Many of us are familiar with the popular spice, turmeric. Aside from making dishes taste amazing, it is an excellent natural alternative for the treatment of back pain and inflammation. A great deal of the pain associated with back problems is due to high levels of inflammation in the body. Most people turn to non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen or aspirin, however, regular use of these medications is associated with significant, very serious side effects […] Read More
Category: Healing
Have you ever felt a force field around your body?
Our brains are aware not just of our bodies but also the immediate space around us. Now, a twist on the classic rubber hand illusion can make people “feel” this space – a sensation they liken to perceiving a Force Field.
Neuroscientists have known for decades that our brains contain representations of the area surrounding us, known as peripersonal space.
I think many of you will find this article quite fascinating. The interview originally took place in 1997 and goes on to talk about time speeding up, raising our vibration, the great shift and much more. For the record, Adam Kadmon is a phrase found in the writings of the Kabbalah meaning “original man”. Enjoy!
by Andrew Lutts
Q. Tell us about Adam Kadmon man.
A. First of all, there are many references to it in the The Keys of Enoch book, and the Keys also talk about the Adamic seed, and the Adam-Kadmon light body.
The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the “third eye”) is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions.
It’s natural for people to get upset in response to something happening and as a result completely merging with that emotion. When you do such a thing, you straight away put your body in a low vibration and thus become a match to negative events. Let me tell you some simple ways that I’ve found to be effective in avoiding this, to help you gain full control of your emotions and ultimately your life.
It’s such a freedom to not be affected by low moods, and it’s entirely possible to do so.
How often do we go about our days feeling things within our body and trying to figure them out yet never really find the answers? We might go to a doctor and explain what’s going on. We might say we have tightness in our shoulders, pain in our knees, constant stomach or abdomen issues or maybe pains in our feet.
Our personal energy fields extend outwards from us, surrounding and enfolding each of us in love, as you well know. And for some they extend miles in all directions. As we hold the intention of love and light as our center, we then are that energy. Our fields can become repositories for all that is evolving to its next expression of light, whether from within our own self or another.
I was given/shown this technique a few years ago, by St Germain, and use it faithfully, at least once or more a week and as needed.
A collection of essential oils to smell, such as lavender, pine, rose, orange etc; crystals; gemstones for each chakra; four coloured squares (fabric or paper) red, blue, yellow and pink;
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
by Maria Yraceburu, LLd., copyright
author/Quero Apache Tlish Diyan ‘tsanti
1/22/2001 – Moon of Many Fires – Year of Manifestation
One of healing’s greatest gifts is discovering we can make decisions that represent us, our inner selves, and those decisions please us. We all are familiar with the tiny tug of shame that locates itself in our solar plexus. when we “go along,” when we “give in” on a personally important issue, we pay a consequence. We lose a bit of ourselves.
Over the years we’ve lost many bits. We have a choice, however.