2000: Tantric Balancing through Massage


By Bill Peay

He who realizes the truth of the body can then come to know the truth of the universe.

You, as a human being, are an amazing integration of physical substance, spiritual essence, and mental/emotional awareness. Each of these elements interacts within every person in an interdependent relationship which, when taken together as a whole, constitutes what we consider the uniqueness of human life. It is upon this foundation in logical reasoning that the entire approach to Tantric Balancing through Massage, presented here, is based.

When you consider that all human life is biologically and anatomically similar, yet uniquely different in many subtle aspects, you can see that, no matter what a person’s race or color, each of us is physically put together the same way. It is our different cultures that have given rise to the unique ways we put social meaning around concepts like human sexuality and religion. This series of linked articles, prepared specifically for the Internet to reach a variety people of all cultures, will touch that delicate fabric of innate belief systems concerning sex, relationships, and, of course, religion, the common denominator through which most human beings seek guidance on appropriate social and personal behavior regarding sexual issues.

What you will be reading about here doesn’t easily fit into any category for definition. If one needs to be chosen, as is the case here, the concepts promoted by Tantric Yoga seem to fit closest to the objectives sought to be achieved through this form of massage “bodywork.” The awakening and movement of “kundalini energy,” a foundation of Tantric Yoga, seems best to describe the physiological response to this deep, pelvic bodywork. For this reason, we have chosen to introduce these massage ideas within the Internet’s Kundalini Resource Center.

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Because this is not a “perfect” fit, Yoga purists may find the idea of using massage, rather than enlightenment to activate kundalini energy foreign to their basic beliefs. Perhaps it is not kundalini which is being awakened at all. Whatever it is, this form of physical bodywork appears to elicit physiological and emotional reactions from individuals who experience it which parallel the recantations of kundalini activation described in traditional Yogic literature and elsewhere. Semantics aside, the experience is real, and it is powerful for those who experience it.

Delving a bit deeper, from the basic similarities observed in the physical body, one can postulate that a similar “physiology” applies to the intangible aspects of the spiritual and mental/emotional elements of human life. Just as sure as the predisposition of human anatomy is for two arms, two legs, and one head, the culture-independent predisposition for human spiritual anatomy gravitates toward personal manifestations of faith, belief, and deeper understanding. Yet even among these parallels there exist the same subtle differences which make us each spiritually unique, much as our fingerprints and DNA make us physiologically unique. These spiritual and mental/emotional differences will influence your interpretation of what you are about to read, and the particular conclusions you draw will be unique to you.

Irregardless of your background and customs, if you are open to broadening your understanding of the aspects of human life, then we offer you a journey which will blend the pleasure of human touch with the power of etheric energy in a union capable of extending you beyond your present understanding of reality. We are each unique, but, really, we are not all that different. From what you read, and what you practice from the massage techniques you read about, you will learn for yourself how all this fits within your basic belief system. No matter what happens, you will grow.

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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The ideas and opinions expressed here are those of the author and/or authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the site host, or the community at large. Also, any exercises presented here, either physical or mental, are to be practiced at your own risk. Consult your physician, therapist, guide, or guru before you begin, or should you experience any discomfort or trauma from any of the processes involved in the awakening of kundalini energy. Many people consider this energy force too powerful to work with on your own without the active assistance of a guide. Use your own best judgment. By all means, be extremely careful, and progress slowly and cautiously on your path to Kundalini Awakening. It is in your best interest to do so.

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