As children we are all taught the importance of gratitude and are encouraged to regularly express that gratitude through acknowledging phrases, warm acts of courtesy or through silent credit given to a power above. In certain instances, expressing gratitude comes with ease, particularly when we find ourselves as the recipient of good fortune or a kind deed.
Tag: Personal Development
Don’t fear those difficult conversations that you’ve been putting off or building up in your head. Communication is key to success in all relationships. From romantic relationships to professional relationships, it is important that individuals learn to and are able to effectively communicate with each other.
Communication is particularly important during times of conflict and stress. It will prevent or even eliminate misunderstandings which can lead to unnecessary arguments. These are the times when our personal feelings and beliefs come into play and what we say is often reflected in our feelings, insecurities and limiting beliefs.
There’s no doubt about it, at times, we sure can be our own worst enemies in life . There are many cycles we engage in, most often without even being conscious of the cycles. Below are 10 of the most common reasons you may be feeling stuck in life. With some understanding, motivation and self work, you will be able to work towards no longer feeling stuck or that you are not in control.
1) Lack Self-Awareness
You need to develop a core knowledge of your strengths, values and needs.
Is it possible for two people to see and hear the same event and yet each have a totally different perspective of what actually took place? Everything we see, hear or feel is processed and interpreted according to our past experiences.
Is your biggest challenge in meditation or mindfulness your inner dialogue? Do you become easily distracted by the noises around you? Then this article is for you!
The Importance of Being Present
Mindfulness is a Buddhist meditation technique involving attention to the present moment, acceptance to whatever the present is and withholding judgment; to simply allow whatever presents in awareness to be as it is. This meditation technique gained a great deal of recognition in western medicine and mental health proving an extremely helpful tool for a whole host of conditions including chronic pain and depression.
Life purpose; this idea has become a very popular one in the last few decades. This is greatly due to the fact that for many of us, we have the freedom to pursue a career or life path that is one we love and desire to participate in, rather than one we choose based on the need for financial security.
There are few things that most of us in this world seek and value more than health and happiness. In an attempt to attain health, we go through diet after diet, workout routine after workout routine trying to figure out what works best for us -and in many cases will keep us interested long enough to attain results.
Self love is a really popular topic in healing, wellness and self help circles right now, and I personally believe that is a really, really good thing.
At one point or another, you may find yourself feeling “stuck” in life. Life feels stagnant and its waters no longer rage with passion or depth. When your options in life cease to feel limitless, it is only natural to feel as if you have hit a wall which you cannot move past. Unfortunately, this natural reaction only limits you more by breeding a negative mindset and essentially, if left unchecked, a resistance to life as a whole.
To clear negative blocks in your life you must consciously identify their origins and confront them.