Barb Long – Strongstown, Pennsylvania – October 21, 2007

Photo(s) were taken by Barb Long [].

Location: Strongstown, Pennsylvania


Date: October 21, 2007, at approximately 5:30 pm

This photo was taken on October 21, 2007, at approximately 5:30 pm, on a beautiful afternoon.

My 5-year-old son and I were taking a hike in the woods behind our house 2 or 3 miles back.  I had my digital camera with me to take pictures of the foliage. 

I took one and checked it out, there was a white spot in my picture, then I took another one.  There was nothing in it.  I believed that It was an ORB.  I have seen pictures before with spots in them.  I looked online and read up on it. 

I thought that I would send this photo to you.  The area that this was taken was around Strongstown, PA. 

Sincerely, Barbara Long

If you have photos of orbs or other anomalies and you would like to share them e-mail them to

When emailing photos please give us the date, location, and weather at the time and who took the pics and also contact information. The owner of the photo(s) has the copyright on their photos and will only be used on this site unless contacted about other use.

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