2000: Twin Souls Meditation

Written by Ishtar Antares shared by Vjera Lopina <vlopina@filolog.hfi.hr>

In everybody of us there’s a deep yearning for that special and wonderful person with whom we can share perfect and unconditional love. This is not an utopistic fantasy, but a remembrance of an ancient state of unity between us and our twin soul. Esoterics teaches that everybody has his own twin soul and after long eons of separation now comes the time of twin souls’ reunion. We are entering namely the age of Aquarius – the age of twin souls.


2013: The Universe is Dreaming itself Awake

by Paul Levy
When you begin to spiritually awaken, it is like waking up inside of a dream and recognizing that everything you are experiencing is nothing other than a very convincing projection, or display of your mind. The boundary between inner and outer, between dreaming and waking starts to dissolve, and you begin to realize that the same dreaming mind that is dreaming your dreams at night is dreaming your life.

2012: Crown & Root Chakra Meditation

Here is a simple meditation process for you to strengthen and balance your chakras:

1. Sit comfortably in a chair with your feet flat on the floor (or sit in your usual meditation position,) your back upright, and your hands turned upward on your lap.

2. Begin a gentle three-part breathing technique.
First breathe into your belly, completely relaxing
your belly and allowing it to expand. Then breathe
into your abdomen, allowing it to expand. Then breathe
into the top of your lungs, allowing full expansion.
Pause for a count of three while your lungs are full
of air.

2012: An Argument for the Extraterrestrial Origin of Mankind

by David B. Trout

Exploration of other star systems requires not only the ability to construct a craft capable of attaining speeds approaching that of light, but also a species with an extremely long lifespan. After all, what good is an expedition if, upon their return, all of their contemporaries are dead? Therefore, for interstellar travel to be feasible, the average lifespan of the species must be at least long enough for an expedition to reach its objective, perform studies, and return with the information and/or resources within a single generation.

2001: Peace Pilgrim

There once walked a woman called Peace Pilgrim.

In her lifetime she walked many miles in order to follow her heart. She made such an impact on those she came across as she walked across this country. She left a lasting legacy amongst thousands during her twenty-eight year pilgrimage for peace. Her message was expressed plainly. The message, so simply put, is this. When enough of us find inner peace, our institutions will become more peaceful and there will be no more occasion for war. What follows is a poem written by Peace. It is called War.
On the scarred

2000: 11 Laws

The First Law

Nothing can stop you from starting over.

The greatest power you possess for succeeding in life is your understanding that life gives you a fresh start any moment you choose to start fresh. Nothing that stood in your way even a heartbeat before stands there now in the same way. It”s all new, even if you can”t as yet see it that way. You”ve only to test the truth of this fact about the newness of life to discover the incredible freedom that waits for you just behind it. And then nothing can stop you.

2010: Ten Ways to Nurture Your Spiritual Life

‘by Deepak Chopra

Intention is the starting point of any spiritual path. Intention includes will and purpose, aspiration and highest vision. If you set your intention toward material existence, that will grow instead. Once you plant the seed of an intention, your souls journey will unfold automatically. Here are several basic intentions that mark a spiritual life.’, ‘I want to feel gods presence. This intention is rooted in the discomfort of being isolated and separate. You can mask it by developing friendships and family ties.

2003: Enlightenment and the Body of Light

by John White

When our research took us into the mind-stretching realms of the highest yogic attainment, we were happy to be able to rely on our dear friend and fellow dharma naut John White for guidance. White, intrepid explorer and tireless documenter of the highest in human potential, has written extensively about an evolutionary shift in consciousness that he sees transforming humanity.