2015: All About Reincarnation

Why do we reincarnate? How do our past lives determine what lessons we will learn in the next life? How long do we wait in between lives? Do we know what we will look like? Who helps us decide what life experiences we would like to have?

Reincarnation is the religious or philosophical concept that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new body that may be human, animal or spiritual depending on the moral quality of the previous life’s actions.

The word “reincarnation” derives from Latin, literally meaning, “entering the flesh again”.

2014″ What Is The Real God? Deciphering ‘Un-Natural’ Religion

For millennia, it has been one of the most sensitive subjects known in the dialogue of man, one which has caused more division, war and death than any other topic in history. Religion. Over time the true meaning of religion has been woven into obscurity, masked by the various prevalent monotheistic factions that dominate our world today. Spiritual speaker Tobias Lars addresses this subject in one of his YouTube videos, titled “natural vs.


The NEW EARTH READER The Ascension of Planet Earth:
Additional quotes, reviews and links with UPDATES for the coming Earth Changes.

A 3-part freely downloadable book on the Earth Changes
Some useful quotations from the Mark-Age book “How to do All Things”
Here is another view from Shirley MacLaine
A MESSAGE OF LOVE from Princess DIANA to Mankind
Channeled October 3rd 1997 by Lise Lachance
Some useful quotations from the Mark-Age book “How to do All Things”
Pleiadian teachings and some

The Perfect Flower Meditation

a daily ritual of faith and self-renewal

I recognize myself as one with the Living Stream of the Divine creative force in the universe.

I visualize this Living Stream as a perpetual river of Love, Beauty and Light, eternally quickening my heart and rejuvenating my mind, my body and my spirit.

I know that I AM being received, nurtured and uplifted by the Divine River of God.

I AM therefore healed of any illusion of illness.

2010: Ten Ways to Nurture Your Spiritual Life

‘by Deepak Chopra

Intention is the starting point of any spiritual path. Intention includes will and purpose, aspiration and highest vision. If you set your intention toward material existence, that will grow instead. Once you plant the seed of an intention, your souls journey will unfold automatically. Here are several basic intentions that mark a spiritual life.’, ‘I want to feel gods presence. This intention is rooted in the discomfort of being isolated and separate. You can mask it by developing friendships and family ties.

2013: 9 Steps to Forgiveness

1. Know exactly how you feel about what happened, and be able to articulate what about the situation is not okay. Then tell, a couple of trusted people about your experience.

2. Make a commitment to yourself to do what you have to do to feel better. Forgiveness is for you and not for anyone else. No one else even has to know about your decision.

3. Understand your goal.

2008: The Da Vinci Code and A Course In Miracles

by Monica Dubay
Mary Magdalene – what was her relationship with Jesus?

The Da Vinci Code is about the search for the Holy Grail. As I read this book, unable to put it down, I was amazed at the tenacity of the story, how it kept me absorbed. I haven’t had this experience with a novel in years.