2016: This Star Child Tells Us I Can Heal Water Its Time Wake Up Humanity

A woman living in Northern Europe first got the inkling that there was something strange about her daughter when she was pregnant, and she heard an otherworldly voice telling her that her children were not hers and that they belonged to know one. She had no idea what this bizarre message meant until her oldest daughter Cathy explained that she was a ‘star child.’


Cathy is now a nine-year-old who is described as a very special child who finds the conventional world and all restrictions very difficult. She also has some extraordinary abilities including healing and the purification of water. Her mother says that she innately knew how to speak a language, not of this Earth which she referred to as a ‘star language’ which had the power to ‘heal water.’

Cathy, who is extraordinarily articulate for a child of her age, is happy to explain to outsiders where she came from. She claims that star children have been sent from a place called the Evening Land and their purpose is to help human beings to evolve. When they have completed their mission, they will go to the Day Land.

She claims that she has been taught various things which she is supposed to transmit to adult human beings. However, she describes the process as incredibly frustrating. She says that most people do not believe in star children or extra-terrestrial life and ridicule the idea that aliens could be living here on Earth. She says that a refusal to take star children seriously can only damage human beings in the long term.

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Cathy does not believe that she is the only star child on this planet. Indeed, she believes that almost half of all children come from the Evening Land, but she says that the vast majority forget who they are as they are caught up with activities on Earth.

Cathy says that it is more important now than ever for adults to heed the advice of star children like herself as “something important” will happen in the space of the next five years. “We have to wake up!” she warned.


“It is difficult, because first of all, we don’t believe it, then if we believe but still have doubts, this prevents us from reaching this potential. We have to be at a point within ourselves to get in touch with our REAL truth in order to achieve this.

“There is a certain time we will achieve it, and if one person does, it will spread to other people, and this is the way it will start. But at what time I can’t tell you.”

Cathy shares why the star kids have come to this planet at this time:

“The star kids have come to show us the way. They are the ones to start the process, helping the rest of humanity to wake up.”

Cathy says she is from Evening Land, to help us evolve. When her purpose is accomplished, she will go to the Day Light. We have already been in Day Land, but because we wanted to have more experiences, we came to this planet.

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The beings in Contact with her, like Emenoke, do not live on another planet. They are located at the ‘edge of the universe’ in the White Light.

“The ‘light orb’ is sent to protect us. My little brother has a blue orb that protects him.”

Mary: “You said he will also be a teacher ˗ in what way?”

Cathy: “He will be my teacher, as I will be, and he will be home schooled so he will retain true knowledge.”

M: “What do your guides teach you?”

C: “They are teaching me different knowledge so I can teach adults. The danger is that it can be changed and then the true information is lost. Then people get confused and lost by making fun of the star children, or not believing them. Many Star Kids are destroyed by education.”

M: “How many star kids are there?”

C: “Forty or fifty percent of people of a hundred, but many get lost and only twenty percent will remember who they are.”

“We Have to Wake Up!”

“The beings want us to wake up and see reality as it is, to understand how powerful we really are. Some individuals from Day Land and Evening Land have come here to help humanity with the Awakening.

“It’s very dangerous to come here to help because our past life memories can be deleted at birth and some of this is destroyed by society and education, drink and drugs. Those who come here are aware of the dangers and still want to come and help. We are not awake yet.”

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M: “How can we wake up?”

C: “We have to increase our energy as we don’t have the energy required; it’s stolen from us.”

M: “How can we protect our energy?”

C: “At present, we only have point five percent (.05%) of our energy. We need to have one point five percent (1.5%).

How might we begin to increase our energy? Cathy says:

“Something important will happen in the next five years on this planet. The parents have to listen to us. We need to educate the parents.”

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