2015: The Habit Of Being Content

This is something I feel is very important for each of us and I’m going to get a bit personal about it because I have seen what it can do to lives, including my own at times.
My long-time girlfriend and I recently mutually ended a relationship that we experienced together for 5 years.

2015: The Nature of Mind and the Holographic Brain

Brandon West, Contributor

What is the true nature of mind, and what is the real function of our brains?

The purpose of this article is to provide evidence that strongly indicates that you are not your brain, or your body for that matter, and that the nature of mind, of memory, and of our brains may actually be vastly different than we have been lead to believe.

Since time immemorial, man has been fascinated by the mind, leading great thinkers from Hippocrates to Descartes to ponder the nature of mind with wonder.

2015: True Beauty Isn’t Found Through Makeup

If one day every woman woke up and was happy with her self, the cosmetic industry would go out of business.
Not just women, but men too. Why do we obsess over our looks so much to the extent that we put on a mask every day to project out to the world? Sometimes we put on a physical mask; sometimes we don our psychological mask. This is our ego, our self-image. Some people identify more as their body, usually just the thin outer layer called the skin.

2015: How To Not Take Things Personally

“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.” – Eckhart Tolle
When we take something personally we invariably suffer. Why? Because we are believing a thought that claims that reality, what is, should be different than it is. But is this true? Can the present moment be other than it is? No, because there is no other moment available!!
Take a look for yourself. Can you actually find some other moment (like an alternate reality hiding somewhere “off stage”) besides the one that is presently appearing? No, you cannot.

2014: How To Respond To Negative People Without Being Negative

First off, I don’t want to get too caught up in this polarity of negative and positive. Just because we may not agree with what someone says sometimes doesn’t make them negative. It’s the same with information, simply because information may show that something going on is wrong, also doesn’t mean it’s negative.

Is Gratitude The Key To A Healthier, Longer & Happier Life?

As children we are all taught the importance of gratitude and are encouraged to regularly express that gratitude through acknowledging phrases, warm acts of courtesy or through silent credit given to a power above. In certain instances, expressing gratitude comes with ease, particularly when we find ourselves as the recipient of good fortune or a kind deed.

2014: The Number One Reason Most Relationships Struggle

Don’t fear those difficult conversations that you’ve been putting off or building up in your head. Communication is key to success in all relationships. From romantic relationships to professional relationships, it is important that individuals learn to and are able to effectively communicate with each other.
Communication is particularly important during times of conflict and stress. It will prevent or even eliminate misunderstandings which can lead to unnecessary arguments. These are the times when our personal feelings and beliefs come into play and what we say is often reflected in our feelings, insecurities and limiting beliefs.

2014: 10 Reasons Why You’re Feeling Stuck In Life

There’s no doubt about it, at times, we sure can be our own worst enemies in life . There are many cycles we engage in, most often without even being conscious of the cycles. Below are 10 of the most common reasons you may be feeling stuck in life. With some understanding, motivation and self work, you will be able to work towards no longer feeling stuck or that you are not in control.

1) Lack Self-Awareness
You need to develop a core knowledge of your strengths, values and needs.