2016: 12 Warning Signs It’s Time To Change Your Life

Quite often, it takes a major shakeup or catastrophe for everybody, including you, to wake up and change your life.

You recognize that something isn’t right. You know it.

The sad part is that it’s so much easier to keep living this life rather than do the work to change it. You’re pretty comfortable being miserable. It’s become a part of you every day. Even though it really isn’t any fun, it’s safe.

But there does come a time when change is a must and that’s before a tragedy hits. There are danger signs that shouldn’t be avoided.

2015: Rekindle Self Love Through 4 Simple Exercises

I do believe that all relationships are just a way to know thyself better. All experiences shared with others direct to yourself. At the end of the day, you only seek your own love, your own approval. The whole point of loving someone is to rekindle the love for yourself.
When you feel complete within yourself, you attract someone just like yourself. But the journey starts with you. If you try and change your reality first, you are only going to be waiting for your reflection to smile first.