2016: Awaken Your Kundalini In 3 Easy Steps

Have you ever wondered how to awaken your Kundalini?

Many people want to know how to awaken the Kundalini. And as there are techniques for Kundalini Awakening, most of the techniques are kept secret by masters until the student is ready to receive them.

Here is a very powerful technique for Kundalini Awakening based on a Kriya Yoga technique.

2015: Shocking Truth Of A Mechanical Spirituality Exposed!

In the strict sense of the word spiritual life begins when a living entity fully identifies oneself as a soul, being completely absorbed in a spiritual atmosphere, and not for a moment forgetting about it and constantly acting in this mindset.

Another words it begins with the Bhava stage, which means an ecstatic love of God. And this is the moment of the genuine spiritual life.

2014: Are You Always Wanting More? How Desire Can Be A Blessing In Disguise

Desire can run our entire life; desire for pleasant experiences, tastes, sounds, sensations and scenarios. We can work with these desires to see them for what they truly are, and how they take us away from present moment completeness.
The thing with desire is the “if only” mind. The wanting mind that wants what is not here. If only I had time to meditate more in the morning. If only I could be more present. If only I’d eaten less. If only I looked younger.

2014″ What Is The Real God? Deciphering ‘Un-Natural’ Religion

For millennia, it has been one of the most sensitive subjects known in the dialogue of man, one which has caused more division, war and death than any other topic in history. Religion. Over time the true meaning of religion has been woven into obscurity, masked by the various prevalent monotheistic factions that dominate our world today. Spiritual speaker Tobias Lars addresses this subject in one of his YouTube videos, titled “natural vs.

Siddha Mahayoga FAQ

By Kurt Keutzer

Version 2.0, May 1996
Copyright © Kurt Keutzer, 1996 (keutzer@synopsys.com) All Rights Reserved

The author grants the right to copy and distribute this file, provided it remains unmodified and original authorship and copyright is retained. The author retains both the right and intention to modify and extend this document.

This FAQ gives an overview of Siddha Mahayoga.

Shared Transformation


This is the online adjunct to our international, nonprofit Kundalini support newsletter, SHARED TRANSFORMATION. This bimonthly newsletter offers Kundalini information and provides a forum where individuals involved in the tremendous journey of awakening can exchange insights, explore the many dimensions of transformation, and share their personal Kundalini experiences.

Kundalini is the Hindu word for the sacred transformative element that awakens consciousness. When it becomes active, it is usually felt as a high vibrational, electromagnetic energy or powerful force in the body, and/or a strong sense of the inner presence of the Spirit.


By Yogi Tom/Silver Dawn Media

I found that once I had sat out the immediate crisis of desire that inevitably arises with the practice of celibacy if one has previously enjoyed an active sex life, that I had to master the very esoteric art of “inner sex”.

Even among knowledgeable Western Tantric and kundalini yogis celibacy can sometimes be under-rated or undersold, when traditionally it has always been a useful, even essential, means of spiritual development that can have quite dramatic effects – usually positive, but potentially negative and dangerous, if one doesn’t understand the esoteric nature of sexo-yogic techniques

Kundalini signs & symptoms

by El Collie

Many individuals whose Kundalini has been unexpectedly unleashed DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING, and the prevailing social ignorance about this multidimensional transformative process makes it hard to find medical or alternative health practitioners or spiritual advisors who recognize the symptoms, particularly when they are strongly physical. Many people know that the risen Kundalini flings open gates to all sorts of mystical, paranormal and magical vistas but few realize it can also dramatically impact the body.

Kundalini Questionnaire

1) What do you think triggered your awakening at the very moment it occurred?

2) On a separate piece of paper, or with copies of your own previous writings, explain what you are doing with those energies/abilities you acquired after the awakening.
Include information about (but not limited to):

Mental Genius
Interest/Disinterest in the Occult/Spiritual
New fears, phobias
Aches and pains
Sleep patterns
ANYTHING that describes how you were affected, whether negative or positive

3) Where have you found help dealing with your experience; furthering your experience;