Well, the Toltecs saw this as a twofold process. First, they saw that we were responsible for what we dreamed in our minds and that that was dependant on where we chose to focus our attention. For example, choosing to be happy is as easy as putting our attention on what is beautiful in life, rather than putting our attention on believing our fear-based beliefs and emotions. Even more important, they saw that we could use our attention to take our focus off of the world our physical eyes assemble for us and instead put our focus on the world we can see if we use our spiritual eyes.

Second, they saw that by changing the way we dream in our virtual reality (our mind), we ultimately change what we project out onto our physical reality. This, in turn, affects the entire way we co-create our lives (what we choose to create and manifest). For Toltecs, the goal was to be free to express their lives without the limitations of their programming, to be truly happy and express their unconditional love without fear. To do that, they needed to get control over their attention. This is where the practice of Dreaming came into play.

Specifically, Dreaming is a technique that enables us
to change our ordinary dream of non-awareness
into one of awareness by the purposeful
and controlled use of our attention.

The bottom line is that the more control we develop over our attention in Dreaming, the more control we will have over the dream of our life. Dreaming enables us to create beautiful lives filled with magic and mystery, and it becomes our gateway to the Infinite.

See also  Dream Decoder: A Collection of Symbols and Their Meaning