2012: Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening

1. Changing sleep patterns: restlessness, hot feet, waking up two or three times a night. Feeling tired after you wake up and sleepy off and on during the day. There is something called the Triad Sleep Pattern that occurs for many: you sleep for about 2-3 hours, wake up, go back to sleep for another couple of hours, wake again, and go back to sleep again. For others, the sleep requirements have changed. You can get by on less sleep. Another variation of this is what I call “black-hole sleep” — you sleep for 10 hours or more.

2000: St. Germain — Clearing your energy fields

Our personal energy fields extend outwards from us, surrounding and enfolding each of us in love, as you well know. And for some they extend miles in all directions. As we hold the intention of love and light as our center, we then are that energy. Our fields can become repositories for all that is evolving to its next expression of light, whether from within our own self or another.
I was given/shown this technique a few years ago, by St Germain, and use it faithfully, at least once or more a week and as needed.

2000: Steps in Meditation on Twin Hearts

1) Cleansing The Etheric Body Through Physical Exercise

Do physical exercise for about five minutes. Doing physical exercise has a cleansing effect on the etheric body. Light grayish matter or used-up prana is expelled from the etheric body when exercising. Physical exercises have to be done to minimize possible pranic congestion since this meditation generates a lot of subtle energies in the etheric body.

2) Invocation For Divine Blessing

Invoke the Divine Blessings. Hindus pray for Shiva or Krishna or to the Guru, Christians to Jesus or Christ or Mary, Muslims to Allah, and Buddhists to Buddha.

2000: Steps Toward Inner Peace

In my early life I made two very important discoveries. In the first place I discovered that making money was easy. And in the second place I discovered that making money and spending it foolishly was completely meaningless. I knew that this was not what I was here for, but at that time (this was many years ago), I didn’t know exactly what I was here for.



We recommend that you begin and end each Lesson with a short meditation of ten minutes duration, as your body and mind need to be calm and relaxed to achieve the best spiritual/psychic results.


Before any type of Spiritual or Psychic activities, eg. meditation, Channelling, astral travelling or spirit contact, are entered into, it is necessary to always use adequate protection. It is suggested that you always get into a routine of self /group protection.

2000: Spiritual Healing


A collection of essential oils to smell, such as lavender, pine, rose, orange etc; crystals; gemstones for each chakra; four coloured squares (fabric or paper) red, blue, yellow and pink;

2000: Spiritual Links

Alternative Healing:
Alternative Medicine Homepage
Chi Lel Qi Gong
Health Journeys
Healing Net
Holistic Healing Web Page
Mystic Gateway – Holistic Center
Natural Medicine
Reiki Net Resources
Share Guide Holistic Directory
Vitalistic Health & Healing Network
Astrology Action
Astrology Software for PCs
Cheshire Rose
Metalog Astrology Yellow Pages
Richard Nolle
Celestine Prophecy:
CyberPark CP page

Gateway to Oneness
Metaphysical, Channeling, Angels
Michael Teachings
Monroe Institute
of Quasars &

2008: Special Code to Bless Water, Food, Body, Plants…

Anything Animate or Inanimate

by Nicole La Voie

Twelve years ago, I ran across a paper explaining the 995 as Sacred
Geometry Numeric coding designed to bless the food and (change) it
vibrationally to that of the Christ Vibration. As our body changes and is filled with more and more light, the vibration of things we eat, drink and surround ourselves with will be more and more important as we become sensitive to the vibrations.

I applied the 995 to many things and it works most of the time (electronic ­ not always).

Siddha Mahayoga FAQ

By Kurt Keutzer

Version 2.0, May 1996
Copyright © Kurt Keutzer, 1996 (keutzer@synopsys.com) All Rights Reserved

The author grants the right to copy and distribute this file, provided it remains unmodified and original authorship and copyright is retained. The author retains both the right and intention to modify and extend this document.

This FAQ gives an overview of Siddha Mahayoga.