Abhal (= Juniperus communis Linn. berries) – Juniper berries, Hauber Abhal (Berries)rn

* Abies borisii regis* – Boris firrn

* Abies delavayi faxonia* – Delavay fir ”faxonia”rn

* Abies webbiana (A. spectabilis)* – Himalayan firrn

* Abrotanum – Southernwoodrn * Acacia armata* – Kangaroo thornrn

* Acanthus mollis ”Lactifolius”* – Bear”s breech var. ”Lactifolius”, Grecian pattern plant var. ”Lactifolius”rn

* Acidum benzoicum – Benzoic acidrn

* Acidum bromum – Bromic acidrn

* Acidum carbonicum – Carbonic acid (H2CO3)rn

* Acidum fluoricum – Hydrofluoric acidrn

* Acidum formicum – Formic acidrn

* Acidum gallicum – Gallic acidrn

* Acidum phenyl-aceticum – Phenyl-acetic acidrn

* Acidum phosphoricum – Phosphoric acidrn

* Aconitum septentrionale – Wolf”s-bane B †rn

* Actaea racemosa – Bugbane, Black cohoshrn

* Actinium metallicum – Actinium (the metal)rn

* Adamite – Adamite (a zinc arsenate hydroxide)rn

* Adansonia digitata – Baobab Brn

* Adenoidum – Adenoids nosode ‡rn

* Adonis vernalis – Pheasant”s eye †rn

* Aesculus carneaRed chestnut Brn

* Aesculus hippocastanum – Horse chestnut †rn

* Aesculus hippocastanum – Chestnut bud Brn * Aesculus hippocastanum – White chestnut Brn * Aesculus parviflora* – Bottlebrush buckeyern

* Aethiops mineralis (Aethiops mercurialis-mineralis) – Black Sulphide Mercuryrn * Aethusa cynapium – Fool”s parsleyrn * Agapanthus ”Headbourne”* – African lily ”Headbourne”rn * Agaricus phalloides – Death cup †rn * Agaricus silvicola (Psallista silvicola) – Wood agaricrn * Agate Grn * Agave americana – Century plant, Agavern * Agave parviflora* – Small-flowered agavern

* Agrostema githago – Corn cockle †rn * Agnus castus – Chaste treern * Agrimonia eupatoria* – Agrimonyrn * Agrimonia eupatoria – Agrimony Brn * Ailanthus glandulosa – Tree of heaven, Chinese sumachrn * Almandine Grn * Albumen ovi* – The white of hen”s eggrn * Alcohol sulphuris – Carbon disulfidern * Allium cepa – Red onionrn * Allium sativum – Garlicrn * Alnus glutinosa* – Alderrn * Alnus glutionosa var. laciniata* – ”Cut-leaved” alderrn * Alnus rubra – Red alderrn * Aloe socotrina – Aloern * Aloysia triphylla* – Lemon verbenarn * Alstonia constricta – Australian fever barkrn * Alstonia scholaris – Dita barkrn * Althaea officinalis – Marshmallowrn * Aluminium chloride – Aluminium chloridern

* Aluminium hydroxyde – Aluminium hydroxydern * Aluminium phosphoricum – Aluminium phosphatern * Aluminium sulphuricum – Aluminium sulphatern * Alyssium saxatile – Basket-of-goldrn * Amanita phalloides – Deathcap †rn * Amber Grn * Ambra grisea – Ambergrisrn

* Amelanchier spicata – Service-berry, Juneberryrn * Amethyst Grn * Ammonium carbonicum – Carbonate of Ammoniarn * Ammonium chloride – Sal Ammoniacrn * Ammonium iodatum – Iodine of Ammoniarn * Ammonium nitrate – Salt Peterrn * Ampelopsis trifoliata – Virginia creeperrn * Anagallis arvensis – Scarlet pimpernelrn * Andrographis paniculata – Andrographisrn * Anemone hepatica – Liverwortrn * Anemone sulphurea* – Alpine wind-flower (yellow)rn * Anemone sulphurea – Anemone* Brn * Anemone x fulgens – Flame anemonern * Anethum graveolens – Dillrn * Anguillar ichthyotoxin serum – Eel serumrn * Angustura vera – Bark of Galipea cuspariarn * Antimonium arsenicosum – Arsenite of antimonyrn * Antimonium crudum – Black sulphide of antimonyrn * Antimonium sulphuratum auratum – Golden sulphuret of antimonyrn * Antimonium tartaricum – Tartar emetic, Tartrate of antimony and potashrn * Antipyrine (antipyrinum) – Phenazonern * Apatite Grn * Apis mellifica – Honey-beern * Apium graveolens – Celeryrn * Aqua fontana – Rock water Brn * Aragallus lamberti (also: Oxytropis lamberti) – White loco-weedrn * Aralia hispida – Wild elderrn * Aralia racemosa – Spikenardrn * Arbutinum – Arbutinrn * Arbutus andrachne – Strawberry treern * Argentum crystals – Silver crystals (also: Argentum metallicum)rn * Argentum iodatum – Iodate of silverrn * Argentum metallicum – Silver, the metalrn * Aristolochia clematis – Birthwort, Aristolochia †rn

* Arnica montana – Leopard”s banern * Arsenicum album – Arsenic trioxidern * Arsenicum bromatum – Bromide of Arsenicrn * Arthrospira platensis – Spirulina Brn * Arum triphyllum – Jack-in-the-pulpitrn * Arundo mauritanica – Reed flos Brn * Arundo mauritanica – Reedrn * Asarum canadense – Wild gingerrn * Asa foetida (asafoetida) – Giant Fennel, Gum of the Stinkasandrn * Asclepias curassavica “aurea” – Silky Gold Milkweedrn * Asclepias syriaca – Milkweed B †rn * Asclepias syriaca – Milkweed †rn * Asclepias vincetoxicum – Swallow-wart †rn * Asimina triloba – American Papawrn * Asperula odorata – Sweet Woodruffrn * Aspidosperma: Schinopsis lorentzii – Quebracho Brn * Astilbe thunbergii ”Ostrich Plume”, Astilbe thunbergii ”Straussenfeder” – False spirea, False goatsbeard, Japanese astilbe ”Straussenfeder”rn * Astragalus mollissimus – Wooly locoweedrn * Aurum metallicum isotope 198 – Gold isotope 198rn * Avena sativa – Oatrn

* Aventurine G rnrnrnrnAbies webbiana. Himalayan Fir, “Silver fir”rnQuite long-acting remedy.rnWish adieu tornLow-spirited + Wakeful at nightrnrn * Loss of appetite in the morning.rn * Gastric disturbancesrn * Offensive breath. rnrnrnrnrnrnAbrotanium. SouthernwoodrnWish adieu tornDepressed + Livid and blue rings around dull-looking eyesrnrn * Painful contraction of limbsrn * Tuberculous peritonitisrn * Distended abdomenrn * Hair falls out along with vomiting large amounts of offensive fluidrn

* Wrist painsrn * Pain in lumbar regionrn * Food passes undigestedrn * Nosebleed and hydrocele in boysrn * Rheumatism rnrnrnrnrnrnAcidum gallicum. Gallic AcidrnGo for itrnevincingrnrn

* Increases the appetite rnrnWish adieu to themrnrn * Is afraid to be alonern * Wild delirium at nightrn * Abusive rnrn * Phthisisrn * Pain in lungsrn * Rectum: chronic mucous discharges rnrnrnrnrnrnActaea racemosa (Cimicifuga racemosa). Black snake-rootrnGo for itrnevincingrnrn * Reject the mob a little rnrnWish adieu tornrn * Fears of having to jump out of a carriagern

* Muscular pains of neurotic origin.rn * Pains like electric shocksrn * Mania after neuralgia has gone rnrn * Wide action on the cerebrospinal system and the uterusrn * Head: pain after over-study + Wild feeling in brain + Neuralgic headaches + Pressing-outward painsrn * Eyes: Intense aching of eyeballrn * Female: Coagulated, offensive menses with backache + Infra-mammary painsrn * Heart: Trembling pulse and infra-mammary painrn * Back: Rheumatic pains in muscles of back – and going down thighs + Sensitive spine and back.rn * Limbs: Jerking of limbsrn * Worse: Worse during menses; the more profuse the flow, the greater the suffering. rnrnrnrnrnrn

Adonis vernalis. Pheasant”s Eyernaimed at AIMED AT: Helping the heart after rheumatism where heart muscles are in a stage of fatty degeneration. Also of use in cardic dropsy.rnWish adieu tornrn * Mouth: Dirty, yellow tongue + Feels scaldedrn * Heart: Regurgitation + Fatty heart pericarditisrn * Stomach: Gnawing hunger + Heavy weight, better out of doorsrn * Respiratory: Often desires to take a long breathrn * Sleep: Horrible dreamsrn * Limbs: Aching in nape. Spine aching. rnrnrnrnrnrnSunrise remedy:Aesculus hippocastanus. Chestnut Budrnaimed at REMEDY AIM (if possible): When it just does not help to give up and give in. Aimed at those who feel stuck in a recurrent pattern of attitudes and the like, and learn slowly.rn “For those who repeat the same mistakes over and over again, never learning from past experience. (Bach).”rnGo for itrnevincing Chestnut Bud advocates ones present timings, far greater objectivity in one”s personal dealings, and more readiness to adjust from learnt lessons in the long school of life.rn “Teaches one to be a good learner and to pay attention to the present (Bach).”rnWish adieu tornrn * Nonsense rnrnrnrnSunrise remedy:Agrimonia eupatoria. AgrimonyrnGo for itrnevincing Focus.rnWish adieu tornrn * Mental torture behind an often cheerful facern * They are wont to keep their troubles hidden under a mask of pleasure and happiness and must now maintain a mask of happiness.rn * They are often humorous and wont to agree with good friends, which they keep at a certain dwarfing-oneself cost.rn * Low level of bullying against the offenders -rn * Gleichgültich (diffident): Some seek out friends, parties and bright lights, they may not easily get to terms with the darker side of life and their own personalities. They dare not to face a trouble, instead they are experts at using jokes and witticisms and smiles to avoid a sordid or painful reality. rnrnrnrnAgave americana. Century plantrnWish adieu tornrn * Great anxietyrn * Hydrophobia, possiblyrn * Stomach: Poor appetite + Stomach-achern * Limbs: Legs covered with dark, purple blotches rnrnrnrnrnrnAgnus castus. The Chaste Treernaimed at AIMED AT: Premature old age.rnWish adieu tornrn * Depressed + Fearing death and ruinrn * Absent-minded, up to extremely absent-minded + Sad + Finds it difficult to readrn * Fear as if entrails were sinking downrn * Illusion of smell as of herrings rnrn * Head: Pressure in the temples + Scalp warm to the touchrn * Eyes: Corrosive itching or gnawingrn * Ears: Ears: Roaring in the earsrn * Nose: Palpitation with nosebleedrn * Male: Diminution of sexual power + Impotence, ie, failing sexual organism + Testicles cold, swollen, and/or painfulrn * Female: Suppressed menses with abdominal pain + Inflammation of the uterusrn * Abdomen: Deep fissures of the anusrn * Stools: Soft, receding stoolsrn * Limbs: bad results from lifting too much + Joints easily twisted + Arthritic swelling of finger joints + Tearing pain in joints of toesrn * Skin: Itching around ulcers Fever: With cold hands rnrnrnrnrnrnAilanthus glandulosa. Chinese SumachrnWish adieu tornGreat weaknessrnrn * Teeth covered with sordesrn * Symptoms who look like malignant scarlatinarn * The skin appears lividrn * Mucous membranes affectedrn * Bloody nasal discharge along with great weaknessrn * Edematous and hoarse throughrn * Irregular skin eruptionsrn * Cold skin rnrnrnrnrnrnAlcohol sulphuris (Carboneum sulphuratum). Bisulphate of Carbonrnaimed at AIMED AT: Has a very broad range of action. Results of abuse of alcohol.rnWish adieu tornrn * Abuse of alcoholrn * Senilityrn * Loss of memoryrn * Obnoxious to be with /rn * Anxiousrn * Hallucinations rnrn * Wasted musclesrn * Ulceration of the lipsrn * Cold, lack of vital heatrn * Diminished sensibility of arms and feetrn * Sensory difficulties in limbsrn * Paralysis – stupor-like /rn * Rheumatismrn * Arteries and veins congestedrn * Ear: Tinnitus auriumrn * Abdomen: Wandering swellings as from flatus (gas)rn * Abdomen: Distention with rumblingrn * Male: Desire lost. Frequent profuse emissionsrn * Extremities: Flying pains. Cramps and formication.rn * Skin: Ugly to look at. Much twitching. Growth of cancer. rnrnrnrnMODALITIES: Worse during damp weather and during coldrnrnrnrnAllium cepa. Red Onionrnaimed at AIMED AT: Coryza + Phlegmatic ones + Injuries to nerves + Nerve pains like a fine threadrnWish adieu tornrn * Head: Threadlike pains in facern * Nose: Acrid discharge + Sneezing when entering a warm roomrn * Stomach: Pain in pyloric regionrn * Urinary: Urine red with much pressure and burningrn * Respiratory: Larynx hoarseness + Painrn * Limbs: Lame joints + Pains in limbs, in arms in particularrn * Sleep: marked by many and incoherent dreams rnrnrnrnrnrnAllium sativum. Garlicrnaimed at AIMED AT (possibly): Pulmonary tuberculosis.rnWish adieu tornrn * Mouth: Sensation of a hair on tongue + Red palillae of tonguern * Stomach: Voracious appetite + Constipation + Dyspepsia + Catarrhrn * Respiratory: Pulmonary tuberculosis + Difficult to raise mucous + Fetid expectorationsrn * Circulatory: Arterial hypotension rnrnrnrnrnrnAlnus rubra. Red AlderrnIt stimulates nutrition.rnWish adieu tornrn * Alcoholismrn * Achern * Disagreeable odour from pustulesrn * Skin: Skin affections + Acne vulgaris + Purpura haemorrhagicarn * Circulatory: Arteriosclerosis rnrnrnrnrnrnAloe socotrina. Aloernaimed at AIMS AT: Reestablishing physiological equilibrium + Those of lymphatic temperament (and weak pulse) + Of sedentary habitsrnWish adieu tornrn * Clashing in left ear after getting to bedrn * Greatly disinclined to mental labourrn * Often thinks “My life is a burden”rn * Aversion to labour, it makes him much fatiguedrn * Thinks he is nearing death especially when constipated and when he is in painrn * Dissatisfied with oneselfrn * Child, being held to stool, screamsrn * Quite franticrn * Bitter + Angry + Revengefulrn * Phlegmaticrn * Aged + Fatiguedrn * Weary rnrn * Head: Dull, pressive painrn * Nose: Bleeding in morning on awakening + Full of crustsrn * Mouth: Tasteless eructationsrn * Throat: Thick lumps of tough mucous + Varicose condition in pharynx + Scrapy feelingrn * Back: Lumbagorn * Stomach: Flatulence after eating, and sexual irritation + Pain + Nausea with headachern * Back: Painfully sensitive to touch + The abdominal cavity feels very, very sore + Uneasiness and pains in liver region + Great accumulation of flatus + Sensation of plug + Burning, copious flatusrn * Rectum: Diarrhea + Soreness in rectum after stoolrn * Urinary: Increased secretion + Scanty and high coloured rnrnrnrnMODALITIES: Worse in early morning. Better from belching.rnrnrnrnAlstonia scholaris. Dita Barkrnaimed at A medium tonic that is aimed at (one or more of these): Debility + Sinking in abdomen + Abdomen debility + Gone sensation in stomach.rnWish adieu tornrn * After-effects of (weakening from) exhausting feversrnrn * Malarial diseases + Anaemia + Feeble digestionrn * Back: Feeble digestion + Sinking + Diarrhea after drinking bad water + Diarrhea after eating rnrnrnrnrnrnAlthaea officinalis. MarshmallowrnWish adieu tornrn * Much griefrn * Emotional life inflamed + Emotions in a turmoil + Nearly insane emotionally rnrn * Urinary: Irritable bladderrn * Throat: Irritable throat + Irritable bronchirn * Skin: Troubles (including ulcers)rn * Stomach: “Knots” of distress rnrnrnrnrnrnAmbra grisea. Ambergrisrnaimed at AIMED AT (possibly): Fair despair + Lean, nervous persons with grinning faces in particular + Those suffering from age and concomitant weakness + Impaired (and aged)rn Tearing pains + Pulsations after walking about + Suffering from overwork + Suffering from overload + Unreasonable complaints about music (everything
) + Music wears one out.rnWish adieu tornrn * Suffering from all-over mental impairment or derangementrn * Nervousness + Despairrn * Hastyrn * Convulsionsrn * Loathing of lifern * Dwells on unpleasant things + Odious sceneriesrn * Slow to understand rnrn * Head: Hair falls out + Pale facern * Stomach: Acidity after midnightrn * Urinary: Urine turbid, even during emissionrn * Female: Voluptious + Nymphomaniarn * Male: Voluptuous erectionsrn * Respiratory: Chest oppressed + Hawking up phlegmrn * Sleep: Cannot fall asleep from worry, must get uprn * Genitals: Itching around themrn * Limbs: Cramps in hands rnrnrnrnMODALITIES: Better from lying on the painful part. Worse from music.rnrnrnrnAmmonium bromatum. Bromide of Ammoniarnaimed at AIMED AT: Obese persons + Some who cough and coughrnWish adieu tornrn * Discouragedrn * Made timidrn * Nervous restlessnessrn * Misspelling while writing rnrn * Mouth: Tongue feels scaldedrn * Respiratory: Sudden cough + Continuous cough + Tickling desire to cough + Quite strangling cough rnrnrnrnrnrnAmmonium carbonicum. Carbonate of Ammoniarnaimed at AIMED AT: Those who lead sedentary lives + With slow reactions + Great aversion to water; cannot bear to touch it + Prostrations from trifles + Measles + Asthma + Bleeds from the nose after a mealrnWish adieu tornrn * Sad and frettingrn * Ill-humoured + Unreasonable + Of nightmaresrn * Weak mentality + Heedlessrn * Timid + Apprehensivern * Pains + Fatigue + Weaknessrn * Weariness from listening to othersrn * Mistakes in calculating + Mismatch rnrn * Teeth: Suppuration + Bleeding from the gumsrn * Nose: Bleeds from the nose after a mealrn * Mouth: Dry + Offensive smellrn * Stomach: Vomiting a lotrn * Female: Burning anusrn * Respiratory: Cough + Asthma + Expectoration of some bloodrn * Limbs: paralytic weakness of the armsrn * Skin: Light lesions + Eruptions from small lesions rnrnrnrnrnrnAmmonium chloride, Ammonium muriaticum. Sal Ammoniacrnaimed at AIMED AT: Those with a disposition to be irritable + Having a “boiling” sensation + Head and chest symptoms are worse in the morning + Many symptoms are accompanied by coughrnWish adieu tornrn * Melancholyrn * Can have terrific dreamsrn * Cannot weep, but is full of grief rnrn * Head: Itching and dandruffrn * Nose: Itching + Bloody crustsrn * Ears: Hardness of hearingrn * Face: Mouth and lips sorern * Teeth: Shooting pain in the gumsrn * Throat: Tonsillitis + Swellings of tonsilsrn * Stomach: Cancerrn * Back: Much flatusrn * Rectum: Buring and smarting in rectumrn * Male: Throbbings and frequent erectionsrn * Female: Leucorrhea like white of an egg + Brown and slimy leuchorrhea after every urinationrn * Respiratory: Hoarseness + Violent cough + Oppression of chestrn * Limbs: Pains in joints + Worse sittingrn * Fevers: due to unhealthy climate. rnrnrnrnMODALITIES: Abdominal symptoms worse in the afternoon.rnrnrnrnAmmonium iodatum. Iodide of Ammoniarnaimed at AIMED AT: Artists + Edema of the lungsrnWish adieu tornrn * Dizzinessrn * A quite heavy expression rnrn * Head: Dull headache + Meniere”s disease (: it is a disorder of the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear, and is marked by recurrent attacks of dizziness, tinnitus, and deafness)rn * Respiratory: Laryngitis + Bronchitis + Catarrhal pneumonia + Edema of lungs rnrnrnrnrnrnAmpelopsis trifoliata. Virginia Creeper, Three-leaf Woodbinernaimed at AIMED AT: Toxic dermatitis with some vomiting and tenesmus + Toxic dermatitis due to vegetable poisons + Several symptoms similar to Poison Ivy (Rhus tox.) poisoningrnWish adieu tornrn * Head: Heacachern * Face: Facial neuralgiarn * Nose: Red tip of nosern * Stomach: Vomiting and purgingrn * Back: Severe painsrn * Respiratory: Hoarsern * Heart: Quick pulsern * Back: Worse while sitting + Rheumatic pains + Sciaticarn * Skin: Toxic dermatitis + Sweating rnrnrnrnrnrnAnagallis arvensis. Scarlet Pimpernelrnaimed at Favours expulsion of splinters.rnWish adieu tornrn * Limbs: Cramps in ball of thumbs and fingers + Joints specially affected. rnrnrnrnrnrnAnemone hepatica. Liverwortrnaimed at AIMED AT some who are somehow “undersize” and love to form barricades all of a sudden in order to dwell safely enough. That could be good and work well for these persons.rn A bass of their relationships: They belittle and disallow the worth or rights of others in order to be at the centre of attention, and some of them may make others walk in tears in so doing.rnrnGo for itrnknots Formation of some sorts of barricades.rnrnWish adieu tornrn * Psychologically cold 6 + Cowardly in concerns of some next to one 6rn * Uninstructed as to things to do next 6 + Fear concerning money 6 + Miracles; dealing in them crookedly: miracle mongering 6rn * Doubting himself or herself in all kinds of relationships 5 + Daydreaming 5 + Shying (evading) -5 + Initiative; big lack of 4rn * Martyr even if there is no need for that 4 + Great fear of being stood up by own husband 5 + Fear that one”s children will be taken away 5 + Loneliness 3rn * Loss; effects of 3 + Torpor 5rn * Vacillating 3 + Unrighteous 6 + Apologize: resisting apologising to others 4 + Quite aimless after all 4 rnrnrnrnAngustura vera. Bark of Galipea cuspariarnaimed at AIMED AT: Oversensitive persons + Having cramps + Some who cry for fear.rn The remedy acts on spinal motor-nerves.rnWish adieu tornrn * Oversensitiveness rnrn * Head: Facial muscles drawn + Pain when opening the jaws + Cramp-painsrn * Stomach: Atonic dyspepsia + Belchingrn * Back: Chronic diarrhea with loss of fleshrn * Back: Twitching and pain along backrn * Limbs: Cold fingers + Crackling in all joints + Stiffness of musclesrn * Caries of long bones rnrnrnrnrnrnAntimonium arsenicusom. Arsenite of Antimonyrnaimed at Pleurisy + Pneumonia.rnWish adieu tornrn * Pneumonia + Excessive mucous secretion + Pleurisy with effusion rnrnrnrnMODALITIES: Worse on eating.rnrnrnrnAntimonium crudum. Black Sulphide of Antimonyrnaimed at AIMED AT: Those who are fretful and immature (like overgrown children) + IrritablernWish adieu tornrn * Concerned about life conditions.rn * Little or no satisfaction from what has been accomplished or donern * Vexed without causern * Child can hardly bear to be looked atrn * Greatly sensitive to night and coldrn * Tendency to be frightenedrn * Dull intellectrn * Quite unbearable ill-humour rnrn * Head: Suppressed eruptionsrn * Ears: Swellingrn * Nose: Eczema of nostrilsrn * Face: Yellow (sallow) and crusted eruption on chin etc.rn * Mouth: Tongue coated with thick whitern * Stomach: Eructation tasting of the ingesta + Bloating after eatingrn * Back: Flatus some time after eatingrn * Stool: Diarrhea alternating with constipation, especially in old people + Catarrhal proctitisrn * Male: Eruption about genitals.rn * Female: Toothache before menses + Acrid, lumpy leucorrhearn * Respiratory: Cough worse coming into warm roomrn * Limbs: Heaviness of limbs + Feet very tender and horny.rn * Skin: Eczema of horny feet + Eruption with burning and itchingrn * Sleep: Drowsiness in old peoplern * Fever: Vomiting + Eructations rnrnrnrnMODALITIES: Worse from bathing and also from wet poultices.rnrnrnrnAntimonium sulphuratum-auratum. Golden Sulphuret of Antimonyrnaimed at AIMED AT: Those who are fatigued and have nausea + Bronchial catarrh + Much itching related to mucous.rnWish adieu tornrn * Eyes: Cornea spots + Commencing amaurosis (loss of sight)rn * Nose and throat: Rough and scrapy feelingrn * Respiratory: Bronchial catarrh + Accumulation of mucous secretion + Tough bronchi mucous + Mucous from throat rnrnrnrnrnrnAntimonium tartaricum. Tartar Emeticrnaimed at AIMED AT: Prostration and faintnessrnWish adieu tornrn * Fidgety + Confusedrn * Restlessrn * Drows
y + Drowsiness with comarn * Wild gaiety by day onlyrn * Cough with drowsinessrn * Child will not be touched + Child, when touched, utters piercing criesrn * Broken sleep rnrn * Head: Headache as from a band compressing + Epileptic fitsrn * Eyes: Inflamedrn * Stomach: Not vomiting if lying on right side + Nausea followed by headache and vomitingrn * Back: Incisive pains in the abdomen + Cholera morbusrn * Urinary: Stricturern * Respiratory: Rattling of mucous + Laryngitis + Whooping-cough + Hoarseness + Difficult breathing + Coughing and gaping + Cough, with moist hands + Emphysema + Uncomfortable hot feeling + Rapid pulse, weak and trembling + Paralysis of the lungs + Dyspnea relieved by eructationrn * Back: Pain in sacro-lumbar regionrn * Skin: Pustular eruption leaving a bluish-red markrn * Fever: Lethargic conditionrn * Back: Pain in the back and loins when seatedrn * Limbs: Jerking of the hand musclesrn * Sleep: Trembling limbs during sleep rnrnrnrnMODALITIES: Worse from lying down at night.rnrnrnrnAntipyrine. Phenazonernaimed at AIMED AT: Those of deranged minds + Great nervousnessrnWish adieu tornrn * Fear of going insane + Continual cryingrn * Deranged mind + Phantasmagoria (fantastic combinations of optical imaginations)rn * Hallucinations of sightrn * Dizzinessrn * Nervous anxiety rnrn * Head: Feeling of constriction + Epilepsyrn * Face: Red and swollenrn * Eyes: running eyesrn * Mouth: Bloody salivarn * Stomach: Burning and painrn * Respiratory: Dull pains in frontal sinusrn * Male: Scrotum sensation of pricking pinsrn * Urinary: Amount diminishedrn * Skin: Eczema + Penis edema rnrnrnrnrnrnApis mellifica. The Honey-Beernaimed at AIMED AT: Soreness and edema of cellular tissues, very sensitive to touch + Of serous membranes + Sudden puffing up of whole bodyrnWish adieu tornrn * Griefrn * Debilityrn * Loss of consciousnessrn * Drops things easilyrn * Irritationrn * Premonition of death rnrn * Head: Bores head into pillow and screamsrn * Face: Red and hotrn * Eyes: + Suppurative inflammation of eyes + Swollen and red lids + Twitching of eyeballs + Styesrn * Nose: Cold tip of nosern * Mouth: Puffy, like erisypelasrn * Throat: Sensation of fishbone in throat + Ulcerated sore throatrn * Chest: Stinging painrn * Stomach: No thirst with the heatrn * Female: Ovarian pains + Large and painful swelling of the labia + Ovarian tumours + Worse in right ovary + Dysmenorrhearn * Respiratory: Dyspnea + Difficult breathing + Edema of larynx + Short, dry coughrn * Urinary: Inflammation of kidneysrn * Skin: Very sore and sensitive to touch + Swellings + Pain + Possibly suppressed eruptionsrn * Sleep: Dreams full of care and toil + Outcry during sleeprn * Fever: Perspiration breaks out frequently rnrnrnrnComplementary: Natrum mur, also called “the Chronic Apis mell.”rnrnMODALITIES: Worse on rising after sitting.rnrnrnrnApium graveolens. Common CeleryrnWish adieu tornrn * Cannot keep mind from thinking rnrn * Head: Itching and smartingrn * Face: Swelling of facern * Female: Dysmenorrhea with sharp pains, better flexing the legs + Pains, better by bending over and lying on left sidern * Respiratory: Dyspnearn * Skin: Granulating ulcersrn * Sleep: Unable to lie still in bed from feeling of fidgets + Does not feel fatigued from loss of sleep rnrnrnrnMODALITIES: Female better by lying on left sidernrnrnrnAragallus lamberti, Oxytropis lamberti. White Loco Weedrnaimed at AIMED AT: Exhausted ones + Bewildered and confused ones. The remedy acts on the nervous system.rnWish adieu tornrn * Sad on rising + Tired in the morning + Exhaustionrn * Mental influences depresses him + Cannot think wellrn * Strange feelings + Imaginary fiendsrn * Forgets words and names easilyrn * Desires to be alonern * Wandering desiresrn * Must concentrate his mind on walking while walking + Uncertain gaitrn * Writing expressivity “benumbed”, sort of rnrn * Mouth: Cracked lower lipsrn * Throat: Sore with nausearn * Respiratory: Oppression in lungsrn * Limbs: Limbs are weak + Painful legs while walkingrn * Male: Pains in testes and cordrn * Female: Ovarian pains rnrnrnrnMODALITIES: Much better from sleep.rnrnrnrnAralia racemosa. Spikenardrnaimed at AIMED AT: Prostrated guys.rnWish adieu tornrn * An “as if” feeling permeates the person rnrn * Respiratory: Hay-fever + Obstructed breathing + Dry cough coming on after sleep + Rawness and burning behind sternum + Frequent sneezing with copious discharge + Asthma after coryzarn * Female: Menses suppressed + Tympanitesrn * Sleep: Profuse perspiration while asleep rnrnrnrnMODALITIES: Worse about 11 p.m. (cough).rnrnrnrnArbutus andrachne. Strawberry Treernaimed at

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AIMED AT: Weakness + Numbness + Collapsing easilyrn Inveterate arthritis + Rheumatism + Arthritis of larger jointsrnWish adieu tornrn * Full of carern * Feels weakrn * Jests readily rnrn * Respiratory: Nasal catarrh + Post-nasal catarrhrn * Skin: Eczema rnrnrnrnrnrnArgentum crystals, Argentum metallicum. Silver Crystalsrnaimed at AIMED AT: Suited to thin patients with hollow eyes + Certain insidious affections + Drying-up (shrivelling) affections + Larynx problems + Hysterical after shocksrnWish adieu tornrn * Excessively merry + Ill-humoured + Aversion to talkingrn * Feigning closeness rnrn * Head: Vertigo on looking at running water + Epilectic rage + Sneezing on looking at running water + Pain around frontal eminencern * Nose: Epistaxis (nosebleed) on blowing the nosern * Throat: Soreness on swalling + Hoarseness + Hawking + Coughingrn * Respiratory: Hoarseness + Cough from laughing + Alteration in timbre of voicern * Back: Violent pressure + Deficient secretions of the mucous membranesrn * Limbs: Cramp-like tensions in upper limbs + Shocks in joints + Legs weak and tremblingrn * Male: Pain in the testesrn * Female: Enuresis nocturna + Uterine disease + Scirrhus of uterus rnrnrnrn

MODALITIES: Worse at nightrnrnrnrnAristolochia clematis. BirthwortrnWish adieu tornrn * Irritability rnrn * Female: Recurrent cystitisrn * Limbs: Stiffness + Swelling rnrnrnrnrnrnArnica montana. Leopard”s Banernaimed at

AIMED AT: Hoarseness + After mental strain + Soreness of the whole body + Traumatic incidents + Septic conditions + The venous system + Cardiac dropsy + Strains + Tendinous tissue + Limbs and body ache + Oversensitive body + Bruised feelingrnWish adieu tornrn * Answers correctly when spoken to, but relapsesrn * Sudden apprehension + Fear of dyingrn * Oversensitive + Feeling bruised + Anguish with groansrn * Agoraphobia (fear of open spaces)rn * After mental strainrn * Foolish gaiety + Musing rnrn * Ears: Dull hearing after concussion + Pain in cartillages of ears, as if bruisedrn * Face: Very red + Tingling round the eyesrn * Chest: Sensitive on walking + Difficult breathingrn * Appetite: Thirst for waterrn * Stomach: Pressurern * Back: Stitches under false ribs + Pain + Distended + Flatus + Purulent, bloody stoolsrn * Female: Bruised parts (after labour)rn * Respiratory: Pain in the pleural cavity (pleurodynia) + Coughs, worse from excercise + Hoarseness from overuse of voice + Distressing dyspnearn * Heart: Affections + Stitches in heart caused by dyspnearn * Back, shoulders, and extremities: Back pain + Pain in jointsrn * Skin: Acne indurata + Purpurarn * Sleep: Sleepless and restless + Stools during (stupour) sleeprn * Sudden pains rnrnrnrnMODALITIES: Better from lying down.rnrnrnrnArsenicum album. Arsenic Trioxidernaimed at A deeply acting all-round remedy aimed at such as: Suffering by conversation + Great exhaustion + Pale-faced + Feels stronger while lying down + Complaints that return annually + Septic infections + EmaciationrnWish adieu tornrn * Great restless + Changeable humour + Greatly anguished with nightly aggravations +
Exhaustedrn * Great fears + Great fear of being left alone + Fear of solitude + Fear of fainting fits + Fidgety + Fearful + Anxious despair + Confused + Great sensibilityrn * Depression of spirits + Suicidal + Worry + Miserly and malicious + Sensitive + Chewing tobaccorn * Maniacal actions and frenzy + Thinks it useless to take medicine + Debility, having degenerative changes rnrn * Head: Headaches relieved by cold + Periodical pains with restlessness + Epileptic fitsrn * Eyes: Better from external warmthrn * Face: Pale face + Flush of cheeksrn * Mouth: Gulping up of burning water + Tongue affections + Cracked and dry lips + Bluish lips + Brownish band in the red part of the lips + Easily-bleeding gumsrn * Stomach: Cannot bear the sight or smell of food + Coarse food disagrees + Frequent and excessive nausea + Great thirst + Irritable + Drinks acid fruit juices + Drinks much, but little at a time + Nausea after drinking + Craves acids and coffee + Vomiting of brown-black mucous mixed with blood + Ill effects of melonsrn * Stool: Worse from abuse of alcohol and spoiled meat + Diarrhearn * Urine: Diabetesrn * Female: Yellowish leucorrhearn * Respiratory: Sensation of dryness in the larynx + Unable to lie down + Dry cough + Dyspnearn * Chest: Chilliness in the chestrn * Back: Pain and burning in backrn * Limbs: Sensation of torpor in the limbs + Trembling limbsrn * Skin: Skin diseases + Suppuration + Cold and clammy skin + Burning inflammations + Lancinating pains + Epithelioma of the skinrn * Sleep: Dreams full of care and fearrn * Fever: Worse after midnight rnrnrnrnrnrnArsenicum bromatum. Bromide of ArsenicrnWish adieu tornrn * Weak memory + Sudden weakness rnrn * Face: Violent papules on nose + Acnern * Stomach: Nausearn * Limbs: Locomotor ataxia rnrnrnrnrnrnArum triphyllum. Jack-in-the-Pulpitrnaimed at AIMED AT: Acridity + Inflammation of brain + Inflammation of mucous surfaces + Irritations of nose and throatrnWish adieu tornrn * Much absent-mindedrn * Irritablern * Delirious rnrn * Head: Headache + Upper eyelids quiverrn * Nose: Fluent dischargern * Mouth: Bleeding tonguern * Throat: Burning + Worse from talkingrn * Mouth: Cracked corners of mouth + Bleeding tongue rnrnrnrnrnrnSunrise remedy:Arundo mauritanica. Reedrnaimed at AIMED AT: Catarrh states + Coryza + Hay-feverrnWish adieu tornrn * Laughs easily rnrn * Eyes: Scrofulous ophthalmia (i.e., inflammation of the conjunctiva or the eyeball)rn * Ears: Itching or smarting in auditory canalsrn * Nose: Beginning coryzarn * Stomach: Longing for acidsrn * Back: Movement as from something alivern * Stool: Burning at anusrn * Female: Desire with vaginal pruritusrn * Limbs: Edema of handsrn * Skin: Fissures in fingers and heels rnrnrnrnrnrnAsa foetida. Giant Fennel, Gum of the Stinkasandrnaimed at AIMED AT: Extreme sensitiveness + Obesity affections + St. Vitus” dancernWish adieu tornrn * Being overtly hysterical at being touchedrn * Dissatisfied with oneselfrn * Oversensitivern * Unsteady rnrn * Head: Rush of blood to head + Pressive pain from within outwardrn * Eyes: Intraocular sensitiveness + Syphilitic iritisrn * Ears: Offensive dischargern * Nose: Caries of nasal bonern * Stomach: Pulsation in the pit of the stomach, perceptible to the hand and eye even + Bringing up wind is awfully difficultrn * Female: Mammae turgid (swollen, enlarged), with milkrn * Rectum: Extremely offensive diarrhearn * Chest: Palpitation more like a tremourrn * Respiratory: Asthmarn * Stool and anus: Watery, profuse stoolrn * Male: Needle-like stitches in penisrn * Upper limbs: Whitlow, pains rnrnrnrnMODALITIES: Better from open airrnrnrnrnAsarum canadense. Wild Gingerrnaimed at Acts much similar to European Wild Ginger (Asarum Europum)rn AIMED AT: After-effects of suppressed colds + Energy lossrnWish adieu tornrn * Much sensitive to noice and soundrn * Tensions + Nervous affections + Excessively irritable rnrn * Ears: Discharges + Stopped sensationrn * Respiratory: Coldsrn * Stomach: Gastro-enteritis after suppressed colds + Nausea + Desires and cravingsrn * Female: Tenacious, yellow leucorrhoaearn * Fever: Always feels cold rnrnrnrnMODALITIES: Better from bathingrnrnrnrnSunrise remedy:Asclepias syriaca. Milkweed, Silkweedrnaimed at AIMED AT: Influenza.rn Acts on urinary organs – and the kidneys – Augments the urinary secretion + Intermittent uterine pains + CatarrhrnWish adieu tornrn * Feeling stupid rnrn * Head: Constriction across forehead from temple to temple + Headache after suppressed perspiration + Headache followed by increased urinern * Catarrhrn * Influenzarn * Female: Uterine painsrn * Stool and anus: Some griping painrn * Sleep: Hard sleep during the night rnrnrnrnrnrnAsimina triloba. American Papaw, Custard Applernaimed at AIMED AT: Drowsy people who commonly find talking is quite an effortrnWish adieu tornrn * Drowsyrn * Irritable rnrn * Throat: Enlarged tonsilsrn * Stomach: Sorern * Back: Colicrn * Respiratory: Talking is an effortrn * Skin: Itching in evening on undressingrn * Fever: Much thirst during it rnrnrnrnrnrnSunrise remedy:Aspidosperma, Schinopsis lorentzii. Quebrachornaimed at AIMED AT: The lungs.rn This “digitalis of the lungs” stimulates the respiratory centres, increasing oxidation.rnGo for itrnevincingrnrn * Joviality rnrnWish adieu tornrn * Respiratory: Asthma + Dyspnea + Pleurisy + Emphysemarn * Cardiac asthma: [Cardiac asthma mimics the wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing of asthma, but is one of the signs of congestive heart failure] rnrnrnrnrnrnSunrise remedy:Aurum metallicum. Gold chrystalsrnaimed at AIMED AT those bent on self-destruction, in morbid conditions, pining, low-spirited, quite lifeless, and with serious loss of memory. They have feelings of self-condemnation. Utter worthlessness may alternate with profound despondency and with thorough disgust of life and thoughts of suicide. Yet there may be great fear of death.rn They feel peevish and yet become vehement if gainsaid. Cannot do things fast enough. Anthropophobia. Mental derangements. Constant rapid questioning without trying to get good answers. Oversensitive in a dire confusion, and tumultous or frightful dreams.rnGo for itrnevincing Aurum (gold) helps assertiveness, but it may not be proper assertiveness.rnWish adieu tornrn * Ennuirn * Low-spiritedrn * Imagines he has lost the affection of dear friendsrn * Disgust of lifern * Hopeless + Dejectedrn * Loss of memoryrn * Confusionrn * Finds pleasure in being alone rnrn * Head: Pain + Caries of mastoidrn * Eyes: Various vision ailmentsrn * Ears: Fedid dischargesrn * Nose: Horrible odour from nosern * Mouth: Fetid smell + Ulceration of gumsrn * Stomach: Epigastrum troublern * Back: Frequent emission of very fetid windrn * Female: Great sensitiveness of vaginarn * Chest: Great weight on chestrn * Heart: Heart affections, including hypertrophy and heartburn + Pain in heart regionrn * Other: Syphilis rnrnrnrn

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MODALITIES: Open air is found to be a relief + Winter may worsen symptoms and complaintsrnrnrnrnAvena sativa. Common Oatrnaimed at

AIMED AT: Brain and nervous system, influencing their cleansing functions favourably (ie, brain cleansing).

Delicate female troubles, like amenorrhea Avena is also a good tonic for the aged.

Wish adieu tornrn * Unable to focus on one thing for longrn * Some female troublesrn * Nervous exhaustion + Alcoholismrn * Debility rnrn * Head: Occipital headache + Acute coryzarn * Female: Amenorrhearn * Limbs: Limbs as if paralysed + Diminished strength of handrn * Sleep: Sleeplessness