If you are looking to stock your herbal medicine cabinet, nettle leaf is a staple for this purpose. The herb is considered a “spring tonic,” since that is when it is traditionally harvested and it has so many medicinal uses.

It is inexpensive to buy dried nettle, but it can be harvested yourself, if you’d like (just make sure to wear gloves). If you can’t find anywhere to harvest nettle, you can plant it at home in a pot. It can be invasive when planted directly in the ground, though, and the last thing you want is a yard full of a plant that hurts when you touch it.

Topical Uses for Nettle

Hair – Stinging nettle is regularly incorporated into shampoos and hair rinses, as it reduces oil and dandruff, adds shine, and encourages hair growth. If you use a shampoo bar on your hair, consider making an herbal vinegar rinse using nettle as your herb.

Nettle Extract for Hair Loss + Hair Growth Benefits!

www.VitaJingHerbs.com Nettle Extract for Hair Loss + Hair Growth Learn today how Nettle Extract improves hair growth by reducing the level of DHT that affect…

Wound Treatment – Nettle leaf can be infused in oil to make a salve for burns and other wounds. The juice from the nettle plant is useful for treating bug bites, bee stings and even a sting from the nettle plant itself! A nettle rinse can be used to soothe a painful sunburn or other types of wounds.

Nettle Compress – To soothe the pain of menstrual cramps, sprains and arthritic joints, a nettle compress can be applied.


Susun Weed makes stinging nettle leaf nourishing herbal infusion. Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) builds energy, strengthens the adrenals, and is said to res…

Nettle Leaf Can Be Eaten Like a Vegetable

Harvest young leaves and make sure to soak, steam or cook nettle long enough to blunt the stingers, or dinner will be an unpleasant experience. Nettle is mildly flavored, like spinach, so you can use it as you would any other kind of green leafy vegetable in your soups, pastas, eggs, etc. As mentioned above, nettle is high in vitamins and minerals, but it also has dietary fiber and is high in protein (for a vegetable).

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Some people should avoid consuming nettles

If you have low blood pressure, nettle should be avoided. I have read conflicting information over whether nettles are safe during pregnancy and lactation, so I can’t say if they are or not. Please consult your physician before beginning regular use of this herb to ensure it will not counteract any medications or interfere with any medical conditions you may have.

Stinging Nettle Benefits as a Wild Superfood

http://bit.ly/UJgWWx – Learn more about how stinging nettle benefits, not just as a nutritive food source, but also as a free wild green you can harvest your…

The Benefits of Eating Stinging Nettle – Shaw TV Duncan

Shaw TV’s Jen Muranetz heads to Alderlea Farm to harvest some stinging nettle and make from yummy recipes from it!

Stinging Nettle
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