A chakra is an energetic (non-physical) center or focus of one’s vital life- force. If one is alive, then vital life-force is flowing through one’s being. The chakras are the functional points of concentration for the vital life-force providing light/consciousness/information/organized intelligence to the given area of its domain. A chakra effects the physical structures through its influence on the cellular function of organs, nerves and endrocin glands in its given region of domain as well as the meridian pathways flowing through the organs. When there is damage to one’s being on a given level (physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually), then the vital life-force of a given chakra on that level is diverted to contain the damage. This takes energy away from the involved chakra, which will weaken its ability to carry out its many functions. This often can lead to the given chakra eventually becoming dysfunctional or “shut-down” and thus impairing the health of its region of domain.

Typical descriptions on chakras refer to 7 of them and refers to them by their number (red at the bottom being the 1st and violet at the top being the 7th). Such a viewpoint is not totally consistent with what can be seen clairvoyently or palpated clairsentiently nor does it relate to their influence in each of the four layers/bodies. When viewed clairvoyantly or clairsentiently, it is noted that the heart center (often described as green, located in the center of the chest and referred to as the 4th chakra) is actually divided into two: pink on the right pectoral region and green on the left region of the body. This now makes the numbering system based on 7 difficult as does the inclusion of the additional 4 “mother centers”, which now gives us a total of 12 chakras.
The mother centers are earth based chakras that are richer in their expression as well as in their color than are the regular heaven based chakras (or father centers). When palpated they feel more “sparkly”. There are a total of four mother centers and they complete the colors of the rainbow filling in the spaces between the eight father centers, thus 12 in all.

Ideally there are 12 chakras found present in all four bodies. So in a healthy individual each of these 12 chakras would be present in each of the four bodies or layers of the aura. The physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies are the four layers depicted in red, green, blue and purple (on the graphic image) which surround the physical structure. Note that these colors for the four bodies are graphic representation only, unlike the color associated with each chakra which is close to how it would appear to those who can “see with their inner eye”. Thus 12 chakras times 4 bodies equals a total of 48 potentially present or “up and running” in a healthy individual. Unfortunately the average adult on the planet at this time is operating with only about 10% of their chakras present or functional. There is a steady decrease in number as one grows older that coincides with the aging process.

The good news is that this can be reversed. Yes, we can become more healthy and more conscious with age instead of the more typical reverse of this pattern. We can actually work to become more whole and have all 12 chakras in all 4 bodies present (48 chakras).


The first or red chakra (or “root chakra” as it is sometimes called) is located at the base of the spine at the level of the coccyx, male testicles and perineum (pelvic floor). Its functional domain includes all of the organs and structures of this region including the rectum, the male testicles, aspects of the bowel and bladder, the adrenal glands, aspects of the autonomic nervous system and certain lower brain centers including the sense of smell. These are the very basic earth-based survival functions which include both the “fight or flight” response and the survival of the species through propagation (which for men includes ejaculation or “the spreading their seed” and for women giving birth). And significantly, red not only rules the blood but also shares its color. Developmentally, red develops during our first year or so of life when our basic survival needs are being (hopefully) attended to. It is extremely rare to find red present in the fourth level, unless just briefly present during an extreme danger fight or flight/do or die situation. However most people have red present in the first two or three levels, just not the fourth. Perhaps if more people had access to their red in the spiritual level, they then would not be so complacent about their lives and the situation on the planet currently.


The bottommost, most earth oriented of the mother centers is fire. Fire is truly the seat of earthly passion, sensuality and sexuality; and to no surprise is located at the penis/clitoris, a region richly laden with sensory nerve receptors much like the topmost mother center, cobalt at the mouth/tongue. The name ‘fire’ aptly depicts the degree of earthly passion and desire that can ‘burn’ in this region, associated with one’s passion for life. This also clarifies all the discrepancies in the various literature on chakras that confuse orange and red as the centers for sexuality. Red has to do with male reproduction (the testicles) for purpose of ‘spreading one’s seed’ for the ‘survival of the fittest’ (thus testosterone for competition) to ensure the survival of the species. While orange has to do with female reproduction (the uterus) and the function of ‘opening up space’ for ‘the right male’ who will hopefully hang around to protect and provide for her family (after he has done his ‘noble deed’) so she can open up space within her to create new life.

Whereas the fire chakra, although closely related to the red and orange, is truly the seat of real sensual passion. All three have to do with different aspects of sexuality and are most often the very last to become present in the fourth level (spiritual body). This is likely due to heavy cultural judgments about these aspects of our beings. Perhaps the most important aspect of the fire energy is the potential to rise up and transmute this earthly passion into spiritual compassion, which is earthly passion tempered or balanced with spiritual understanding (a key aspect of ‘enlightenment’). However this can only occur once one learns to fully acknowledge, honor and accept this aspect of one’s being, one’s fire.


The orange chakra is located a few inches below the navel at the level of the lumbosacral junction of the spine, at the top (or fundus) of the female uterus. Its functional domain includes all of the organs and structures of this region including aspects of the small and large intestines and kidneys, the female ovaries and uterus, the male prostate, the bladder, the spleen, the legs, all bones of the skeletal system as well as the immune system. This is obviously quite a lot as this center is very important and has its own names in hindu and chinese (“hara” and “lower dantian” respectively). The orange center relates to all aspects of the self and identity, which includes personal boundaries. These boundaries need to be strong and healthy in order to be truly creative as creativity is another key aspect of the orange. Developmentally, orange develops between 1 ½ and 3 years old, around the age of ‘the terrible two’s’ when we start developing our own autonomy.

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Perhaps one of the most important aspects of the orange center is the ability to “open space” or “create sacred space”. This is more naturally a female or yin function as the male or yang counterpart is to ‘fill up’ or ‘occupy space’. Since we all have both aspects of male and female within us to varying degree, this is something that men can also do, but women are ‘wired’ to do it naturally as it relates to the uterus (whether you have one or not). Have you ever walked into a home or office where the energy just feels really good and it feels good to be in that space. This is a key function of orange, choosing who or what to allow in and who or what not to allow in your space.


Golden is the seat of the ‘Mother of All Things’ within our being (just as violet could be considered the seat of the ‘Father of All Things’). It is therefore no surprise that golden is located at the umbilicus or navel, which is from where we received all of our sustenance from our earthly mothers for our first nine months while in the womb. Its color falls between the yellow and the orange which are the centers directly above and below the golden and it is a very rich and enlivened color like Buddha’s belly in a golden statue. The golden is the center of nurturing and assimilation for our earthly being. As such it is not a surprise that it relates to the small intestines as well as aspects of the kidneys. An archetype for golden when present in the spiritual body (which unfortunately is rare to find in people), is “Pachu Mama” or that ‘big black mama’, who Hollywood always seemed to cast as the cook or nanny in the old movies. Golden also embodies the fierce protective warrior(ess) energy that a mother can have for her children. People with golden in their fourth level can assimilate huge bodies of knowledge with a deep understanding of it that would seem impossible for most people.

Golden energy like fire has not been well accepted in our male-dominant cultures on this planet, which is true in general for all the mother centers. But happily, “times are a chang’n” and the archetype earth mother energy is very slowly starting to be acknowledged, if not yet accepted. There are more and more people coming to age with access to their golden in their spiritual level. Our planetary culture needs more of this energy for role models, as girls growing up are mostly exposed to aspects of being female that are missing this important element of the golden earth mother in human form.


The yellow chakra is located at the solar plexus, just an inch or so below the xyphoid process (which is where the bottom of the ribs join at the level of the diaphragm). Its functional domain includes all of the organs and structures of this region including the liver, gall bladder, stomach, duodenum, pancreas and aspects of the kidneys. Yellow is the power center, the seat of empowerment (or unfortunately as is more usually the case, the region where we register our frustration, oppression, resentment, inability to effect change – or in short, our disempowerment). Unfortunately, it is rare to find a strong yellow chakra in the first or second layers (physical or emotional bodies). And likewise it is common for people to have problems with these related organs of this region of the body, as this is an indication of problems with the yellow chakra (or with one’s power and ability to manifest).

People with yellow present in the fourth layer (spiritual body) will tend to be natural leaders such as heads of state, CEO’s or Mafia dons (powerful people who are good at manifesting). This is because these people are more ‘street-wise’ and know what is going on, as yellow provides one with a innate ‘gut-knowing’ or good ‘horse-sense’ that allows one to be more relaxed and confident in one’s life. Developmentally yellow develops between ages 3 and 5, which is when we start really relating to others and testing our power (what we can do and what we cannot do). Often the problems we have later in life with this region of the yellow functions, comes from early childhood blockages where our parent, sibling or bully next door let us know all that we cannot do (versus encouraging us as to what we can do).


The pink chakra is the right/yang/male side of the heart and is located several inches above the right nipple in the center of the pectoral region. Its functional domain includes the right lung and respiration in general (thus encompassing the function of both lungs), the vena cava which brings the blood back to the heart, the right arm, shoulder, right side of the chest, neck, face and right eye.

Pink embodies great compassion and unconditional love. When chakras become damaged, pink will often be the first to go down and the last to come back up. People with pink present in their fourth level (who, like green, form a very small percent of the population) would typically give their shirt right off their back to anyone they thought needed it, without thinking twice. The classic adjective to describe “pink people” is sweet. Jesus up on the cross in pain and still loving those who put him there, is a good archetype for pink. Often times when you touch their skin it feels like your hand or fingers just melt right on in, and their handshake will feel extremely soft and subtle. There are those with pink in their fourth level who have a very hard exterior due to the amount of walls they have had to erect in order to protect their heart. However, these same people will be true “softies” or sweethearts on the inside once you get around their hardened exteriors.

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Pink, like green, has great healing potential because they are the heart centers from where all healing originates. The arms and hands through their ability to reach out and touch are the true vehicles for healing for this heart energy. Pink loves and cares from the bigger picture of understanding and thus can more easily love unconditionally from a distance, versus green who is down in the trenches with more earthly intensity.


The opal center is between the green, pink and blue in both location and in hue; and like an opal gemstone, has a swirling mixture of all three shades moving through it making it elusive as movement itself. It is located where the manubrium, which is the top part of the sternum (breast bone), joins the main, lower part of the sternum (you can touch this spot and feel a horizontal line in the bone here). It is just below where the clavicles (collar bones) join and behind it is the region where the trachea splits into the right and left bronchi. So as we breath in air (or prana from the universe), it splits here going to our yin (left) and yang (right) sides. This is also where the thymus gland is, which acts as the energetic input computer for the immune system. It also relates to the septums that divide the heart muscle.

Thus protection is the greatest role of the opal center as this is also the location where the bones of the arms join the core skeleton (so our arms can protect our core –‘breaking a fall’). It is also the farthest down that ingested substances can be swallowed and still be gagged back up, when we swallow bad food (like a point of no return). Both of the above facts are mentioned as they correlate with strong instinctive neurological reflexes for protection.

More esoterically speaking, it is the center point of the cross of Christ where above is found our more heavenly aspects of spirit and below is found our more earthly aspects of being. This is the balance point of yin and yang between the male/yang right side of the heart (the pink) and the female/yin left side of the heart (the green). Opal is where yin meets yang for our entire being (both the black dot and white dot of the yin/yang symbol). Consequently if we are in balance with both our male and female aspects of our being, our heart can be open and still safe and protected. Similarly if we grew up with balanced love and support from both our mother and father we would be protected and thrive in our growth; or if our relationship with the Yin and Yang Energy of the Universe (Heaven and Earth) is in balance, we then are protected.


The green chakra is the left/yin/female side of the heart and is located several inches above the left nipple in the center of the pectoral region. Most texts on chakras will describe green as the heart chakra located in the center of the chest. This may have been the case at one time in our human evolution, but in present time and reality it is not. For the heart center is divided into two chakras, with green on the left and pink on the right, reflecting the yin and yang influences from earth below and heaven above, respectively.

Green is the female, nurturing, compassionate and caring aspect of the heart (much as images of The Madonna holding her baby convey). Its functional domain includes the heart and aorta, the left lung and bronchioles, the esophagus, left arm, shoulder and left side of the chest, neck, face and left eye. The green will be present on the first two levels when a person is, on some level, actively making effort to take care of or nurture oneself – in some shape or form “cutting oneself some slack” or being good to oneself in some manner. This may include choosing to not over-do-it or be hard on oneself, taking rest or time off, treating oneself to something special or simply eating well [do I sound like your mother?].

Those people with green present in their fourth level (which is about 10% of the population), need beware of others wanting some of their “life juice”. They can be so empathetic towards others that they may suffer from depression since they so easily can be overwhelmed through feeling all the pain and suffering in the world. They will often tend to put themselves last after attending to the needs and wants of everyone else. Feeling guilty about one thing or another is a common pastime. As Kermit-the-Frog on Sesame Street would say, “It is not easy being green!” This is unfortunately very true, for the world today does not support people coming from their hearts. At the same time the planet can use more people with green present.


The blue chakra, or throat center, is located at the throat and its projection has a slight orientation downward. Its functional domain includes all aspects of expression, for blue is the center of expression for one’s will. Thus it rules hormonal and metabolic activity through the thyroid and parathyroid glands, blood pressure through the carotid bodies, vocal expression through the larynx and muscles of the throat, tongue and jaw, and the motor and sensory nerve output/input to and from the arms and hands (so they too can function as organs of expression).

Damage in the blue chakra occurs when one’s expression is blocked in some shape or form. “The gag order” with sexual abuse is a common example, and there are many other ways we have learned or been told to hold our tongues and not speak our truth. Blue is like the sky and the air and permeates almost everything, thus is very good at connecting and communicating. It is the deep blue color of the sky on a crisp, cold, clear winter day. Blue balances the red and is a higher octave of certain aspects of the red energy.

By looking at how the blue chakra manifests as a fourth level presence gives us understandings of its essence. People with blue in their fourth level will often be good writers, public speakers, musicians, artists, teachers and salespeople. They may manifest either side of the coin as either “chatter boxes” or very quiet. Blue is a very functional chakra to have present in one’s fourth level given the way the world is and is more common than green or pink in the 4th level (but not by a lot).

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The topmost and most spirit or yang oriented of the mother centers is cobalt. Cobalt is the rich blue seen in blue glass and is not only found between the deep sky blue of the throat center and the dark indigo of the brow center in hue, but in location rests there as well. It embodies the mouth and tongue, encompassing all the taste buds and receptors of this region including the olfactory functions of the nose. The brainstem and part of the brain that is often referred to as ‘the reptilian brain’ is also in this region under the realm of the cobalt.

I find it interesting that our reptilian, four-legged, aquatic, and feathered friends on the planet all have incredible ways of communicating, navigating, receiving and processing information, etc. that dumbfounds our scientists as to how they can do such things with “just simple reptilian brains”. Cobalt relates to the higher mind of all earth based beings, which certainly can include the more autonomic and vegetative (basic) functions of our human brain and nervous system. When the centers for telepathy and non-verbal communication are discovered in the human brain, I’ll wager that they will be in the region and domain of the cobalt. So in some respects we could say that cobalt represents the yin aspect of the blue, or the receptive part of communicating or connecting with others or other dimensions. The fact that cobalt is rarely seen present with most people on any level, shows that this part of our human potential is dormant or extremely underdeveloped at this time.

However this is starting to change as I have noticed more and more of the beautiful “cover-girl” models having cobalt in their 4th level (probably chosen because they have so much energy around their sensual mouths). This could be a sign of growing public recognition (on an unconscious level) of some of the unusual qualities of the mother centers. Without exception, those people I have worked with who have cobalt present on various levels, are all extremely sensitive to subtle energies and very telepathic. Cobalt is the most frequently found of the mother centers.


The indigo chakra is often referred to as “the third eye”, being located between the eyebrows and relates very specifically to the pituitary gland known as the “master gland” for its huge range of functions. The indigo chakra has to do with sight (foresight, hindsight, insight, etc.) and being able to see the whole picture or understand something. It is a very cerebral center and relates to logic. Indigo is a very deep blue/purple/black hue like the midnight sky over the Mediterranean or a blue sapphire or dark purple pansy.

Damage in the indigo chakra often means not being able to see or understand something or may relate to some issue that we may be ‘blind’ to seeing. Indigo is the most common fourth level chakra found in people currently (then violet), consequently the world is set up and run by predominantly indigo people (who often aspire to be violet). Since we live in an extremely visual world, if you can not see it, then it does not exist. The vast majority of democratic congressmen (in the U.S.) have indigo present in their 4th level.

Since ‘the majority rules’, the indigo (visual/logical) mode of understanding is what is held up as intelligence or I.Q. We live in a very visually oriented world. But what about ‘heart intelligence’ or ‘gut intelligence’? They don’t rank as high because they are in the minority. This is a problem many school children are facing who don’t have indigo (or violet) in their 4th level. Many of these children labeled with learning disorders are actually very intelligent (but in a different way) and are bored with the type of curriculum the teacher is forced to teach. The sensitive and gifted “indigo children” does not refer to this system of chakras. I believe it refers to a system that is clairvoyantly looking at the sixth level and refers to a different type of soul expression than the indigo chakras. Indigo balances the orange and is a higher octave of aspects of the orange energy.


The violet chakra, also called the crown chakra, is about as heavenward as one can be, just as red (root chakra) is as earthy as one can be. One is not better than another, they are simply different aspects of the whole. The violet chakra relates to the top of the head and the pineal gland and lofty spiritual ideas and insights. It is the location where spiritual knowledge and inspiration come into the body and according to some sources it is also from where “the dark side of spirit” can enter. Just as golden is the seat of the Mother of All Things, violet is the seat of the Father of All Things. It is located on top of the head and projects anteriorly (frontward) from about the level of the hairline at the top of the forehead. The color is lavender like the amethyst stone or the sky can get at sunset, a soft purple/pink as seen on the outer edge of a rainbow.

People with violet present in the 4th level tend to be intellectuals who are quite comfortable with abstract thought, yet often have difficulty accessing their bodies and feelings. College professors, ‘high in their ivory towers’, ministers ‘high up on their pulpits’, and senators, ‘high up on Capitol Hill’ in Washington, as well as most republican congressmen, all typically have violet for their 4th level chakra (and typically just have one chakra present in the 4th level as well). (“Father Knows Best” and is almost always a white male!) Am I painting a good stereotype here? Violet balances the yellow and is a higher octave of aspects of yellow.

As the mother centers become more prevalent in people, we will hopefully continue to see a world with more diverse color (chakras), where the violet and indigo no longer dominate. We need to become whole which means reaching our potential of having all 12 chakras present in all 4 levels. (Here I am, preaching like a violet!) Seriously though, there is a planetary bias toward the violet and indigo with strong denial and inability to access the rest of our human spectrum of potential. People have been programmed that higher (violet/indigo) is better and therefore the rest of the spectrum is inferior/lower, thus denying the parts of our being necessary to become more whole.

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