2016: 7 Signs The Law Of Attraction Is Working For You

The New Age concept called “The Law of Attraction” basically states that you attract the energy you put out into the world. But, the question here is: Do you feel that the Law of Attraction is working for you?

Whatever thoughts you repeatedly give your energy to, experiences of that nature will show up in your life, simply because you have created them subconsciously. The quote “What you think about, comes about” best summarizes the law of attraction.

2015: How Negative Energy Affects Your Life And How To Clear It

by LoveOrAbove

You know that like attracts like, right? So here’s the deal: Positive people are drawn to positive energy; negative people are drawn to negative energy.

We tend to perceive negative energy as something other people have. Sure, sometimes we feel negative – as in, “go away and leave me alone, world!” but did you know that negativity can be so ingrained in you that it goes unnoticed?

That’s because negativity sometimes wears a disguise called ‘reality’.

2015: Could Déjà Vu Be A Way To Obtain Information From Other Dimensions?

by Anna LeMind

Deja vu is one of the little-known and mysterious phenomena of our psyche. Many people sometimes feel that a situation in their life has already been experienced before in all the details. But how and when? This phenomenon is called déjà vu, which in French means ‘already seen’. It is a condition in which a person feels that once he already experienced a situation of the present, but the feeling is not associated with a specific moment of the past, but refers to the past in general.

Deja vu is quite common.