Are We Lost In Virtual Realities

The Illusions and Dangers of Virtual Realities

Time me
Time me (Photo credit: mrlins)

All of us would have free will to participate…

In our past, before Time and Space were conditions, we as spirits lived in an environment that was very easy to contend with. This is why, out of sheer boredom, we began to think of something that was daring. By the millions we decided to create a new reality and the object was to live in this new reality within a new kind of body. We called it the physical reality body and by means of our thoughts we created the solar system and its planets. Naturally we did not have the faintest idea how all this would work out, but one thing was established – it meant that all of us would have free will to participate. Once this decision was made, we committed ourselves to continue this new creation, until all of us were free from it in Spirit. NOW: we all had to graduated in order to return to the etheric. This meant, that none of us could pull out of this commitment and leave obligations dangling toward any other spirit or participant…

Our Thought is the Creator

In any case, we have entered into our creation in which all of us have free will. In addition, all of us take turns again and again in appearing within our self created surroundings. Our entire environment then – has been created by our thoughts. For our Thought is the Creator. All this means naturally, that we have been involved with our creation from the very beginning. It is difficult to speak of beginnings however, since Time and Space are created conditions or implementations of our daring experiment. Welcome to the World of Man created by Man the Creator! Meanwhile the family of mankind includes many other races or societies of Beings. Naturally, we had a lot of expertise to help us to accomplish all this. We must remember here however, that I used my imagination rather loosely and not necessarily is what you have read so far accurate. Nevertheless, something similar has been going on since ever…

See also  Where Does Virtual End & Reality Begin?

The world is the manifestation of our mind…

By means of our personal and our collective thoughts, we created the world we live in. We have been in this world for such a long time that we have completely forgotten why and how we got here in the first place and what our original intent was. Many of us believe, that some almighty God created us, and placed us on earth to undergo some kind of test. Eventually however, we will all become aware, that the reality we have created consists of an energy that is a reflection of our very own mind or consciousness. This environment is so real, that it fools our scientists even. It will be a long time, before all of us understand that the environment we live in, is our own thought in physical form. The world is the manifestation of our mind! In actuality – it is only virtually real. The physical universe is our Mind projected in a forever changing form. Meanwhile, we as Spirits or Souls live in a vehicle or body that is our own condensed Mind. Our creation is an enormous success for it is a very crafty illusion that everybody accepts as real. Therefore, we are lost in an illusion…

To discover – and master it…

The physical reality of matter we live in is only virtually real – this makes it an illusion! For now, we as human beings are subjected to this illusion. In lieu thereof; we are all free to celebrate the beauty of this illusionary reality – but too few of us have caught on and make it a party! To discover the truth about our reality and master it, is a task that needs to be completed before we are free to leave this reality for good. This is what many Masters have done and all of us are in the evolutionary process of doing the same thing. It amounts to work…

Our actions are the very actions of the Creator…

Seemingly we as human beings live in this virtual world and most of us call it the physical world. We really are spirits and very few of us are aware that the entire “play” is nothing but a product of our own mind. Our mind however is not just some kind of personal property, for the Energy we are, is an aspect of the universal Mind. That in its wisdom divides itself in order to create new and daring endeavors to keep itself enchanted and cosmically occupied. Our actions then, are the very actions of the Creator, who because of its endeavors, seems to be lost in its own play or creation. Since we are the aspects of this Creator, we really are the ones lost! Very few of us however are ready to admit this…

See also  Embracing Virtuality

All Things are really One…

All realities are virtual realities and the only thing that is real is the Essence of the universal Mind or Creator we are aspects of. Our day to day reality is as “virtual” as we could possibly imagine. It is a reality that is created by a bio-chemical computer known to us as our brain and conscious mind. It is also a holographic reality, for all Beings and Things are holographic images or reflections of the Creator. Which in and by itself is the One and Only complete Hologram containing within itself all Beings, Things, Thoughts, Dreams or Reflections.

We cannot escape the universal Mind…

All That Is therefore, is the holographic energy that is and contains the entire universe. It is an Unbroken Wholeness, from which we as human beings experience only specific activities. We accept these events as separate and real. However, all Things are really One! This is the illusion we need to master. However, we do not have to do this immediately, because our status in this existence is based on free will or choice. Also, we can never really get lost, for we cannot escape the universal Mind of which we are an aspect. We can only suffer temporary amnesia, deep enough to get us into situations we might not necessarily be able to appreciate…

U.S. Navy personnel using a VR parachute trainer
U.S. Navy personnel using a VR parachute trainer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Lost in the Virtual Worlds of Cyberspace…

To make things even more interesting for human kind, the latest computer technology and its created Virtual Reality Systems, make it possible for many of us to get lost even deeper in our illusions. No doubt, many people will lose themselves within the virtual worlds of cyberspace. In a sense, it is even more addictive than life in the body, for our input into these “virtual reality systems” is instantaneous. It conveys power and importance – two of the most ego deluding characteristics…

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How much further do we need to go…

All these illusionary mind boggling computer virtual reality games are in and by themselves aspects of the illusionary worlds and/or thoughts of Man the Creator. This entire VR scheme is a mind boggling reality within a mind boggling reality we call the universe. We as the created energy beings of our higher selves, are the creators of devices of the most sophisticated complexity and one wonders how far we need to go before we realize that the answers to our existence and its purpose lie in the opposite direction. They are found in the heart or soul and not in the mind or the ingenuity there of. Heart or soul is the uniter of mankind… mind is the divider…


By all the above, I am trying to say, that we because of our computer technology seem to wander further and further away from the realization of Who or What we really are. All this will lead us deeper and deeper into the illusionary gardens of mind. All this might be interesting, but in my view it will create a world of lonely robots, instead of united human beings in the pursuit of helping others. I have been pondering about all this. Could this technological delusion be the goal of the New World Order?  You bet it is!

~ Interesting… yes… indeed… but it would kill our Soul ~

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