Analogies of Reality

The Puzzle of The Truth of Reality.

The spread of the disease of artificial fulfilment shattered the truth of our existence into many pieces.

We could locate every belief system and study each belief system until we discovered the piece of the truth contained within each belief system, and ultimately put the puzzle back together to reveal the truth, or we can look within our own souls, because the truth remains intact within each of us.

Pieces of a puzzle
Pieces of a puzzle (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When The Truth Of Reality shattered, the pieces of the truth were scattered. As we stumbled across these pieces of the truth, each piece of the truth was taken as the whole truth. Each piece of the truth was built upon, so that each piece of the truth became the whole truth to those who found each piece of the truth. Those who found each piece of the truth followed their small or large piece of the truth.

We have to remove what has been built on each fragment of the truth and take each piece of the truth back to its original form. This is extremely difficult, because what was built on each piece of the truth has been extended and renovated over centuries, and it is not easy to see where the foundation finishes and the building begins.

Only by stripping each fragment of truth back to its original condition will all the pieces of the puzzle fit neatly back together to reveal the whole truth.

Imagine a jigsaw puzzle, separate the pieces and then take each piece, using the original piece as the starting point, add to them so they become various shapes and sizes. Then, try to put the puzzle back together. The pieces are firstly too large, and the pieces are also different shapes. Some pieces may now be square, some pieces circular, some pieces rectangular or many sided. We cannot put the puzzle back together.

The only way that we can put our jigsaw puzzle back together, is to return each piece to its original shape. We cannot see the complete picture by looking at the individual pieces of the jigsaw, and we cannot complete a jigsaw unless we have all of the pieces. However, we can become frustrated trying.

When we have all of the pieces of the puzzle, we need to sift the pieces of the puzzle and put the pieces of the puzzle in order, before we can put the pieces of the puzzle together, in the correct order. The puzzle can only be rebuilt, piece by piece.

The true nature of the puzzle of The Truth Of Reality is a multi-dimensional puzzle, and many pieces of the puzzle exist below the surface. The very nature of the puzzle is circular and as such contradictory. The puzzle which initially appears to be flat is in fact a sphere. It is extremely difficult to take all of the multi dimensional, infinite puzzle of our existence in at once.

All belief systems regardless of whether they are religious or otherwise, contain an element of truth, which is a piece of the truth. None in themselves are the whole truth.

The truth is beyond any one religion or belief system, all religions are pieces of a single puzzle, but the pieces have become muddled by what has been added by man. All religions, however they are labelled, are individual pieces of a single circular puzzle. All religions contain an element of the truth, but none in themselves are the truth. If we are to put the puzzle together, we can either go to the source of the puzzle, or we can strip each piece of what has been added by man. Only then will the puzzle fit back together.

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When the teachers were sent among us, they brought with them the whole truth. As their teachings were embraced, it was only the part truth that fitted whatever piece of the puzzle that had found its way into the particular culture which had been embraced. The teachings have subsequently been interpreted over and over again, and distorted over and over again. The delusion that the piece of the truth which was held by each culture was the whole truth, and the piece which was held by other cultures was a false truth, was perpetuated.

Each piece of the picture had been held together, and connected by the thread of truth. When the picture was shattered and scattered, each piece of the picture retained a part of the thread of truth. It was the connection between the pieces which was broken. It is the thread of truth which remains in each piece of the picture that provides the common theme. The essence of truth remains in each piece of the puzzle, and each piece of the puzzle has the thread of truth within it.

The various religions which were built on each piece of the puzzle, contain an element of the truth, but none contain the whole truth. The only way for the whole truth to be put together again, is to return each piece of the puzzle to it’s original shape, which is no longer possible. There are religions which have been built on the particular piece of the puzzle which discount the existence of the whole puzzle.

When the teachers were sent among us we missed the point and interpreted the teacher‘s example to fit the piece of the puzzle held by the particular culture where the teacher existed.

The thread of truth which runs through each piece of puzzle of The Truth Of Reality is the same thread which binds each soul to all other souls. This how the truth is within each of us. The thread is God.

The difficulty which we face is that the truth has become fragmented, and we desperately cling to the fragment of the truth which we have found. The fragments must be put together so that when we embrace a fragment, we can see how the fragment is part of the truth, and through seeing that the fragment is part of the truth, accept the truth.

The basic message of each master is contained within the known history of each master. We may strip away the mythology and legend to find the basic message. All mythology is based on a true event, a true master, a true message. We may choose to identify each master, and locate the basic message and in so doing put the messages, the pieces together, to find the truth.

In each message there is a common theme, a link which is the essence which binds the truth and all that is together. However, looking within is a far simpler way to understand the truth, and to recreate the truth.

After we strip the religions and belief systems back to their principals we see that they are very similar. However, at first glance, there are what appear to be differences. If we take all those pieces and put them together, like a jigsaw puzzle, we would see that everything fits very neatly together. Different pieces of the same picture.

Nearly all cultures, from a number of native legends throughout the world to major religions, have within their history a flood story. This is likely to be the same flood. Many myths have within them a document, or a tablet, or ancient knowledge, or a ‘secret’ something which contains the truth of our existence, and which was broken and the pieces scattered, or lost, or in the hands of guardians. If each group which survived the flood had a piece of the puzzle, they would in time build a religion based upon the piece of the puzzle which they had in their possession. Each religion or belief system would contain the truth, but only by stripping away the differences and putting the puzzle together can we rediscover the truth.

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Pieces of The Truth Of Reality can be found within every philosophy and religion which exists, regardless of whether the philosophy is spiritual or scientifically based, or The Truth Of Reality as a whole within every individual.

There are pieces of The Truth Of Reality within all religions and each religion fits within The Truth Of Reality. Which piece of the puzzle of The Truth Of Reality fits into which religion or belief system is unimportant in itself. The Truth Of Reality is contained within, but if we choose to seek the pieces of the puzzle from within the various religions or belief systems, we will be able to locate The Truth Of Reality.

Directly opposing views are a product of the linear nature of our existence, when we are able to view our existence as circular, we find that the opposing views were not opposing, afterall. Opposing views are often different pieces of the same puzzle, or the same piece of the puzzle viewed from different points on the circle of awareness.

For everything there is a reason. For every conflict there is clarity. All that is needed is the missing piece of a puzzle, and confusion is replaced with clarity. This is true for each aspect of reality, and this is true for The Truth Of Reality in total. The confusion within each aspect of reality compounds to become the confusion within The Truth Of Reality. However, this confusion, all confusion is replaced with clarity when we release our pre-conceived ideas and misconceptions, and in so doing allow ourselves to see the pieces of truth which were blocked by our pre-conceived ideas and misconceptions.

We are turning away from half truths. We are seeking to rediscover the whole truth. Guides have been placed amongst us to show us the way, if we seek the truth. We have located different parts of the puzzle, and we see each part of the puzzle an as alternate truth, because we are unaware that each part of the puzzle is only part of the whole truth. It is the whole truth that we must rediscover.

When each piece of the puzzle is put into context, we can see where each piece of the puzzle belongs in the overall picture. When things that we know contradict themselves, or seem to contradict themselves, it is because we do not have all of the pieces of the puzzle.

Often, pieces of the puzzle which we have discarded will resurface, until we place the pieces in context and remove our confusion.. We attempt to put some pieces of the puzzle into the picture in the wrong place, but they will not fit. We can only put the pieces of the puzzle into place one piece at a time, and painfully slowly as far as we are concerned. Many seemingly unrelated pieces of the puzzle fit together.

When we are putting the puzzle together, we must be flexible and allow for all possibilities. We can only put all the pieces together which are available at any given point. We may have a few pieces sitting aside, while we wait for some adjoining pieces to be provided. There are many pieces of the puzzle which we cannot even conceive exist.

As we complete the puzzle, as the picture begins to take shape, it becomes easier to complete the puzzle. It is only through joining the pieces together that we can understand that the pieces do fit together, and that the pieces are different parts of a single concept.

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We continue to find small pieces of the puzzle as we close the small gaps in the puzzle. However, we must continue to fill the cracks within the puzzle, and we must continue to repair the broken links between the pieces of the puzzle.

We may put two or three pieces of the puzzle together, closing the gaps between those pieces, and then when we place the joined pieces within the puzzle, we will often closed more gaps with the puzzle.

We reach a point where we need to locate all of the missing pieces of the puzzle which will increase our awareness sufficiently to enable us to continue our journey to the next ‘awareness plateau’, where we must again locate the missing pieces of the puzzle.

In many respects the most difficult aspect of rebuilding the picture of The Truth Of Reality is finding all of the pieces, because of the multi dimensional nature of The Truth Of Reality. A multi dimensional circle.

If we seek the pieces of the puzzle, we will look too hard for the pieces of the puzzle and as a result, we will push the pieces of the puzzle away. We need to be receptive to the pieces of the puzzle, and allow the pieces of the puzzle to come to us.

If all of the pieces of the puzzle were available, our complete existence from start to finish could be mapped, and this map is what God and the masters have to work with.

Whenever we look closely we will see a piece of the puzzle which we have missed, or a piece of the puzzle which we have forgotten. It is difficult to take the whole puzzle in at one time, even if we have completed that puzzle.

The truth cannot be found or proven externally. The truth exists within and within is where the truth will be found. The truth has been shattered externally, and it is only through drinking the wine and seeing the bunch that we will rediscover the truth.

The puzzle, The Truth Of Reality is available within, and The Truth Of Reality can be confirmed externally because The Truth Of Reality is everywhere.

The truth is contained in part in many places, but as a whole the truth is only within. We only see that part of the truth that we are ready to see, but we can all put the puzzle back together.

Receiving the pieces of the puzzle from within, is by far the simplest and easiest way for us to see The Truth Of Reality. If we first receive the pieces of The Truth Of Reality from within, it is easy for us to recognise the pieces of The Truth Of Reality when we encounter the pieces of The Truth Of Reality in other belief systems. Without drawing on our knowledge and awareness first, the pieces of The Truth Of Reality which we encounter externally to ourselves, are more difficult to recognise.

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