The Peruvian Shaman K’ichy has said that the The full spectrum rainbow with at least seven colors will become the most sacred symbol of the emerging time. The so called ” new age”.

A symbol of hope and diversity and completeness. It serves to remind us to attend to all aspects of our lives, each color representing many aspects of being, and the combined spectrum forming the pure white light of enlightenment and divinity.

Rainbows often appear while the sun is shining after a rain shower. The sun, the observer’s eye and the center of the arc must be aligned. The rainbow appears in the part of the sky opposite the sun and is an arc of 180 degrees. It is caused by the refraction and reflection of rays from the sun on a sheet of water droplets. The light is refracted as it enters the sphere of the individual water drop, then is reflected from the drop’s opposite side and is again refracted as it leaves the drop and passes to the observer’s eye.

In Judeo-Christian religion and art, the rainbow symbolizes God’s promise of mercy to mankind after the flood. (Gen. 9.13). The Greeks and Romans called the rainbow the sign of Iris, messenger of the gods. The Inca and other Native Americans regarded the rainbow as a gift from the sun god. They also believed that gods traveled on the rainbow because it moves so rapidly and that the rainbow carries heroes between heaven and earth.

In Arabia, the rainbow is the tapestry draped by the hands of the south wind. It is called the cloud’s bow or Allah’s bow. The Russians call the rainbow the “Gate to Heaven”. In New Zealand, dead chiefs travel up the rainbow to their new home. There are fairy tales of searches for the pot of gold at the foot of the rainbow. People all over the world have different beliefs and different ways of looking at and understanding the same thing. When a rainbow appears, everyone is struck by its magic and its beauty.


I see more than that myself, but from a metaphysical view there are seven, and the wide spread tendency of art and advertising to reduce the number of colors to to six or five is seen as a symptom of a denial of the spiritual side of human nature . As a complex multilevel symbol of hope and wholeness it would be nice if if we had a more accurate representation of it than is widely available.

The colors are the same as the Chakras, the energy vortexes of the human body . Though there are more of these than the traditional seven too, as new chakras are opening . We need all the spectrum colors in our lives to be truly happy .on the energy level we are living rainbows.

The color order of the rainbow starts with red at the outer edge and moves through the colors, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The brightness and the width of the bands and colors may vary greatly in an instant of time while you watch a rainbow and are related to the size of the drops that form the bow. Most rainbows only contain red near the ground. It is rare that red is seen at the top of the rainbow.

THE RAINBOW GLOBE: a manifestation visualization

Many people have found this exercise vitalizing and an effective manifestation tool. Stand with your feet slightly apart in a comfortable position relax, now above your head imagine a beautiful globe of rainbow light shining on you, this is the light of your connection to the divine source of all . This is the light of fulfillment and wholeness, This is the light of abundance. THIS light will bring the things you need to you. Reach up with both your hands and pull the light down to surround
yourself completely . Feel the rainbow light whirl throughout your entire being your body and your aura . Feel it wash away your worries and blocks, release them into the light . Allow your wishes and needs to flow into the rainbow let them go, Know that this will bring into reality all that you need for your highest good and soul purpose. now allow the rainbow
globe to rise above your head again and return to source .



A wonderful tool for seeing rainbows and helping with rainbow meditations and color healing and and chakra toning work is That old cd YES something to do with all those old Aol sign-up Cd’s you have . just hold it in the light and focus on the rainbow spectrum you can flex and move it around it to bring a specific color that you want to work with into more prominence .

Rainbow baths and showers
It is not really possible to make a rainbow bath water but placing rainbow quartz in the water can be very pleasant. and healing .in a way the classic milk bath is a rainbow bath as white light contains the full spectrum.
You can use food coloring to tint the water for a color healing treatment. Both Aqua and rose are very relaxing and many shades of green are profoundly healing, Orange can revitalize you. Use purple and indigo sparingly say a maximum of 10 minutes as these can be somewhat depressing for some if used too long.

A favorite visualization is the rainbow shower which is simply to imagine being in a shower of colored light you can do this in a real shower. You can go though the spectrum in order or imagine being showered with iridescent droplets imagine the shower flowing through you as well as around you.

A rainbow grounding tune up
Close your eyes….see a light in your third eye..start white…now take a deep breath and draw red down through from crown to root exhale, now orange S-L-O-W-L-Y exhale out at chakra 2, now yellow……green…blue….indigo….violet. in. 7 deep slow breathes. One last deep breathe draw gold light down into your crown, across the top of your head down by your eyes and into your heart and lungs then exhale it back out through your mouth.You canaso breath in and fill your energy body with rainbows in one flow of sparkeling light rather than one color at a time.

See also  Free Chakra Lesson

Many crystals and stones have rainbows, rainbow included quartz, rainbow hematite, , rainbow carborundom and rainbow sheen obsidian, Rainbow Crystal – Usually A quartz crystal with a rainbow(s) inside caused by the prismatic effect of a crack or inclusion .
Rainbow crystals are used during meditation to help bring both mundane joy and spiritual bliss into our lives
The rainbow is an all purpose healing crystal and can facilitate contact with the Fairy and other plane entities of light used for happy and prophetic dreams, helps manifest wishes, and general lightening up. These are of value to everyone and I consider rainbow crystals an essential part of a crystal healing collection .

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