We have all been guilty of passing judgment on both ourselves and others. We judge ourselves for where we’re at in life, or we judge others on their actions and lifestyle choices. In truth, judgement is not a freeing feeling, it confines both us and the people we place judgment upon. On a deeper level, humans operate on vibrations and frequencies. Simply put, we are energy and therefore we are very sensitive to the energy that comes from our thoughts and words.
Tag: Great Spirit
It is human nature to want love, to want approval and to feel accepted. Where this becomes an issue however, is when these wants get in the way of you truly being and acting authentic. I used to care so much about what others thought that I spent years of my life growing up with little connection and feared people knowing who I really was. The truth was, I was even scared of being who I really was. I was not being my authentic self and had created so many stories of who I was and wanted to be.
We all know how it feels, to be loved. You feel supported, you feel strengthened, you feel safer. You know that the person who loves you is someone you can trust. You can share with them anything about yourself or your life, and you know that person loves you enough to accept it and take it with the seriousness you feel it deserves. That’s the beauty of true, unconditional love.
Love is synonymous of respect, peace, harmony, understanding, protection, acceptance, growth.
“Do you sense a purpose for being? Why are beings separated? Any Thoughts?”
Since I have been asked two separate questions, and since the second question is much easier for me to address, I will deal with that question first.
Why are beings separated? Beings as humankind perceive them are indeed separate. However, to myself, they are not separate at all, with the exception of those whom I prey upon. We are all animated from the same source, the ocean of souls I have spoken of before in other areas.
1.Wholeness. All things are interrelated. Everything in the Universe is part of a single whole. Everything is connected in some way to everything else. It is therefore possible to understand something if we can understand how it connected to everything else.
2.Change. All of creation is in a state of constant change. Nothing stays the same except the presence of cycle upon cycle of change. There are two kinds of change: the coming together of things (development) and the coming apart of things (disintegration).
Dolphin speaks to us of the breath of life, the only thing that humans cannot go without for more than a few minutes. We can live without water and food for days, but oxygen is the source of our sustenance. Within the breath we encounter the rhythm of energy that all life emits. In changing the rate or rhythmic texture of our breath, we can tap into any other life-form or creature.
By Jennifer Hoffmann
One of the lessons of the Shift is that we are to willingly release those things which no longer serve us and move forward on our path. Like most aspects of our lessons, it sounds easier than it is. Releasing is not simply letting go of a situation, it is also letting go of every attachment that we have to it, including our emotions, thoughts and feelings. Now the situation gets more complicated, especially if what we are releasing is particularly difficult or painful.
The First Law
Nothing can stop you from starting over.
The greatest power you possess for succeeding in life is your understanding that life gives you a fresh start any moment you choose to start fresh. Nothing that stood in your way even a heartbeat before stands there now in the same way. It”s all new, even if you can”t as yet see it that way. You”ve only to test the truth of this fact about the newness of life to discover the incredible freedom that waits for you just behind it. And then nothing can stop you.
‘We are traveling very fast. It is very peaceful. The clouds drift by far below us. The oceans seem very blue. He says, “Come on, let”s go back to the heavens you have visited before.” It does not seem far. We seem to descend. I can see the vast plain in the distance as we approach it.’, ‘The great plain is very bare compared with the gardens I have seen in other places. A procession is coming. It stretches for a long way in the distance. There seems to be no hurry.