We recommend that you begin and end each Lesson with a short meditation of ten minutes duration, as your body and mind need to be calm and relaxed to achieve the best spiritual/psychic results.


Before any type of Spiritual or Psychic activities, eg. meditation, Channelling, astral travelling or spirit contact, are entered into, it is necessary to always use adequate protection. It is suggested that you always get into a routine of self /group protection.

1997: New Age Dogma

Update 26 October 1997

by Robert Morning Sky

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am a nobody! I am not a Shaman, a Medicine Man, a guru, a channeler or a psychic. I am not an ex-intelligence officer from the CIA, the NSA, the secret services or any other branch of any service. I am not the reincarnation of an ancient being, an ancient deity or a heavenly visitor. I have nothing to offer you in the way of credibility.

2012: And the truth shall set you free

The events of history are the result of the struggle between two states of mind: one which wishes to imprison and the other which desires to set free. The scene of this tussle is the collective human mind. In these last years of the 20th century and across into the millenium, the human race is being given an opportunity we’ve not had since Atlantis, to step out of the prison and into mental, emotional, and spiritual freedom. Events are happening…that are dissolving the imprisoning vibration and vibrationally reconnecting the Earth with the rest of Creation.

2000: 11 Laws

The First Law

Nothing can stop you from starting over.

The greatest power you possess for succeeding in life is your understanding that life gives you a fresh start any moment you choose to start fresh. Nothing that stood in your way even a heartbeat before stands there now in the same way. It”s all new, even if you can”t as yet see it that way. You”ve only to test the truth of this fact about the newness of life to discover the incredible freedom that waits for you just behind it. And then nothing can stop you.

2010: Ten Ways to Nurture Your Spiritual Life

‘by Deepak Chopra

Intention is the starting point of any spiritual path. Intention includes will and purpose, aspiration and highest vision. If you set your intention toward material existence, that will grow instead. Once you plant the seed of an intention, your souls journey will unfold automatically. Here are several basic intentions that mark a spiritual life.’, ‘I want to feel gods presence. This intention is rooted in the discomfort of being isolated and separate. You can mask it by developing friendships and family ties.

The 15 Laws of Life

By Swami Vivekananda

1. Love is the Law of Life

All love is expansion, all selfishness is contraction. Love is therefore the only law of life. He who loves lives, he who is selfish is dying. Therefore, love for love”s sake, because it is law of life, just as you breathe to live.

2. It is Your Outlook That Matters

It is our own mental attitude, which makes the world what it is for us. Our thoughts make things beautiful, our thoughts make things ugly. The whole world is in our own minds.