2017: You See What Others Can’t: 4 Signs That You Are Highly Sensitive to Energy

Being highly sensitive has it’s pro’s and con’s if you are aware of your sensitivity early in life it is more likely that you will learn to turn your sensitivity into a gift sooner than later.

Becoming aware of one’s acute sensitivity later in life can seem more like a curse, but more likely this is because of the environment that surrounds us.

Honing in on this quality and focusing it can enhance your social intelligence, problem-solving, relatability, and help others become more trusting.

Here the 4 Signs That You Are Highly Sensitive to Energy: 


2016: 7 Signs The Law Of Attraction Is Working For You

The New Age concept called “The Law of Attraction” basically states that you attract the energy you put out into the world. But, the question here is: Do you feel that the Law of Attraction is working for you?

Whatever thoughts you repeatedly give your energy to, experiences of that nature will show up in your life, simply because you have created them subconsciously. The quote “What you think about, comes about” best summarizes the law of attraction.

2015: Who’s Your Scarecrow?

Zen Gardner, Guest

What scares you off? What do you resign yourself to as some fundamental reality regarding the powers that appear to be and what you can or cannot do about yours or humanity’s situation? More subtly, what makes you stand back in an intimidated state of awe-stricken wonder, whether consciously or subconsciously?

Scarecrow’s are straw dummies, crude approximations of humans hanging on a stick to scare away crows and other predators from feeding on farmers’ crops. Sound familiar?

We can see it today in society, and it’s worked for millennia.

2015: The True Revolution

Frank M. Wanderer, Ph.D., Contributor
Waking Times

If we take a look at the events of our world, we will easily realize that we live in revolutionary times. The revolution of our days is, however, entirely different from any other revolutions in human history. This revolution is not launched in order to rearrange the domain of forms and shapes, so as to replace old and outdated forms and shapes with new, dynamic and vivid ones. This revolution is able to take humanity beyond forms and shapes.

2015: How Negative Energy Affects Your Life And How To Clear It

by LoveOrAbove

You know that like attracts like, right? So here’s the deal: Positive people are drawn to positive energy; negative people are drawn to negative energy.

We tend to perceive negative energy as something other people have. Sure, sometimes we feel negative – as in, “go away and leave me alone, world!” but did you know that negativity can be so ingrained in you that it goes unnoticed?

That’s because negativity sometimes wears a disguise called ‘reality’.

2015: In a Capacity for Love

Ida Lawrence, Contributor

Peaceful, wholly contained moments: sometimes they come to us while in nature, sometimes when family is in ‘sync’, sometimes within an embrace. It’s as if a blessing descends, we’re in our body, and the body knows that everything is perfect: we feel uplifted and at home in an expanded, balanced center. “I am here, my heart is happy, this is real, love is here, and it’s eternal.”

As you might guess, we’re starting out with the ‘perfect moment’ because I recently enjoyed one.

2015: The Nature of Mind and the Holographic Brain

Brandon West, Contributor

What is the true nature of mind, and what is the real function of our brains?

The purpose of this article is to provide evidence that strongly indicates that you are not your brain, or your body for that matter, and that the nature of mind, of memory, and of our brains may actually be vastly different than we have been lead to believe.

Since time immemorial, man has been fascinated by the mind, leading great thinkers from Hippocrates to Descartes to ponder the nature of mind with wonder.

2015: How To Not Take Things Personally

“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.” – Eckhart Tolle
When we take something personally we invariably suffer. Why? Because we are believing a thought that claims that reality, what is, should be different than it is. But is this true? Can the present moment be other than it is? No, because there is no other moment available!!
Take a look for yourself. Can you actually find some other moment (like an alternate reality hiding somewhere “off stage”) besides the one that is presently appearing? No, you cannot.