2015: What Are Ethereal Cords?

Cords are made of astral and etheric energy and connect two people’s subtle bodies. They stretch between two people very much like an umbilical cord and transfer emotional energy and chi between the two. It does not matter how far away the other person is, as the cord is not a physical substance and distance is irrelevant, so it is still effective from the other side of the planet.

All babies have a cord going from their belly to their mother after the physical umbilical cord is cut.

Adam Kadmon Light Body Interview

I think many of you will find this article quite fascinating. The interview originally took place in 1997 and goes on to talk about time speeding up, raising our vibration, the great shift and much more. For the record, Adam Kadmon is a phrase found in the writings of the Kabbalah meaning “original man”.  Enjoy!

by Andrew Lutts

Q. Tell us about Adam Kadmon man.

A. First of all, there are many references to it in the The Keys of Enoch book, and the Keys also talk about the Adamic seed, and the Adam-Kadmon light body.

2015: Could Déjà Vu Be A Way To Obtain Information From Other Dimensions?

by Anna LeMind

Deja vu is one of the little-known and mysterious phenomena of our psyche. Many people sometimes feel that a situation in their life has already been experienced before in all the details. But how and when? This phenomenon is called déjà vu, which in French means ‘already seen’. It is a condition in which a person feels that once he already experienced a situation of the present, but the feeling is not associated with a specific moment of the past, but refers to the past in general.

Deja vu is quite common.

2013: The Clearest Explanation On Money And The Law Of Attraction!

Published on Jan 16, 2013

http://youarecreators.org/ We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the “Law Of Attraction”, or the law of “Reaping and Sowing”. This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to you.

2015: All About Reincarnation

Why do we reincarnate? How do our past lives determine what lessons we will learn in the next life? How long do we wait in between lives? Do we know what we will look like? Who helps us decide what life experiences we would like to have?

Reincarnation is the religious or philosophical concept that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new body that may be human, animal or spiritual depending on the moral quality of the previous life’s actions.

The word “reincarnation” derives from Latin, literally meaning, “entering the flesh again”.

2015: Rekindle Self Love Through 4 Simple Exercises

I do believe that all relationships are just a way to know thyself better. All experiences shared with others direct to yourself. At the end of the day, you only seek your own love, your own approval. The whole point of loving someone is to rekindle the love for yourself.
When you feel complete within yourself, you attract someone just like yourself. But the journey starts with you. If you try and change your reality first, you are only going to be waiting for your reflection to smile first.

2015: The Habit Of Being Content

This is something I feel is very important for each of us and I’m going to get a bit personal about it because I have seen what it can do to lives, including my own at times.
My long-time girlfriend and I recently mutually ended a relationship that we experienced together for 5 years.

2015: In a Capacity for Love

Ida Lawrence, Contributor

Peaceful, wholly contained moments: sometimes they come to us while in nature, sometimes when family is in ‘sync’, sometimes within an embrace. It’s as if a blessing descends, we’re in our body, and the body knows that everything is perfect: we feel uplifted and at home in an expanded, balanced center. “I am here, my heart is happy, this is real, love is here, and it’s eternal.”

As you might guess, we’re starting out with the ‘perfect moment’ because I recently enjoyed one.