there, so they would know what was happening. Then I just released the paralysis of those outside the wormhole. Those in the wormhole are returning home. In the meantime, I checked for any Orions who slipped through, and got the impression that they saw what was happening and were wondering if my “curse” included them. They just found out. It did. Now I see them wandering around wondering what to do since they do not have a way to return to their home, and their arms are useless. So I asked the Galaxy Being if it would return these Orions, numbering around 10,000 I believe, back to their home planet. It said it would but it would take all night. So I asked if I could return them myself, and received approval. So I gathered them in one mass and instantly they were placed on what seemed like a large platform extending out over a cliff on their home planet. I got the impression this was their loading dock, where they load onto star ships which are positioned sideways against this dock for fast loading/unloading. This whole episode shows how ruthless these Aliens can be. They led thousands of Grays into my filter and had them killed just as a ploy to make me think it was working. Then they were willing to sacrifice their queens if it promoted their agendas. But I believe I got their attention when I moved the arm paralyzing force all the way back to their planet and left it there for a few minutes before releasing it unto the wormhole entrance. What good are warrior Reptilians if their arms are paralyzed? I am picking up the message “It’s working. They don’t know what to do.” I just got called out to receive congratulations from the some members of the Galactic Council in coming up with such an ingenuous solution. I told them I was past the quandary stage and was bordering on desperation when I came up with this idea. Let’s hope it works.


Letter from Roger to Jack Dec. 2Then, about 11:30 am, the Alcyone Reptilians showed up and this time instead of fighting them I talked to them and reasoned with them. I told them what the truth of situation was. That they had all played a role in our Descension and I honored them for that. I told them who I am as AN, as YAH WEH, I told them that I am Holder of the Keys of Truth. I told them that Truth was the Key to the Wormhole to the Future that they wanted. I told them that they could only access the Wormhole by bringing themselves into Balance with all other life. To accept Peace and Harmony, Love and Joy, to accept the Truth of who and what we are, to honor themselves and all Beings, and to live in Integrity. I told them that this was the Key to the Wormhole, that it could not be taken by force, but would be shared with all who come in Love and Peace and Harmony. I told them that to continue their ways of control, of hate and anger, of death and destruction would only end up destroying the Earth, themselves, and the entire Galaxy . I asked them why would they choose to destroy themselves. I told them that we could no longer continue our Descent into the Darkness, that the time was now for us to return to Source, this is the Point of No Return. If we didn’t end this war now and accept the Peace that we would all be destroyed in the end. I told them to see the truth in my words. Then I told them to take that message back to their Lords and share it with them. So they did, and later returned and agreed to my terms, to at least give it a chance. Then the Sirians showed up, and I gave them the same message. I offered them the gift of Unconditional Love, but they declined. Then I offered the gift of the Spark of Divine Truth. This they accepted. So again, I told them to take this message back to their leaders. Then the Anunnaki showed up and I went through the same procedure with them. Then some Beings from the Dark Universe showed up as well. Again I repeated the message. I told them to take this message back to their Dark Lords, to remind them of what I had showed them the other day, about who they really were. So they too left. It seems that they all have come to accept the Peace, at least for now. A bit later the Andromedans showed up to tell me that indeed the Sirians and Reptilians had made a truce offer. Well, then I got a message from Araceli. She had been guided to do some major work on the Earth and the Wormhole to the Light Universe. Her Higher Self told her through a lady who channeled for her, that the Wormhole work we did last week didn’t work, that they were still coming through. It had been thrown out of alignment. I suspected that it was the Alliance that the Sirians made with the Reptilians that caused it. But first she did some major Light work on the Earth. She basically was told to cleanse the Earth by running Light through the crystalline grid surrounding the Earth, and then sent a beam of Light through the Center of the Earth at the equator, and then expanded it outward to encompass the poles. She said there were several blockages but she was able to get through them. I had sent her your picture and she said your picture came to her mind, so on some level you must have been helping her with this. Once she was finished with the Earth, she was told to do some balancing and retuning of the Wormhole within the Sun, where the Wormhole from the Light Universe was connected last week when we did our session together. So she basically closed it down, retuned the frequencies and then re-opened it. Well, when I read this, I got the message to go out to a park south of here where there is a portal. So I went out there and stood on the portal. They cleared my energies and anchored me into the Earth. I could feel a lot of real strong energy, so obviously what she did really worked. I just stood there and I could feel the energy flowing. Then I was told to face the Sun and really tune into it. Then it was like I went right into it, into the Wormhole. I connected to Araceli, and the Light Wormhole and then to the DAL Wormhole and allowed those energies to merge. Then I was told to connect to the Dark Universe Wormhole and I called in the Goddess Shasha, and made the connection. I asked that it be opened and then was directed to go inside. I sensed some rebalancing of the Energies being done, and then the WU Consciousness flowed through me to raise the frequencies in that Dark Wormhole. Then I was told to leave that Wormhole open, and came back to the Sun. Then they took me to the Blue Crystal Portal in Andromeda and I connected to it and to Source. I could feel the Source Energy and Consciousness flowing through me to the Center of the Sun, surrounding the energies of the 3 Wormholes in a Blue Light. The energy was really flowing strong. So it was like the Energy and Consciousness of Source of Great Spirit/Divine Oneness was integrating all of the other Energies together. Then they brought me back to the Sun and the Energy there felt very strong and I got the message that it had all been rebalanced again. Then I came back here and just sat in that energy a while, and played my Native American flute. The energy really felt GOOD.


Then tonight the Alcyone Reptilians were back, and they had decided that I was trying to fool them, and were not willing to give up. So talked with them some, and told them that they would be destroyed if they persisted. Not by me, but by the Energy of Source. They still didn’t believe me, so I demonstrated for them. I tuned into one of their ships and felt the Blue Crystal Energy flow through me to the ship and it sent it into some kind of time warp again. They still didn’t seemed to think that they were invincible. So I tuned in on their weapons and surrounded them in this Blue Light. They were dissolved and returned to Source. They still refused to give in, so I surrounded them in the same Blue Light, and then shrunk it down and a few of them were destroyed. So finally I think they got the message and left. So we shall see what happens now. Letter from Roger to Jack Dec. 2Just a quick update on the ET situation. The Sirians were just here asking about the ship that was sent into time warp. Obviously there were some important Sirian dignitaries onboard, as they were most concerned. I told them that it was God/Goddess/Source that did that not me. They asked if I could bring it back. I told them that it depended on their actions. That if they agreed to end their aggression and accept Peace, and honor it, then the ship would probably be returned. I also told them that they needed to convince their Orion and Alcyone allies of the need to accept the Peace. I told them that Source would honor all who accepted Unconditional Love and the Balance of Light and Dark. Any Beings that refused to accept this would ultimately be destroyed or destroy themselves. I also told them by aligning themselves with Source, that they would be protected from the Dark Universe Beings and the Orions and Alcyones. They had been observing what was done today, so I guess they finally got the message. So the bottom line is that they agreed to surrender and to lay down their weapons. I told them to address the Andromedans and they did. I also asked them to talk to their Reptilian allies to get them to call off their attacks on Sue. So anyway, they agreed to no longer interfere with the Stargate work, and to assist us in any way they can. So I accepted their offer, and told them that I would bring the ship back when I was given the go ahead, probably tomorrow, as the Alcyone Group has still not gotten the message. So, some major progress today! Another letter from Roger Dec. 3 Well, it’s been another day of constant harassment by the Reptilians. This morning Chiara, my cat, announced some visitors. So I asked who they were, and couldn’t get anything. I asked if they were Reptilian and got a ‘Yes’. Were they Orion? ‘No’ Alcyone? ‘No’. Verdant? ‘No’ Finally I got that they were an entirely new group that had come here from another Galaxy at the request of the Orion Reptilians. I felt like they had completely surrounded me and all I could see was ‘black’. Then I called on Source and asked that they be sent back from whence they came. I could see a Wormhole of sorts at the center of their Galaxy open, and it just sort of sucked them back in. Sort of like in the movie ‘Final Countdown’, where the modern US aircraft carrier went through a time warp and showed up just before the attack on Pearl Harbor. It was like this Vortex just reached out and pulled them all back to where they had come from. Do you get anything more on this? Also, it would seem that our Alcyone and Orion friends are not ready to accept the Peace as did the Sirians. They kept asking me where their ship went to. I told them that as long as they kept on harassing me and kept up their aggression towards the Earth, that this ship would never be returned, that the crew members would just be destroyed. There must have been some pretty high ranking members onboard that ship, or why would they have so much interest in it? Anyway, I was told to leave it where it is for now. These guys just don’t seem to know when to quit. I’m doing OK, but it’s like they are bombarding me with their thought energies. My ears have been buzzing all day, and it is getting pretty annoying. I try to clear these energies ever now and then, but it just keeps coming. So I guess I will just let it go, can’t seem to stop it. Anyway, let me know your take on all of this. Thanks.1Letter from Jack to Roger Dec. 4I am picking up the idea that your unwelcome guests were from a Dark Universe, but not the same as the one you have been dealing with here. They are not coming back. They respect your power and don’t want anything to do with you. This has made some impact on the Orions. They are beginning to see that they can’t win. If you return their ship before they decide to be peaceful, it will be construed as a weakness. So hold firm. I am being told that the ship is “in limbo” and is awaiting your signal to return. It can exist in this state for years if necessary until the Orions come to their senses. I understand that my arm paralysis edict is still in force, and at present there are no negative ETs on earth. But negative thoughts are another matter. My Insectoid associate Olivia indicates that the Insectoid assigned to you is capable of warding off these negative thoughts, but he has to be asked. We are still in charge of what happens to us and the earth. The thought just occurred to me to create a reflector which would reflect these negative thoughts back to the sender. But Freckles immediately announced that I had to go outside right now. There I was told that this reflector would interfere with the work of the Insectoids in handling these thoughts, so I decided not to act on this plan. So check with your Insectoid thought protector. Letter to Roger from Jack 12/2I was told that an armada of 200,000 Orion soldiers, the remainder of the Orion fighting battalion were ready to attack me. I just flattened 35,000 to 2″ high. they are all dead. This is all that remains who have not been filled with Unconditional Love. They do not have the spark of the divine in them. They only know to attack the enemy of Orion Reptilians. So they chose to die fighting this afternoon at 2:00 PM. Another 600,000 Orion Reptilians are left of their sentient fighting force. The have all reformed are now peaceful and loving and they thank me for giving them their lives back. They say they will takeaway the 200,000 clone reptilians but they are faking it. There will be a tremendous battle this afternoon at 2:00 to 3:00 this afternoon. I was warned to be alert and help out the Warrior Angels.


Letter to Roger from Jack Dec. 3The Warrior Angels wiped out the cloned Reptilians yesterday afternoon. They said I wouldn’t help (it slipped my mind) so they disintegrated their bodies into pure energy. There are no more militant aliens to deal with. In fact there are no more militant aliens. The Galaxy is now at peace with its neighbors. There is still some locally-produced energy of the negative variety but it will dissipate as there is no more energy to support it. This wasn’t always true, but as the earth moves closer to the 4th density, negative energy starts dissipating if not continuously regenerated. Part of Roger’s letter to Jack 12/9The Alcyones and Sirians have been by asking about that ship. But Asariel tells me it is not time to bring it back. The Council is waiting to make sure that they stop all aggression and are totally sincere in their peace overtures. Part of Roger’s letter to Jack 12/18Much of our work has focused on the Orion Reptilians. By the way, Jack, in order to get all their commanders to agree to be transformed, I brought that Ship back from the time warp. It held their High Commanders. They all transformed eventually. It took a lot of convincing and showing them the probable futures, but they all eventually got the message.


As I was reviewing this document just prior to posting it on my website, I was visited by a Sirian who objected to the way I was describing their race as being warlike and domineering. So I asked him to tune in on me while I read over the document, asking at every major incident, “Did you do this?”, and “Is this correct?” I received affirmation on every detail, and as I neared the end, the Sirian could see that their change from war-like to peaceful was described, although without much detail, at the very end. He said he understood that I had given the story a fair review and he was satisfied. I could detect some merriment in sections like my being given the garbage disposal detail. I made sure I had the Sirian earth-conquering plans accurate. Then I asked if the forward and aft sections of the partially disintegrated Space Ship was on display in the Monument area behind my house in the 4th density, as had been promised, and he said it was. He left, and shortly after. a female Sirian showed up. She, too wanted the story read to her, which it was. I got the sense that it was mostly for information she wanted it read to her since she had not been briefed on all the details. I sensed her fascination about the entire story, and also the humor gave her a sense of delight. Then she thanked me and left. So there you have an approval of the accuracy and fairness of the story from the “other side”.

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