When we’re serious about addressing a health challenge, we start putting together “several pieces in a puzzle.” Our completed puzzle will include:

Finding our Central Purpose in Life… Examining whether our mental attitudes are primarily positive, and if not, correcting them… Drinking the equivalent of one-half ounce of quality water a day for each pound that we weigh… Improving our diet, and selecting essential supplements… Enjoying aerobic exercise… Experiencing the many benefits of therapeutic touch… and…

Adding a new piece to our good health puzzle immediately rewards us with more energy and resistance to illness! We increase prospects for abundant health!

One of the center pieces in our “puzzle” is to correct an acidity pH balance (hydrogen potential) by feeding ourself more alkaline foods. Fortunately, nowadays, we can also get help from an amazing supplement called microhydrin, which helps us compensate for acidic food intake, among its other benefits.

Almost everyone in North America is too acidic. You can check whether your symptoms of an acidic cell structure are at a beginning, intermediate or advanced level. Credits go to the book, Alkalize or Die, by Dr. Theodore Baroody, Eclectic Press, Waynesville, NC 28786. A good buy!

Beginning Symptoms
1. Acne
2. Agitation
3. Bloating
4. Breath Rapid, Panting
5. Chemical Sensitivities to Odors, Gas Heat
6. Cold Hands, Feet
7. Constipation
8. Diarrhea
9. Dizziness
10. Energy, Low
11. Food Allergies
12. Hard to Get Up in the Morning
13. Headaches, Mild
14. Heartbeat, Irregular
15. Heartbeat, Rapid
16. Heartburn
17. Hyperactivity
18. Joint Pains, Traveling
19. Mouth, Metallic Taste
20. Mucous Excessive in Head, Stuffiness
21. Muscular Pain
22. Panic Attacks
23. Pre-Menstrual Anxiety & Depression
24. Pre-Menstrual & Menstrual Cramping
25. Sex Drive, Low
26. Tongue, White-Coated
27. Urine, Hot
28. Urine, Strong Smelling
Intermediate Symptoms
1. Asthma
2. Bacterial Infections, Staph, Strep
3. Bronchitis
4. Cold Sores, Herpes I & II
5. Colitis
6. Concentration Loss
7. Cystitis
8. Depression
9. Disturbance, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Vision
10. Ear Aches
11. Endometriosis
12. Fungal Infections, Athlete’s Foot, Candida Albicans, Vaginal
13. Gastritis
14. Hair, Falling Excessively
15. Hay Fever
16. Headaches – Migraines
17. Hives
18. Impotence
19. Insomnia
20. Memory Loss
21. Numbness and Tingling
22. Psoriasis
23. Sinusitis
24. Stuttering
25. Swelling
26. Urethritis
27. Urinary Infection
28. Viral Infections, Colds, Flu
Advanced Symptoms
1. Crohn’s Disease
2. Cancer, All Forms
3. Hodgkin’s Disease
4. Learning -Disabled
5. Leukemia
6. Multiple Sclerosis
7. Myasthenia Gravis
8. Rheumatoid Arthritis
9. Sarcoidosis
10. Schizophrenia
11. Scleroderma
12. Systemic Lupus Erythematosis
13. Tuberculosis

See also  Potentised Preparations

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