PREPARATION: Pictures of angels or saints; magenta (RED/BLUE) coloured square of material or paper; quartz crystal; calm music.

We recommend that you begin and end each lesson with a short meditation of ten minutes duration, as your body and mind need to be calm and relaxed to achieve the best spiritual/psychic results.


Your Higher Self is an angelic Life Force which is represented on the many Higher Chakric Layers or Levels. It is an infinite Consciousness that is connected to you, by an invisible silver chord.

2000: Balancing, Grounding and Integrating

1. Using your breath to meditate!

Meditating and breathing are spiritual disciplines that help you to balance your energy fields and to ground. Learn how to meditate using your breath as a focus. Sit on a chair, feet to ground, spine erect, hands clasped and eyes closed. Take five deep breaths and begin to focus on the rhythm of your breathing. Say “In” as you inhale and “Out” as you exhale. If you become distracted, don’t beat yourself up. Just return to your focus as soon as possible. THERE IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG WAY TO MEDITATE.

2013: Accidental Meditation: You’re Already Doing it

Most people think they are bad at meditating.

Can’t sit still and turn your thoughts off for at least 20 minutes?

You’re not bad at meditating, you’re just a human with a brain.

Actually, most of us already meditate—we just do it accidentally. You know that feeling when you are taking a shower, and the warm water pours over your body, and you forget what you were rushing to get ready for? Time disappears for a moment, and when you step out of the shower you snap out of it.

2000: The Pineal Wave

This ancient meditation focuses on the seventh chakra, commonly referred to as the “seat of the soul”.  This chakra is also considered home to the “spark of life” – the spiritual part inside us which gives our bodies life.

2012: Dwelling in the Lotus Heart

By visualizing your heart as a lotus flower, you can begin to create a safe, comfortable place for your mind to settle.
By Shiva Rea
In yoga and meditation, the heart can be visualized as a lotus flower unfolding at the center of the chest. Like a lotus that contracts and opens according to the light, our spiritual heart can be awakened through various yoga practices from asana practice to pranayama, chanting, and meditation.
The following meditation focuses the awareness on the seat of one”s lotus heart.

2013: Being in the “Now” Moment

The journey on the path of life is not always an easy one. However, it can bring you much joy if you know how to navigate it effectively. 
Whenever you are feeling deep despair, or feeling as though your job assisting others is too large a task to accomplish, just remember to focus on the Now moment. When you are in that Now moment, it does not matter what is going on outside your window, or even what is happening tomorrow; all that matters is how you act and react in the Now.

2013: Global Whale Meditation

The Purpose of the Meditation is to unite humanity worldwide to send healing intent to the ocean and its inhabitants!

This meditation is done with visualization and intention.

Read it through before you begin.

2008: Seven Easy Ways to Awakening your Divine Intuition

by Ana Bryce

We are all intuitive by nature and can use our intuition to receive answers to our daily personal and professional problems. In this article, you’ll learn how to awaken your divine intuition to help you with your everyday life.

Before we go any further, we must identify the factors that determine our level of intuition. We are all intuitive by nature, but, what makes some of us more intuitive than others? The answer is quite simple.

2011: Appreciate “where you are right now.”

Find ways to Appreciate “where you are right now” in order to move to “where you want to be.”

This is a very important part of Law of Attraction. If you appreciate where you are, you will more easily be able to move to where you want to be. If you are looking at where you are as not a good place, then you are focused on the unwanted. So, as Law of Attraction will have it, you will get more of the unwanted. This is a hard one for many people to wrap their minds around.