2016: 8 Signs Your Spirit Guides Are Trying To Contact You

Learning to connect with your spirit guides is one of the most valuable tools you can undertake on your conscious journey. 

Connecting is one thing, but how do we know when we are receiving a message? How do we know when our spirt guides or angels are really there?
Here are 8 of the most common ways that Spirit Guides or Angels are trying to communicate with you:

2015: Contacting Your Spirit Guides


The first level of “Spirit” human support is our personal team of “Guides”. Why I mention it to be the “first level” of communication is that our guides are the closest in frequency and dimension to our physical form.

This means they may be felt in our etheric level body and/or communicated within the astral plane dimension. Since these are within the 3rd-4th level frequency planes, they are easier to connect and communicate with for most all human beings.

You do not need to be spiritual, evolved or have a special talent to communicate with your “Guide”.



Quartz crystal, pictures of saints/guides/devas (nature spirits); drawing paper and coloured pencils, calm music.

We recommend that you begin and end each lesson with a short meditation of ten minutes duration, as your body and mind need to be calm and relaxed to achieve the best spiritual/psychic results.


There are both evolved and unevolved spirits who will often attempt to contact humanity. Your Personal Spirit Guides are evolved, loving beings who come into your life to help you with your life journey.