2016: An Unseen Force is Creating a New World

“The old world is ending – the new world is just beginning.” – Bob Marley

by Wes Annac

A hidden spiritual power permeates the land around us, and those of us who are willing to open up to it can access and feel it.

I’ve just started to tap into it, and I feel it in its strongest doses when I’m in nature.

I’ve only received an inkling of the spiritual power that flows from this land, but from what I’ve felt so far, it’s incredibly potent.

Ra-Material: THE LAW OF ONE

Session 1

RA: I am Ra. I have not spoken through this instrument before. We had to wait until she was precisely tuned, as we send a narrow band vibration. We greet you in the love and the light of our Infinite Creator.

We have watched your group.

2001: Ascension Symptoms

Know that although our evolutionary process is rapidly accelerating, along with the New higher vibrational energies, we are all experiencing these changes in our own way and in our own time, according to who we are and according to our coding and plan before birth. In addition, generally speaking, our ascension process relates to how we each run our own individual energy, and what our beliefs and experiences are (in other words, how we are wired and how we vibrate).

2000: What is Ascension?

by Linda Johnson 
27 May 2002

Ascension simply means ‘going up’. Ascending rather than descending.

What is going up? Earth’s vibration or frequency. Think of Earth as part of a big cycle that has moved down to its’ lowest point and then starts to go back up again. As the vibration has gone down, things have got denser and denser, slower and slower. The bandwidth of frequency, or dimension Earth sits in is determined by how dense and slow she is. Earth has hit the bottom in the third dimension and cannot exist any lower.