A collection of essential oils to smell, such as lavender, pine, rose, orange etc; crystals; gemstones for each chakra; four colored squares (fabric or paper) red, blue, yellow and pink; calming music and rousing music.
We recommend that you begin and end each lesson with a short meditation of ten minutes duration, as your body and mind need to be calm and relaxed to achieve the best spiritual/psychic results.
Although there are hundreds of acknowledged alternate healing techniques used at present, they can be categorized into two major groups – psychic and spiritual.
Spiritual Healing works through communication with the God force, whether for medical knowledge or healing power. The healing force is outside the body and generally comes down from the Higher Realms and enters the crown chakra of the healer. This healing light then travels to the heart chakra and then is directed out through the palms of the hands or fingertips to the patient.
Spiritual healing normally begins by first contacting Spirit and asking for assistance in your healing work. The Aqua level of the Unified Chakra Meditation is especially powerful for healing physical, psychological, and spiritual problems.
Healers such as the Masters Kwan Yin and Aquala Awala, Sananda, and many others, can be contacted on this level to aid and guide in your healing work. The patient can also contribute to the healing session by contacting their guides and asking for healing assistance.
Psychic Healing is a practice of bringing energy up from the Kundalini area or Base chakra, through the heart and out from your hands, to the patient. Although your intent may be of the highest, you are using your own stored energy and you can easily deplete your energy reserves.
Many Shamans use this technique and bring a negative illness or infection into their own body then later release it. We do not recommend this practice as it may cause you pain and illness.
We recommend that you pre-record this meditation.
Play relaxing music in the background.
- Hold your crystal and ask Spirit to help you feel Spiritual Healing energy. Psychically Protect yourself.
- Let this healing force come down from the Higher Realms and enter your crown chakra. It may feel like a tingling sensation or you may see it as a golden stream of light.
- Let this healing light travel to your heart chakra and then be directed down your arms and out through the palms of your hands or fingertips to the patient. Your hands may become very hot or tingly. Continue sending this energy for several minutes.
- Thank Spirit and disconnect from healing stream of light.
- Semi- Ground yourself. Walk around a little.
- Protect yourself, and just start to feel a build-up of healing power in your base chakra area. Visualise it as a red light.
- Allow it gently to rise up to your heart chakra and down your arms to your hands and fingers, direct this to the patient as a golden light. Your hands may become very hot or tingly. Continue sending healing for several minutes.
- When finished healing, gently lower the healing energy to your Base Chakra and ground yourself thoroughly. Ground yourself.
Write down the effects.
As a healer, you must decide if you wish to do ” hands-on healing “. Some people do not like to be touched by strangers, others prefer and find comfort from physical contact with the healer.
An alternative is to work with the patient’s auric field, as the Etheric template and Ketheric templates hold images of the body. Healing can be sent to illness in the aura and in time, this will heal the corresponding area in the physical body. The healer’s hands can also be held several centimeters above the physical body and healing light directed to the area of illness. This healing light is often very hot and powerful, so be aware of any discomfort to the patient.
The hands can also be placed lightly on the shoulders or crown, or above them and you can ask the Godforce to direct the right amount of healing light to where it is needed in the body or mind. By experimenting you will find the technique most suitable for you and your patients.
Protection is always necessary before and during any healing session as you may unwittingly take on the patient’s illness and pain if adequate safeguards are not taken. Protection techniques include Unifying and Protecting yourself and placing yourself in a protective bubble of light that allows healing energies out but does not allow illness in, to attach to you. Ask your Guides to construct one around you. Remember to send all negative energies, such as illness, to the Sun to be destroyed. Just visualize a grey, claggy mass being sent into the heat of the sun to be destroyed.
Spiritual Healing should not deplete you of your energies, as you are the channel and are not using your own reserves of energy, but the energies of the Divine. It is wise to mentally cleanse yourself and wash your hands of negativity between patients. After a particularly grueling session of healing, it is recommended that you take a warm salt bath.
Most illnesses come from an emotional or psychological basis. Some people are meant to experience sickness for a spiritual reason and others may hold onto their illness for subconscious reasons, unknown to them. This is where advice from your Spiritual Guides can be helpful in obtaining information on treatments or directing your hands to certain body areas. There is often a spontaneous emotional release by the patient during the healing and Spirit can often direct you to say comforting words or gentle questioning, to get to the cause of the problem. ALL HEALING IS HELPFUL ON SOME LEVEL.
Contacting Spirit (see Class nine) is an invaluable aid to healing others. Just ask for the right Healing Spirit to come forward to aid you.
We believe that all illness is reflected in the patient’s chakric system and auras. You can learn to locate deformed and over or underused chakras and negative patches in the auric fields and send healing Spiritual Light to these regions, to promote better health. See previous Aura Classes and Chakra Classes.
Illness can also be presented to the client, in order to have them become aware of mental, emotional, or spiritual issues in their current life or past lives, that have been neglected and unresolved. It is a type of Spiritual “wake-up call.”
There are many techniques of alternate healing, all of which are valid aids to the successful healing session. By investigation you will find which are most appropriate for your use. Healing should always take place in a calm, warm atmosphere of positivity.
Aromatherapy is an ancient art of healing, using essential oils to promote health in people, by stimulating or relaxing them, by inhalation of the fragrance. The Egyptians used myrrh to embalm their mummies 6,000 years ago. Modern perfume manufacturers use essential oils to create new perfumes and toiletries. Many essential oils can be used for massage or burnt in incense holders to promote a feeling of calmness and well being.
Exercise 2.
Place a few drops of each essential oil, on individual cotton balls. Allow yourself a few minutes to smell the fragrance and comment on the emotions they evoke. eg. Pine may give you a feeling of strength and vitality. Rose, a feeling of serenity. Lavender- calm you. Orange, stimulate you.
Write down your findings.
Plan how you could use aromatherapy in your healing work.
Gem Therapy can be a wonderful way to work with Mother Nature. There are many excellent books today on Gem work that incorporate a spiritual aspect. Some ideas for gemstones are placing them on your body, placing them near your bed at night, holding them when performing spiritual exercises and placing them near computers and cars to increase their efficiency.
Some suggested stones and uses are –
- amethyst – spiritual and paranormal abilities
- quartz crystal – to charge self, computers, cars, etc.
- citrine- to bring a wealth
- rose quartz – to bring love
- kyanite- to help with dream work and astral traveling
- turquoise – to aid loving speech and bone breakage
- Lapis Lazuli – for throat problems
- Obsidian – for grounding.
Exercise 3.
Hold these different stones for several minutes and comment on their effects.
Write down your findings
As a Healer you have the responsibility to look after your own health on all four levels, to be balanced emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically, Love yourself and have faith in Spirit’s and your own abilities to heal.
An affirmation for yourself and others:
Spiritual Healing is a positive method of attaining and assisting better health, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Illness occurs for various reasons. Many illnesses are related to chakric damage and negativity stored in the aura. There are many aids to spiritual healing such as fragrance, gems and more. You can learn to heal your own body and mind.