2013: Being in the “Now” Moment

The journey on the path of life is not always an easy one. However, it can bring you much joy if you know how to navigate it effectively. 

Whenever you are feeling deep despair or feeling as though your job assisting others is too large a task to accomplish, just remember to focus on the now moment. When you are in that Now moment, it does not matter what is going on outside your window, or even what is happening tomorrow; all that matters is how you act and react in the Now. When you can understand both the big picture and the small details simultaneously, without putting pressure on yourself to accomplish it all at this moment, then you can reveal the peace of the Now.

Every one of you will have moments in your life where you are releasing deep emotions, or where you want to give up on what your life path is compelling you to do. And, while it is perfectly natural to question your choices and life purpose, no matter what happens you must never give up on yourself.

There is a common misconception that in order to be an effective individual, that you always must be doing something. That is not true. What happens in that constant state of busyness is that the Self (Ego) is keeping you distracted. It is not to say that you do not have obligations, you do; but try to take time to be quiet, to allow your intuition to come in.

See also  Lesson 1: The Seven Rays of Life

Many times when you are trying to tackle a problem, you toil and toil, and it seems to be one frustration after the next. But, when you take a step back, focus your energy on something else and surrender to the fact that you have done all you can for the moment, then you allow for new ideas that can pop right into your mind. Life is both being and doing. In the state of doing, you are taking guided action. In the state of being, you are allowing the next guidance to come in.

Life, without taking time for being, becomes exhausting; that is the feeling that many on the earth plane are faced with today. It is not difficult to find time for being. It can be just 15 minutes a day of quiet. That can be accomplished during exercise, or in the morning as you get ready for the day, and of course in meditation and quiet contemplation. In being, you learn to truly live in the now moment. You learn to cultivate peace for yourself, and you learn how best to effectively manage your personal journey.

Life is neither difficult nor easy; it is exactly what you put into it, whether consciously or subconsciously. If you have a fear, take the steps to conquer it. If you do not believe in yourself, find out why. If you are angry with Spirit for something done in the past, discover where that energy comes from. 

Every emotion is sourced in some experience. When you take the time to reveal that source and push beyond it, the journey of life can lead you to a place of joy and peace within yourself.

See also  2016: As We Shift – Mandela and the Now Makers

(By Aurora)

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