Quartz crystal, pictures of saints/guides/devas (nature spirits); drawing paper and coloured pencils, calm music.

We recommend that you begin and end each lesson with a short meditation of ten minutes duration, as your body and mind need to be calm and relaxed to achieve the best spiritual/psychic results.


There are both evolved and unevolved spirits who will often attempt to contact humanity. Your Personal Spirit Guides are evolved, loving beings who come into your life to help you with your life journey.

Archangel Chakra Prayer

This is a prayer that you can affirm as often as you want to connect with the energies of the Archangels and higher beings. There is one Archangel or Higher Being for each of the chakras. I always use this prayer during my own spiritual work and my group channels. The colors of the paragraphs correspond to the colors of the chakras.

I call on Archangel Michael to assist me in opening and maintaining my root chakra. Thank you Archangel Michael for helping me stay grounded in this world.

2000: How to Release

By Jennifer Hoffmann

One of the lessons of the Shift is that we are to willingly release those things which no longer serve us and move forward on our path. Like most aspects of our lessons, it sounds easier than it is. Releasing is not simply letting go of a situation, it is also letting go of every attachment that we have to it, including our emotions, thoughts and feelings. Now the situation gets more complicated, especially if what we are releasing is particularly difficult or painful.