Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “vortex.” The chakras in the human body are subtle energy centers. Hindu mystics numbered the chakras in the body in the hundreds of thousands. This is very similar to the meridian system used in acupuncture and shiatsu therapies. However, the chakras I focus on during the clearing and balancing are the 7 major centers.

The 7 major chakras act as receivers and transmitters for subtle energies. Each chakra functions on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Balance is the key to health and well-being. When there is imbalance it can manifest in many various ways, with a general feeling of “something being off.” When the chakra is cleared and functional, it can perform its work completely, process energy, bring energy to the physical organs and subtle bodies and remove used stale or stagnant energy from the system.

When the chakra is blocked, it stops spinning and becomes dysfunctional. Chakras may become dysfunctional when they are congested with fear, stress, stale or stagnant energy. If a stressful condition continues for a long time, the chakras may close. When the physical body has to function under continued stress (distress) or depression, the chakras cannot spin and work properly and become unbalanced and blocked with stale and stagnant energy.

Our thoughts and attitudes can block energy flowing through the chakras as well. Unexpressed emotions can cause the chakras to be overcharged, leading to their closing or blockage. When chakras are closed, energy cannot be transformed and released to the physical body. If energy is not flowing freely through energetic centers, physical problems may develop in specific areas and discomfort or illness can occur. When a chakra is blocked it needs healing by scanning and removing the barrier. Because the chakras work together as a system, a block in the functioning of one chakra may affect the activity of another.

Chakra clearing helps transform harmful emotional energy like anger, grief, and guilt into positive energy. Healthy chakras can enhance your general emotional and physical well-being and can be achieved by energy that is in a constant smooth flow, refreshed and vitalized.

Imagine the chakras as a kind of “filtration system” that purifies energy from the dense, physical plane that’s associated with our primal instincts and animal nature, into the highly refined spiritual plane that connects with the source of life itself. Working with the chakras can open the way to healing, psychological development and spiritual growth.

Cleared, balanced and aligned chakras are especially beneficial to people in sales, acting, politics, media personnel and basically anyone desiring to be in the “spotlight.” Very charismatic people, such as celebrities, have very large, balanced chakras. Questions? Please feel free to email me.

Currently my schedule does not allow me to do distance chakra balancings and clearings. However, these are still available in person by appointment.

Below is a brief explanation of the major chakras:

Root Chakra—located at the very tip of the tailbone. Its color is red and it’s associated with passion, vitality, desire, and energy. This chakra keeps up rooted in material reality, lending us the power to achieve. Imbalance may manifest as general physical and emotional weakness, anorexia or greed. A person with a healthy root chakra is flexible and able to flow with the changes, balanced and remains grounded during change. You can heal your Root Chakra by taking control of your destiny and make your own choices. A constricted Root Chakra can be congested with conservative, rigid beliefs, hate, prejudice and petty attitudes that rule what we can and cannot do. Every time we affirm our right to the life we desire, we heal the Root Chakra! Know you have a right to joy, happiness, health and a creative existence. You don’t need anyone else’s approval or reasons to make choices that promise you happiness, security and joy!

Sacral Chakra—located around the area of the pubic bone. Its color is orange, associated with joy, and sociability. This is the center of intimacy, sex and creative reproduction of being. The function of this chakra depends on how well we take care of ourselves. We need to know what our boundaries and limitations are so we can use this energy for both daily tasks and to protect us during stressful times. The body needs to be consistently replenished so we can draw on it when needed. If this charka is not replenished it will drain all the other chakras to fill it and eventually deplete the entire energy source of the body. Know when enough is enough. You can dissipate your energy by giving it away to people and situations that are not pleasurable. Knowing how you give your energy away can help you make better choices in how you spend your time. Imbalance may manifest as sexual inhibition or an inability to handle intimacy. It controls our appetites for food, sex and pleasure. If we are too indulgent we burn up energy required by other systems in our body. If we hold back too much energy, we become obsessed on what we can’t have. Finding the balance between control and letting go is key to keeping this chakra strong.

Solar-Plexus Chakra—located just above the navel. Its color is yellow and it’s associated with intelligence, clarity, happiness, and creativity. This is the chakra of your personal power. Imbalance of this chakra may manifest as feelings of worthlessness, discouragement, perpetual uncertainty or a need to control others and events. This chakra is the center of personal identity. The Solar Plexus Chakra rules all aspects of our personality and ego, including our sense of self-worth, self-esteem and personal identity. It influences our personal power and our freedom of choice. This chakra regulates our gut feelings about things and people. Developing our personal power comes from feelings of who we truly are. This power can emerge in any situation and guides us through the complications of life that help us grow and mature. It thrives when we stand our ground. Without life challenges, opposition and resistance from others, our inner determination can’t develop which in turn, develops our personal power. Our true self is the part of us that is always complete and undivided. It is not affected by pain, loss or trauma if we truly know ourselves. It is this awareness of our worth, esteem and true power that makes us radiate and shine in life.

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Heart Chakra—located in the middle of the chest—you guessed it—near the heart. Its color is green, associated with healing, balance, harmony, and gentle nurturing. It is the center point of the chakra system and is crucial to maintaining balance. Imbalances of the heart center may manifest through an inability to give and/or receive love, gravitation to co-dependant and other dysfunctional relationships, and depression. The Heart Chakra thrives on joy and delight and it flourishes on openness, sharing, touch and connection. It contracts with pain, loss and trauma. The message of the Heart Chakra is to accept people the way they are and love them anyway because we are all one with life. We forge a strong heart protector by developing a strong sense of love for ourselves that is reflected in setting healthy boundaries and knowing who and what are for our highest good. Once we have created strong protection for our hearts, we develop the pureness and innocence of the heart itself. We can then see the purity and beauty in each individual graced with life.

Throat Chakra—located where the throat meets the chest. Its color is sky-blue or turquoise, associated with friendship, loyalty, open and honest communication. The Throat Chakra gives us the power to express ourselves on every level. To honor this gift fully we must consciously commit to express our truth and individuality clearly and with integrity. The Throat Chakra is the gateway to higher spiritual realms. In esoteric teachings it is known as the “Mouth of God” and is where higher spiritual energy is channeled into the body. This infusion of energy occurs when the mind is free and the spirit open. The Throat Chakra shuts down from grief, unexpressed feelings like anger and fear, emotional and physical abuse, dishonesty, slandering or gossiping and all forms of substance abuse that pass through the throat damage it including alcohol, smoking, recreational and prescribed drugs and overeating. All these disrupt energy that flows from the lower chakras to Third Eye and Crown Chakras.

Third-eye Chakra—located at the third-eye point in the middle of the forehead. Its color is indigo, associated with deep meditation, high-level intuition, and self-awareness. This chakra provides the energy for us to experience clear and concise thought. It’s the root for psychological maturity as well as ethical and philosophical principles. When fully activated this chakra stimulates both hemispheres of the brain. The right hemisphere controls intuitive and creative activity. The left side controls rational and analytical thinking. When they work together a harmonious image of reality is created and consists of grounded, logical thinking and intuitive and imaginative experience. The Third Eye Chakra is the power of the mind to create our reality on the physical, mental and emotional levels. It is the part of the mind where we transform our lives, harness our vitality and carry out our dreams. The Third Eye Chakra helps awaken our minds and question whether what we have been taught is true or false. To fully activate this chakra it’s necessary to examine our self-limiting ideas that belittle our worth. Its spiritual purpose can give us wisdom, discernment, imagination, intuition and knowledge. As we extract the truth from life experience, we develop this chakra and strengthen our spirit. It’s important not to ignore your other chakras and work on the Third Eye Chakra exclusively. Doing so can make you feel unbalanced, ungrounded and even delusional!

Crown Chakra—located at the crown of the skull, approximately at the same point as a baby’s soft-spot. The color most associated with this center is violet. Associated with spiritual attainment, silent contemplation, eternal truth, and the highest aspect of one’s Self. The Crown Chakra brings us spiritual insights and a greater sense of what we are capable of accomplishing and what our higher purpose may be. For some, this can be seen as a “mid-life crisis” because enlightenment often leads us to reject what we have been and pursuit of what we want to become. In order for the Crown Chakra to be fully operational it isn’t necessary for us to renounce the world and its material temptations. Our goal must be to see the spirit in all life and to understand that we are here on Earth to be happy and fulfill our soul’s longings for love, peace and happiness. When fully activating the energy of the Crown Chakra, we need rest, tranquility and peace in order to contemplate the wonders and mysteries of the divine. By balancing worldly activity with spiritual pursuits we can remain grounded in life, often bringing healing and transformation in subtle ways to our immediate world.


Meditation to Clear and Balance Your Chakras
Your thoughts create your reality. If you continuously fill your mind with negative thoughts, one or more of your chakras may become unbalanced or blocked. Earth is a very dense and negative atmosphere and throughout the day we may think many negative and fearful thoughts. It’s important to remember that the thoughts that created these blocks simply require correction, not judgment. When you have a negative though, acknowledge it and then substitute it. You are the one with the power to cancel out a negative thought with a positive one by simply thinking again. For some, it’s hard to fully comprehend the concept that everything is made of energy. Atoms and molecules that bounce around at all times are what everything is made of. Scientists have only recently discovered that we can control these atoms and molecules with just our thoughts. Thought is energy in itself and cannot be destroyed, and thought creates everything.

There are many different ways to determine whether a chakra is blocked as well as options for clearing a blockage. The following is a guided meditation with the angel, Galgaliel that will help you to become more energized and balanced in both your spiritual and material life. Galgaliel is the angel that governs the movement of energy and vibrations. If you are unable to meditate, read the meditation either out loud or to yourself, doing the best you can to feel the energy being balanced and cleared.

Sit in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Place both feet on the ground and mentally prepare for your meditation. Begin by grounding and centering yourself. Close your eyes and imagine roots growing from your feet into Mother Earth. Then follow this simple breathing exercise to relax your physical body: breathe in through your nose, hold it for 7 seconds, and release it very slowly through your mouth. Repeat 3 times then unconsciously continue breathing this way throughout the meditation. If you notice any mind cluttering thoughts, imagine them floating away in a bubble. (Don’t worry if this seems difficult, it takes practice before being able to completely quiet your mind. You will still be able to meditate. Tell your Ego-self to move toward your left shoulder. Let the Ego-self know that it’s only an observer during the clearing and know this is so. Ask your Angels, Guides and all that you desire to accompany you on this meditation now.

Ask The Creator to send down a beam of protective white light. The Creator hears your request and in your mind’s eye you can immediately envision a beam of light coming down from the universe. Watch it surround you in a protective glow.

You are ready to clear and balance your chakras. Mentally say, “Galgaliel please come to me now and help me clear and balance my chakras.” Galgaliel is instantly by your side ready to assist.

Galgaliel directs the beam of white light into your crown chakra on the top of your head. This light travels down the center of your physical body, down through your legs, feet and into the earth and then loops back up to the Creator. See and feel this energy cycle moving through you in a continuous loop.

Now, concentrate on your root chakra located at the base of your spine. Chakras resemble fan-shaped circles of light. Visualize the root chakra as beautiful, radiating ruby red. If it is not spinning, ask Galgaliel to activate the chakra and watch it swirl like a spinning fan moving clockwise Feel the energy vortex swirling with bright red light. See the loop of white light moving through this chakra. If you notice any dark spots, mentally ask Galgaliel to clear them for you. Watch the light clear any dark spots and making the chakra even more bright and beautiful. If the chakra is unsteady or wobbly, ask Galgaliel to balance it and watch as it becomes stabilized. While concentrating on this Chakra, feel your connection to the physical world. Know that when this chakra is clear and spinning you are grounded, have the ability to reach your goals and attracting wealth and everything you need for survival.

Move up to your sacral chakra, which is located close to the area of the pubic bone. Visualize the chakra as magnificent, radiating sunset orange. If it is not spinning, ask Galgaliel to activate the chakra and watch it swirl like a spinning fan moving clockwise Feel the energy vortex swirling with bright orange light. See the loop of white light moving through this chakra. If you notice any dark spots, mentally ask Galgaliel to clear them for you. Watch the light clear any dark spots and making the chakra even more brilliant and remarkable. If the chakra is unsteady or wobbly, ask Galgaliel to balance it and watch as it is stabilized. While concentrating on this Chakra, feel your connection to your confidence, sexual energy, creativity and joy. Know that when this chakra is clear and spinning you are joyful, creative and able to connect with others on an intimate level.

See also  Awakening the Third Eye – Be Careful What You Wish For

Now bring your focus to your solar plexus chakra that is located slightly above your navel. Picture the chakra as lovely, radiating sunshine yellow. If it’s not spinning, ask Galgaliel to activate the chakra and watch it swirl like a spinning fan moving clockwise Feel the energy vortex swirling with bright yellow light. See the loop of white light moving through this chakra. If you notice any dark spots, mentally ask Galgaliel to clear them for you. Watch the light clear any dark spots and making the chakra even more dazzling and bright. If the chakra is unsteady or wobbly, ask Galgaliel to balance it and watch as it becomes stabilized. While focusing on this Chakra, feel your connection to your personal power, purpose and physical body. Know that when this chakra is clear and spinning you are living your life to the fullest and your personal power and willpower is resilient.

Now, concentrate on your heart chakra located in your chest. Imagine the chakra a dazzling, glorious emerald green. If it’s not spinning, ask Galgaliel to activate the chakra and watch it swirl like a spinning fan moving clockwise Feel the energy vortex swirling with bright green light. See the loop of white light moving through this chakra. If you notice any dark spots, mentally ask Galgaliel to clear them for you. Watch the light clear any dark spots and making the chakra even more brilliant and glorious. If the chakra is unsteady or wobbly, ask Galgaliel to balance it. While directing your attention on this Chakra, feel your connection to your perfect love, compassion and devotion. Know that when this chakra is clear and spinning you are healing, balanced, harmonious, good-natured and nurturing

Now move up to your throat chakra. Imagine the luminous sky blue energy whirling and flowing. If it’s not spinning, ask Galgaliel to activate the chakra and watch it swirl like a spinning fan moving clockwise Feel the energy vortex swirling with bright sky-blue light. See the loop of white light moving through this chakra. If you notice any dark spots, mentally ask Galgaliel to clear them for you. Watch the light clear any dark spots and making the chakra even more glorious. Ask Galgaliel to balance this chakra if it’s unsteady or wobbly. Feel your connection to your communication center, inspirations and expressions. Know that when this chakra is clear and spinning you can communicate your thoughts and truth clearly to yourself and others.

Now shift your attention to your third-eye chakra located between your eyebrows. Feel your forehead open and expand as the intense violet light energy flows in this chakra. If it’s not spinning, ask Galgaliel to activate it so that it swirls in a clockwise motion. See the loop of white light moving through this chakra. If you notice any dark spots, mentally ask Galgaliel to clear them for you. Watch as the chakra becomes even more bright and glorious. If the chakra is unsteady or wobbly, ask Galgaliel to balance it. While focusing on this Chakra, know that your intuition is activated and you are able to see clearly with your inner eye. Know that when this chakra is clear and spinning you are open and willing to receive intuitive messages and it will be easier to see “psychic visions.”

Bring your focus up to your crown chakra. Feel the top of your head open and expand as the shining violet-white light whirls in a clockwise motion. If it’s not spinning, ask Galgaliel to activate it so that it swirls in a clockwise motion. See the loop of white light moving through this chakra. If you notice any dark spots, mentally ask Galgaliel to clear them for you making the chakra even more bright and magnificent. If the chakra is unsteady or wobbly, ask Galgaliel to balance it. While focusing on this Chakra, know that your connection to God/dess is strong. Understand that when this chakra is clear and spinning you are aware that you are loved and important. Know that your spiritual awareness is heightened and you are free of fears.

Bring your focus to all seven of the chakras you just cleared and balanced. Ask Galgaliel to make all your chakras the same size, as large or small as you desire. Watch the brilliant wheels of light become the same size. Now ask Galgaliel to have all your chakras spin at the same speed, not too slow and not too fast. Now feel all seven chakras spinning and vibrating with energy. Feel the loop of white light energy taking any negativity and blocks down to the earth and back up to the source for cleansing and transformation. Feel this energy for a moment and relish in the vitality it is passing on to you.

Thank Galgaliel, your Spirit Guides and Angels for clearing and balancing your chakras.

Focus on grounding and centering yourself by picturing the roots from your feet into Mother Earth and breathing deeply and slowly.

Pause a moment and open your eyes and enjoy the peace

If you can do this everyday, wonderful, but if your life is too busy just do it whenever you have time and the desire. The more often you do it, the better you’ll feel.

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