(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
by Maria Yraceburu, LLd., copyright
author/Quero Apache Tlish Diyan ‘tsanti
1/22/2001 – Moon of Many Fires – Year of Manifestation
One of healing’s greatest gifts is discovering we can make decisions that represent us, our inner selves, and those decisions please us. We all are familiar with the tiny tug of shame that locates itself in our solar plexus. when we “go along,” when we “give in” on a personally important issue, we pay a consequence. We lose a bit of ourselves.
Over the years we’ve lost many bits. We have a choice, however.
We don’t know how to appreciate our Time in Silence as a path to the solutions for lessons that push us to new limits of ourselves. Entering the Silence to embrace our lessons offers us the strength we need to become comfortable with our new growth. We are ever-changing, refining our values, stepping gingerly into uncharted territories. We are forever in partnership in these new territories, let us not forget.
Love from another acknowledges our existence, assuring us that we do count, that our presence is valued by someone else. It is human to need these reminders, these assurances. But our need for them is lessened each time we acknowledge another person in our midst.
Each circumstance in this earth walk is an opportunity for us to rely on Spirit for direction, security, and understanding. As we turn within, to Spirit, we will know joy.
If we listen to ourselves, to the innermost voice of Spirit, we know that we have the power to heal ourselves. Self-healing begins with making our own decisions – responsibly – and deciding that we will be true to ourselves. With the help of our spiritual guide, we can resist the illusions that we are powerless, for these illusions are born of fear’; the fear that we are alone.
The level of pain we carry from this illusion has prompted us to seek recognition and approval from outside sources. And with each attempt to “beloved,” we are reminded that, just as with our many former attempts, happiness is only found in self-love and acceptance.
All of life’s elements are moving toward a state of total and perfect harmony. We need not fear. We can trust the company of our higher power and know that every situation, no matter how it may initially appear, is contributing to a harmonious outcome if we’d but lend a trusting faith.
Daiana, and so it is.
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