by Takara

Healing Can Be Easy!

Wouldn’t it be an ideal world if all we had to do to overcome illness and disease was to lie back and listen to beautiful music? Well it’s not as far fetched as you may think! From hands-on healers standing next to surgeons in the operating room to physicians calling psychics for assistance in diagnosis . . . the latest technology in the health arena is called “Vibrational Medicine“.

Not Some New Fad!

Interestingly, vibrational or energy medicine is nothing new. It has been successfully practiced in numerous forms all over the world for thousands of years. Only recently has it come to the forefront in western society. That’s because scientists have finally developed instruments that are sophisticated enough to measure how and why this mode of healing works. Considered “quackery” in the past, many of these “alternative techniques” are now being used in tandem with mainstream medical treatment. My chiropractor has recently begun treating patients with acupuncture. The American Holistic Nurses Association is now training RNs to use therapeutic grade essential oils in a clinical setting.

Ancient Indian texts accurately describe the human energy system. Information and diagrams not only detail where the main energy centers are located but also, what part of the endocrine system each energy center works with and how imbalances in the energy center affect the physical, mental, and emotional state of the person. Specific vibrational tools are suggested for correcting imbalances depending on the particular energy center involved. These energy centers and the energy field surrounding the body can now be seen using Kirlian and other special photographic equipment.

Tai Chi is a Form of Energy Healing

The Chinese studied human energy for many years and came up with their own unique methods of working with it. What they discovered is that just as we have veins and nerves running throughout our bodies, we also have lines of energy called meridians. If the flow of energy along these lines is moving smoothly, we are in a state of good health. If the energy is blocked or there is too much energy in one area, we are in a state of dis-ease. Chi Kung and Tai Chi contain movements that open up the flow of energy along the meridians. Chi Kung exercises are designed to move and balance energy throughout the body. Tai Chi is a series of movements that works with the energy channels as well as increasing strength and flexibility of the physical body. It is now recognized by the MS Society as a valuable therapy.

Everything in the universe is energy. Nothing is actually solid. Instead objects are made up of microscopic particles vibrating at such a fast rate that they appear solid. Our limited sense of sight doesn’t let us see the movement, or vibration, of the particles. Every object, including the human organs, have a natural healthy vibratory rate referred to as “resonance”. If a part of the body begins to vibrate out of resonance or harmony, it creates what we term dis-ease. Jonathan Goldman, author of Healing Sounds: The Power of Harmonics, says: “If parts of the body become imbalanced, they may be healed through projecting the proper and correct frequencies back into the body.” Vibrational Medicine looks at the energy anatomy within and around the physical body. Imbalances and disharmonies are treated using frequencies from flower essences, sound, therapeutic grade essential oils, radionics, homeopathics, acupuncture, color, hands-on healing, and crystals.” Each individual sound, color, crystal, or flower essence has a specific quality that is beneficial for a particular human organ, system, or emotion.

Low Frequency Equals Poor Health

Gary Young is the author of Aromatherapy: The Essential Beginning. The research he conducted with Bruce Tanio, inventor of the first frequency monitor, indicates that “the normal frequency range of the human body is between 62-68 MHz; but if it drops below that, the individual becomes a candidate for illness . . . Cold symptoms appear at 58 MHz, flu symptoms at 57 MHz, candida at 55 MHz, epstein bar at 52 MHz, cancer at 42 MHz. . . . Stated simply if we can keep the body frequency high enough, and well oxygenated, we will be free of disease.”

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Disease Prevention is Possible

Part of the intense interest in the field of vibrational medicine is the knowledge that disharmony shows up in the energy field before it becomes a problem in the body. If imbalances can be detected while still in the energy field, theoretically dis-ease can be avoided altogether. Another plus for vibrational medicine is that it seems to have no negative side effects. It does, however, tend to produce more smiles, more energy, and an overall feeling of wellness. Most vibrational medicine techniques are complementary to one another and to traditional medicine.

Essential Oils are High Frequency

The higher the frequency, the more life force an object contains. More life force means better health. Life force is called Chi in China, Ki in Japan, and Prana in India. Each of these cultures has developed elaborate ways for humans to increase and balance the amount of life force they have within their bodies. Gary Young and Bruce Tanio discovered that “processed/canned food had a zero MHz frequency, fresh produce had up to 15 MHz, dry herbs from 12-22 MHz, and fresh herbs from 20-27 MHz. Essential Oils (therapeutic grade) started at 52 MHz and went as high as 320 MHz, which is the frequency of rose oil.”

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to treat physical and emotional ailments. Jean Valnet, M.D indicates in his book The Practice of Aromatherapy that essential oils are not only used to clean and disinfect European hospitals, replacing harsh chemicals but are also used to treat patients and are sometimes even ingested. In one test, Gary Young and Bruce Tanio found that when a person drinks a cup of coffee, his/her frequency can drop by as much as 10 MHz. It can take 3 days or more days for his/her body to return to its original frequency. However, if they use an essential oil of 75 MHz or higher immediately after drinking the coffee, his/her frequency returned to normal in less than 1 minute.

In addition to their use as vibrational medicine, therapeutic grade essential oils provide many other key roles in improving health. Essential oils serve the same function in the plant as blood does in the human body. Their complex chemical constituents cleanse, protect, oxygenate, nourish, and offer many therapeutic benefits. Many therapeutic grade essential oils have antiparasitic, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. They also dissolve the petrochemical microfilm coating on human Growth Hormone (hGH) receptor sites. This microfilm prevents the receptor sites from receiving hGH properly which directly contributes to premature aging and a myriad of other health issues.

Negative Emotion Creates Disease

Gregg Braden, author of Awakening to Zero Point and Walking Between the Worlds, has research results which indicate that negative emotion causes the frequency of the body to decrease. On the other hand, feelings of love, joy, laughter, and other positive emotions cause the frequency of the body to increase. Jane Buckle, RN, international lecturer, and Assistant to the Queen’s Physician of England, told me that if a person has an auto accident and doesn’t deal with the fear that it caused, within 2 years it will show up as disease in the body.

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The Harmonic Scale of Emotion, as described by Robert Tennyson Stevens, indicates which emotions are high frequency and which ones are not. The highest frequency emotion is enthusiasm. Love and joy also fall into this category. This is followed by pain (emotional or physical) which is followed by anger. The next lower frequency emotion is fear, which is followed by grief. Below grief is apathy. Finally, the lowest frequency emotion is unconsciousness (meaning it is so awful we have completely blocked out those situations from our lives). If we are experiencing anything less than enthusiasm in any area of our life, we have lowered our frequency and are running the risk of dis-ease. In order to be healthy, people must increase their frequency.

Protection from Electromagnetic Frequencies and Negativity is Available

Most practitioners of Vibrational Medicine use a technique called Applied Kinesiology, or muscle testing, to determine what frequencies would be beneficial for a person. If a product or frequency is beneficial the person will be strong. If the product or frequency is detrimental the person becomes weak. A test I often do as an example for my students involves a cell phone. When the cell phone is turned on, the person becomes weak. This happens because electromagnetic waves from the cell phone are disharmonious, disruptive frequencies for the human body. After spending a day at the office in front of a computer screen and under fluorescent lights most people feel wiped out. In truth, they are feeling the detrimental effects of electromagnetics in their energy field. Thankfully there are scientifically proven products, like The BioElectric Shield, that can protect a person from electromagnetic frequencies.

Flower Essences Aid in Healing on All Levels

Flowers contain the greatest amount of life force found in plants. Flower essences contain the energetic signature of the flower trapped in water through the use of sunlight. Each flower represents one or more qualities or emotions expressed by humans. The use of flower essences aids in balancing those qualities or emotions. This in turn aids in healing the physical issues caused by the imbalances. One of the beautiful qualities of flower essences is that they are self-regulating. This means a person can’t take too much. When an optimal level is reached, the body and energy field simply stops accepting the essence.

Richard Gerber M.D. wrote Vibrational Medicine: New Choices for Healing Ourselves which is considered the definitive text on vibrational healing. In it he describes what he terms “The Human Multidimensional Energy System.” An egg shaped energy field (or body) surrounds the physical body. There are several layers that make up the energy body. They go from the lowest frequency of the physical body at the center to higher and higher frequencies as you extend out toward the outer edge. The names he gives the various energy layers are the etheric body, the astral body, the mental body, and furthest out the causal body. Dr. Gerber indicates that homeopathy only works with the physical and the etheric bodies. Flower essences, however, work with all the subtle bodies, the physical body, and even higher spiritual energies. Regardless of the origin of the problem – physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual – flower essences can aid in healing.

Sound Can Be a Powerful Healer

Sound moves in waves through the air and is measured in cycles per second. According to Jonathan Goldman, humans only hear within the range of 16 to 16,000 cycles per second. Dolphin sonar is around 180,000 cycles per second. Richard Daab, in an Interview with Ilona Selke, writes that, “Dolphins recently have made the news as being better therapists than many humans. People in pain receive relief from swimming with dolphins when nothing else has helped. Autistic children suddenly become cooperative and interactive, where only a wall of silence was seen before.” Perhaps it is because dolphins emit such a high frequency that people experience healing while in the water with them.

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Healing with Sound can be accomplished in many ways. Sound healing practitioners can play instruments, use their voice, or play tapes or CDs. They can even have the client lie on a bed with speakers and circuits arranged so the music waves literally flow through the entire body. This special bed is often referred to as a “sound chamber.” At the beginning of the article I mentioned just lying back and listening to beautiful music in order to heal. Remarkable experiences have been reported with the use of sound.

Hands on Healing is a Powerful Way to Raise Vibration

Reiki and Therapeutic Touch are but two of the many names for Hands-on Healing. While a person sits or reclines, high frequency energy flows through the practitioner’s hands to the client. The various types of hands-on healing use different hand positions and movements. Several scientific studies have been performed which clearly show that a greater amount of energy is emitted from a healer’s hands than from a non-healer’s hands. Apparently we all have the ability to channel high frequency energy through our hands. We simply have blocks in the energy channels in our body, which prevent us from doing it. Through the practice of Chi Kung exercises or the formal study of Reiki and other techniques, we are able to open the necessary channels to be hands-on healers. A few individuals are born with the channels open and they are considered “natural healers.” The most famous practitioner of hands-on healing was Jesus of Nazareth. Intrasound is like having a Hands On Healer in a jar.

At the beginning of the article I mentioned hands on healers and psychics aiding doctors in their practice. These are the specific examples I was referring to. Julie Motz, a healer from the U.S. and author of Hands of Life, accompanies an open-heart surgical team. She does hands-on healing with the patient before, during, and after surgery. Recovery time is much shorter for patients who receive this treatment as compared to those who do not. Caroline Myss is a medical intuitive and author of numerous books including Anatomy of the Spirit. Norman Shealy M.D. began calling and supplied her with a patient’s name and age. With just those two bits of information she could provide a diagnosis of the patient’s medical condition, as well as the emotional trauma or belief that caused it, with greater than 95 percent accuracy.

Prevention is Always the Best Policy

Gabriel Cousens M.D., in the Preface to Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing by Gurudas, says, “Although we often misperceive disease as something that happens on the physical plane, the true cause of disease comes from a conflict between the mind and the soul. While vibrational therapies such as flower essences can help overcome these problems, even stimulating healing of physical diseases, inner tranquility and calmness to prevent and overcome the real causes of disease can only be obtained through spiritual practices such as meditation.”

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