2000: What is Ascension?

by Linda Johnson 
27 May 2002

Ascension simply means ‘going up’. Ascending rather than descending.

What is going up? Earth’s vibration or frequency. Think of Earth as part of a big cycle that has moved down to its’ lowest point and then starts to go back up again. As the vibration has gone down, things have got denser and denser, slower and slower. The bandwidth of frequency, or dimension Earth sits in is determined by how dense and slow she is. Earth has hit the bottom in the third dimension and cannot exist any lower.

2001: Secret Life

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

by Maria Yraceburu, LLd., copyright

author/Quero Apache Tlish Diyan ‘tsanti

1/22/2001 – Moon of Many Fires – Year of Manifestation

One of healing’s greatest gifts is discovering we can make decisions that represent us, our inner selves, and those decisions please us.  We all are familiar with the tiny tug of shame that locates itself in our solar plexus.  when we “go along,” when we “give in” on a personally important issue, we pay a consequence.  We lose a bit of ourselves.

Over the years we’ve lost many bits.  We have a choice, however.


Overcoming the human-environment dichotomy by way of the Buddhist eightfold path

Anima, Vol. 4 No. 2, Spring Equinox 1978, 13-25

Let each jewel reflect all the others, each according to its own faculty

by Andrew Reding

A Failure of Motivation

The year 1970 was a watershed year for the environmental movement in the United States. Preceding years witnessed the emergence of an accelerating series of environmental problems and catastrophes. Smogs, oil spills, fish kills, climbing cancer rates, and algal blooms were projected with increasing frequency into living rooms and onto breakfast tables. In response to public alarm, the American superstructure awakened almost overnight to the significance of environmental concerns.

2000: The Pineal Wave

This ancient meditation focuses on the seventh chakra, commonly referred to as the “seat of the soul”.  This chakra is also considered home to the “spark of life” – the spiritual part inside us which gives our bodies life.

2000: How to Release

By Jennifer Hoffmann

One of the lessons of the Shift is that we are to willingly release those things which no longer serve us and move forward on our path. Like most aspects of our lessons, it sounds easier than it is. Releasing is not simply letting go of a situation, it is also letting go of every attachment that we have to it, including our emotions, thoughts and feelings. Now the situation gets more complicated, especially if what we are releasing is particularly difficult or painful.

2000: 11 Laws

The First Law

Nothing can stop you from starting over.

The greatest power you possess for succeeding in life is your understanding that life gives you a fresh start any moment you choose to start fresh. Nothing that stood in your way even a heartbeat before stands there now in the same way. It”s all new, even if you can”t as yet see it that way. You”ve only to test the truth of this fact about the newness of life to discover the incredible freedom that waits for you just behind it. And then nothing can stop you.

2010: Ten Ways to Nurture Your Spiritual Life

‘by Deepak Chopra

Intention is the starting point of any spiritual path. Intention includes will and purpose, aspiration and highest vision. If you set your intention toward material existence, that will grow instead. Once you plant the seed of an intention, your souls journey will unfold automatically. Here are several basic intentions that mark a spiritual life.’, ‘I want to feel gods presence. This intention is rooted in the discomfort of being isolated and separate. You can mask it by developing friendships and family ties.