For anyone unfortunate enough to have been duped into getting a flu vaccine this year, (or any year), you are about to read some disappointing news.

The Centres for Disease Control (CDC) has announced that this year’s flu shot doesn’t match the major strain that’s causing the majority of cases of this years flu.

The strain of flu in circulation has changed since this season’s vaccine was formulated. This means that the flu shot you may have received a month or two ago will do even less than usual (which is zilch anyway) to stop you from getting flu.

“The flu vaccine never works for most of us, and this year it’s going to be even worse,” reports  family physician  Dr. David Brownstein.

Insert from a flu vaccine package showing safety and efficacy have not been evaluated.

There are many strains of flu virus, over 200 in all, and scientists decide early in the year which strains they believe will be the prominent strain in the coming flu season. They include their choices in the new vaccines. Even then the flu vaccine is only calculated to combat types A and B influenza virus.

“They just take their best guess, and they’re often wrong,” said Dr. Brownstein. “But right or wrong, there’s never any real difference in the numbers of cases of flu whether the vaccine is a good match or not.”

“In the first place, the vaccine doesn’t work”, he continues. “However, a review of 50 studies that included more than 70,000 adults found that 100 people needed to be vaccinated to avoid one set of influenza symptoms, which include fever, runny nose, and cough.”

These figures are backed up by a recent study published in the Lancet, which stated that only 1.5 people out of 100 who receive the flu shot obtain any kind of immunity. This study, known as the Cochrane report stated the following:

“71 people would need vaccination to prevent one case of influenza. Vaccination shows no appreciable effect on working days lost or hospitalisation”.

If you’re elderly or obese, your chances are extremely remote of getting any protection at all from the flu shot. “The immune systems of the elderly don’t respond to the vaccine,” says Dr. Brownstein. “There’s been no decrease in the numbers of flu cases in the elderly since they began getting flu shots, even though about 80 percent of them are vaccinated. The vaccine just isn’t effective.” 

The obese fare no better either. A study published in the International Journal of Obesity  found that obese people had a weakened response to flu vaccinations.

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“These results suggest that overweight and obese people would be more likely than healthy weight people to experience flu illness following exposure to the flu virus,” said Melinda Beck, Ph.D., senior author of the study, and professor at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health.

CDC’s website showing toxic ingredients in a flu vaccine, including mercury, a highly dangerous neurotoxin.

Anyone who doubts the findings of the above health professionals may wish to take note of what the vaccine manufacturers themselves say about the efficacy and safety of the vaccines they produce.

GlaxoSmithKline, the makers of the Flulaval vaccine, admit on their own package insert (in microscopic text that no one reads) that:

“Safety and effectiveness of Flulaval have not been established in pregnant women, nursing mothers or children.”

“Safety and effectiveness of Flulaval in paediatric patients have not been established.”

“Flulaval has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility.”

“There have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with Flulaval.”

So there can be no confusion regarding what the vaccine manufacturers are actually stating on that package insert, I have converted the contents into plain English. What it actually tells us is:

No tests have ever been conducted that prove Flulaval is safe or effective for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, or infants.

Vaccine box showing mercury is added in dangerous quantities

The insert then lists many of the possible adverse effects associated with the use of this vaccine, including:

Guillian-Barre syndrome,

Convulsions / seizures,

Facial or cranial nerve paralysis,


Limb paralysis,


To name just a few of the twenty most documented, often debilitating, side effects.

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Many vaccine devotees and even many physicians might dismiss the above as rare or insignificant side effects, and attempt to convince the unwary that the benefits of the flu vaccine far outweigh the risks.

Anybody can make claims such as this, so in order to be objective one needs to do the maths to form a rational deduction of benefit versus risk.

First one needs to consider that the vaccine at best (when the virus in the vaccine actually matches the strain in circulation) only protects 1.5 in a hundred recipients. So one needs to ask themselves “am I that one person in seventy one that might actually be protected?”

Next one needs to contemplate the number of adverse reactions to vaccines reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System or VAERS. Then one needs to realize that, according to the US governments own statistics, only 1 – 2% of adverse reactions are actually reported.

There have so far been almost 301,000 vaccine-associated adverse reactions reported to VAERS.  Even ignoring the fact of under-reporting, that’s a lot of reactions.  If one takes into account the low reporting rate, it amounts to the possibility that there could be as many as 30,100,000 adverse vaccine associated events.

So one also needs to ask themselves “am I more likely to be one of the 30+million who get an adverse reaction to vaccines?”

One might consider many of the adverse reactions as minor or trivial, but then think about the 12 people in Italy that recently died just hours after receiving a flu vaccine (as I reported on last month) and reflect on how trivial that was!

Mercury in flu vaccines.

If one then contemplates that Guillian-Barre syndrome is a debilitating disease that can leave a sufferer totally paralysed and on life support. Or that Encephalopathy is a disorder or disease of the brain, and can lead to many serious neurological disorders including dementia, then one has to ask themselves if the risks actually outweigh the benefits.

This is an especially poignant question when one considers the words of the vaccine manufacturers themselves…..

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“There have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with Flulaval.”

Or in plain English; There have never been any tests that prove this vaccine actually works!

The above is the most revealing statement on the insert, the part that proves beyond any doubt that flu vaccines are nothing more than junk science and medical quackery. A huge scam being perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. A scam that is being committed with the full knowledge of the vaccine manufacturers, and with the complicity of the Centres for Disease Control, the World Health Organisation, and the Food and Drug Administration, whose members all have financial or professional ties to the pharmaceutical industry. A scam that is generating over 6 billion dollars in revenue every single year.

If anyone doubts the above organisations have anything other than our best interests at heart, one only needs to realise that contained within the same report detailing the uselessness of this years flu vaccine were the following recommendations:

“CDC is reminding clinicians of the benefits of influenza antiviral medications and urging continued influenza vaccination of unvaccinated patients this influenza season”.


“Clinicians should encourage all patients 6 months and older who have not yet received an influenza vaccine this season to be vaccinated against influenza”.

It doesn’t work but get it anyway – despite the risks!

Perhaps this completely ludicrous recommendation has something to do with the 160 million vials of flu vaccine sat unused on the manufacturers shelves. At an average cost of $15 a shot that equates to 2.4 billion dollars of possible lost revenue.

They don’t care about you or anyone else, only themselves and their profits. It’s the perfect con, and with the backing of bribed health organisations and brainwashed physicians it’s been a piece of cake.

It’s all about the money!

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