The info on Soy is misleading.

This short article will list some warnings on Soy. The internet is loaded with information warning of the harmful effects of Soy when used improperly. Robert Cohen, the man, recommends organically grown soy. My opinion is that the bad effects of Soy are due to the adulteration of the natural food for commercialization. Because the human race has weakened itself on denatured junk food for several generations, we are genetically predisposed to trouble from foods that can shift the chemical balance too far in one direction.

We are not healthy enough to tolerate this effect and so certain foods affect us, based upon our individual weaknesses. Soy is one of those type of foods since it contains large amounts of nutritional complexes that have strong effects on our endocrine systems. Two glasses of Soy milk a day contain enough chemicals to alter the menstrual cycle. Some of the chemicals added to natural Soy products in Soy are also known to contribute to breast cancer.  [The reader is advised to read article one to become acquainted with the true nature of cancer. The orthodox view of cancer is incorrect, dangerous and destructive.]

Never use Soy formula for babies and don’t use TOFU. Babies can survive on Avocado or almond milk prepared from fresh almonds. Stale almonds will poison babies with rancid fats. Don’t use Soy unless it has been fermented or sprouted. Use only Tempeh, Miso and Soy sprouts. Soak Soy beans for three or four days and rinse them twice a day then cook until soft.

soyfoods3Primitive cultures used Soy with little harmful effect due to the habit of soaking and straining which removed the harmful enzymes. The heat of the cooking process also helps eliminate unwanted enzyme activity. The sprouted form is quite safe. Soy cannot compare to animal protein as far as effectiveness in the human diet.

Vegetarianism is fine if done right. Hardly anyone does it right. Vegetable and fruit protein is an inferior grade of protein and often combined with starch that inhibits its absorption. Our bodies are geared for the absorption and use of animal protein. The liver cell of any mammal looks and functions much like the human liver cell. Our bodies take those cells and use them for self repair and antibody production. In this regard, the animal kingdom is our spare parts warehouse so to speak.

See also  Cholesterol-Buster Shake

Foods affect hormone balances in the body. Just about every new chemical coming out these days seems to contain estrogenic substances so the situations that will contribute to hormone imbalances abound. Adding the wrong foods to the diet can contribute significantly. Many of the hormone imbalances are very frequently the result of poor Adrenal Gland function which causes imbalances in hormones. These imbalances should not be chased therapeutically. When faced with hormonal imbalances and symptoms always take one more step backwards in your diagnostic approach towards discovery of the true cause of the stress responsible for the Adrenal Gland dysfunction. Identify the stressor/s, remove it/them, and then make a decision on whether or not nutritional/glandular/hormonal support is really necessary and exactly what that support should be.

A good example of #7 above is seen in the patient who shows positive therapy localization to the Adrenal neurolymphatic points prior to manipulation (Applied Kinesiology Technique) but not following manipulation. I.e., the stressor was mechanical. The body responds instantly to the proper corrections, whether they be mechanical, chemical or mental. A good hour of meditation for example will often help solve a multitude of symptoms (i.e., stop the brain for a period of not less than thirty minutes. An hour is better.). The secret to meditation is “indulge”. Learn how not to “indulge” in your thoughts, just allow them to come and go by themselves. Proper structure, proper diet, proper mental activity is necessary. This includes fresh air and sunshine.

Since this is being written in February in Northeast Ohio it is worthy to mention the effects of sunshine during the winter months. In the wintertime many patients show vitamin D deficiency symptoms that express themselves in the form of knee pain. The quadriceps muscle is related to the small intestine. Knee pain (and Narcolepsy) often responds to vitamin D during the winter months. A grade 4/5 Quadricep will often become a grade 5/5 following a full body dose of Ultraviolet for about twenty seconds. Especially in the winter months, sleep in a completely darkened room, try to expose yourself, face and eyes especially, to as much sunlight as possible (See John Otts Book on sunlight effects and his astonishing film, now available on videotape, that proves the physiological effects of sunlight) One hour a day in sunlight insures proper amounts of Melatonin production. Sleeping in a totally darkened room also helps. Get your sunlight as early in the day as possible.


The following was retrieved from the daily newsletter by Robert Cohen


by John Robbins

The entire article is too large to post here, but can be read at your leisure by going to the above URL.

Here are some of John”s comments: “It”s not that long ago that soybeans were considered by most Americans to be “hippie food.” But then medical research began accumulating, affirming that soy consumption reduced heart disease and cancer risk, that it lengthened lives and enhanced their quality, and that it provided an almost ideal protein to substitute for animal proteins that almost inevitably come packaged with cholesterol and saturated fat.” “When soybeans are made into soymilk, tofu, tempeh, and the other common forms of soyfoods, their protein digestibility is enhanced and becomes similar to animal foods…even simple soybeans, with their reduced digestibility, are so high in protein and in all the essential amino acids that they could still easily serve as the sole source of protein in a person”s diet if that was necessary for some reason.”  [this is the quote of a vegetarian with which I disagree – animal protein is the vital protein for humans. Unless you are an adrenal dominant, born with a vegetarian digestive capacity, a vegetarian diet will weaken you. DHD Sr]

“Protease inhibitors found in soybeans appear to reduce the incidence of colon, prostate and breast cancer in humans.” “In 2000, the Nutrition Committee of the American Heart Association published a major statement in the peer-reviewed journal Circulation, officially recommending the inclusion of 25 grams or more of soy protein, with its associated phytochemicals intact(i.e., not in the form of an isolated soy protein supplement),in the daily diet as a means of promoting heart health. This recommendation is consistent with the FDA”s recent ruling allowing soy protein products to carry the health claim: “25 grams/day of soy protein, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease.”


The findings of the prestigious Health Professionals Follow-up Study, found a 70% reduction in prostate cancer for men who consume soymilk daily.” “In 1997, the American Institute for Cancer Research, in collaboration with its international affiliate, the World Cancer Research Fund, issued a major international report, Food, Nutrition and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective. This report analyzed more than 4,500 research studies, and its production involved the participation of more than 120 contributors and peer reviewers, including participants from the World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the International Agency on Research in Cancer, and the U.S. National Cancer Institute. In 2000, Riva Bitrum, the President of Research for the American Institute for Cancer Research, said that: “Studies showing consistently that just one serving a day of soyfoods contributes to a reduction in cancer risk are encouraging.

See also  Do Soy Foods Negatively Affect Your Thyroid?

Consuming one serving of soyfoods is a step most individuals would not find too difficult to take.” “A major study published in the August, 2001, Journal of the American Medical Association found that infants fed soy formula grow to be just as healthy as those raised on cow”s milk formulas.” “Cow”s milk provides more than nine times as much saturated fat as soy beverages, so is far more likely to contribute to heart disease.” “Soy beverages provide more than 10 times as much essential fatty acids as cow”s milk, and so provide a far healthier quality of fat.” “Soy beverages are cholesterol-free, while cow”s milk contains 34 mg of cholesterol per cup, which again means that cow”s milk is far worse for your heart and cardiovascular system.”

“Soy beverages lower both total and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels, while cow”s milk raises both total and LDL cholesterol levels, providing yet more reasons soymilk is better for your health.” “Soy beverages contain numerous protective phytochemicals that may protect against chronic diseases such as heart disease and osteoporosis. Cow”s milk contains no phytochemicals.” “Men who consume one to two servings of soymilk per day are 70 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer than men who don”t.”

“In my view, the best way to take advantage of soy”s health benefits is to follow the example of the traditional Asian diets and stick with whole foods. As a population, these are cultures that, when they have eaten their traditional diets, have tended to be healthier and live longer than Americans.

The Okinawa Japanese, the longest living people in the world, average 1-2 servings of soy each day.” Robert Cohen