2017: The Power of Hierarchy and the Pseudo-Truth Monopoly

When society is organized into a unidimensional hierarchical structure that provides singularity of control to those who sit at the top, enormous power is gained. If these Hierarchy leaders have the unmitigated power to create and distribute money and are evil too, they can also control the Major Mass Media. The results of this evil, unmitigated power is catastrophic for the humans controlled by the Hierarchy. This is the case in America right now and this includes all their wounded, suffering and dead victims from their induced perpetual wars all over the world. By Preston James, Ph.D Sadly, we Americans and much of the world live in a fake reality based on over 50 years of lies and coordinated illusions which have been created, […] Read More

1940: Here’s The Greatest Speech Ever Written

We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each others’ happiness, not by each others’ misery. We don’t want to hate and despise one another. In this world, there is room for everyone. The good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way… Greed has poisoned men’s souls; has barricaded the world with hate; has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical; our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little! More […] Read More

The Mandela Effect & the Berenst(ae)in Bears Conspiracy

First things first: before beginning this article you may want to take this quiz to test your knowledge and memory introduce the concept of the Mandela Effect. Don’t be surprised if you come away feeling a little shaken up! What if I told you that there are actually multiple different timelines and alternate realities all happening at the same time as this one, the one where your conscious awareness currently resides? What if I told you I could prove it, with the help of the Berenstain Bears? Yes, those lovable little forest creatures from the memories of so many of our childhoods are still teaching us things today, but only if we’re able to see it — stick with me here. I have just […] Read More

2016: The Mandela Effect & the Berenst(ae)in Bears Conspiracy

First things first: before beginning this article you may want to take this quiz to test your knowledge and memory introduce the concept of the Mandela Effect. Don’t be surprised if you come away feeling a little shaken up! What if I told you that there are actually multiple different timelines and alternate realities all happening at the same time as this one, the one where your conscious awareness currently resides? What if I told you I could prove it, with the help of the Berenstain Bears? Yes, those lovable little forest creatures from the memories of so many of our childhoods are still teaching us things today, but only if we’re able to see it — stick with me here. I have just […] Read More

This Is What We Look Like When We Hold On To Our Illusions!

The below video represents the perfect analogy of what one looks like when they hold onto false belief systems; ones that were handed down to them from generation to generation. Many of us were never taught to question where our beliefs came from which can make us rigid and judgmental. Questioning our false reality serves a high purpose because figuring out what is true and what is a lie, should be a priority in life. Question everything, remain strong and always hold love in the heart. Watch this short clip and let us know what you think (recommended: turn the volume down). Related articles When Rod Serling and Jacques Vallee Made a UFO Film Editor In Chief Of World’s Best Known Medical Journal: Half Of […] Read More

2016: This Is What We Look Like When We Hold On To Our Illusions!

The below video represents the perfect analogy of what one looks like when they hold onto false belief systems; ones that were handed down to them from generation to generation. Many of us were never taught to question where our beliefs came from which can make us rigid and judgmental. Questioning our false reality serves a high purpose because figuring out what is true and what is a lie, should be a priority in life. Question everything, remain strong and always hold love in the heart. Watch this short clip and let us know what you think (recommended: turn the volume down).

The Berenstein Bears – The Smoking Gun of The Matrix?

Hollywood has had a great deal of fun with the ideas of time loops, alternate universes, reality shifts, and parallel timelines – “glitch in the Matrix”, “Groundhog Day”, “Back to the Future”, to name a few that have entered our collective consciousness. But that’s just entertainment. In our reality, once in a while, something seems to be amiss in a similar manner. Years ago, there was some speculation about the “Mandela Effect”, the idea that many people seem to have remembered that Nelson Mandela died in prison, which, of course, he didn’t. At least not in this universe. It seems that this was sort of a “soft glitch”, because only some people remembered the event – one of those cases where you don’t quite […] Read More

2015: The Berenstein Bears – The Smoking Gun of The Matrix?

Hollywood has had a great deal of fun with the ideas of time loops, alternate universes, reality shifts, and parallel timelines – “glitch in the Matrix”, “Groundhog Day”, “Back to the Future”, to name a few that have entered our collective consciousness. But that’s just entertainment. In our reality, once in a while, something seems to be amiss in a similar manner. Years ago, there was some speculation about the “Mandela Effect”, the idea that many people seem to have remembered that Nelson Mandela died in prison, which, of course, he didn’t. At least not in this universe. It seems that this was sort of a “soft glitch”, because only some people remembered the event – one of those cases where you don’t quite […] Read More

What Can We Really Know About The External World?

This is the third in an occasional series on “deep science,” a rational way of reconciling scientific method with the human need to find meaning and purpose. See the entire series HERE. Science has been a very powerful tool for our collective co-creation of the external world. There is, however, obviously no complete consensus on the nature of the external world and our relationship to it as human beings, and we can rest assured that there never will be. That’s a good thing. Science isn’t about absolute truth, and nor is the “deep science” I’m fleshing out in this series of essays. Rather, science (deep or conventional) is an asymptotic process of discovery that hopefully gets ever closer to truth over time. That process […] Read More

“Consciousness Creates Reality” – Physicists Admit The Universe Is Immaterial, Mental & Spiritual

“Consciousness creates reality,” a statement that has gained a lot of attention across various alternative media outlets around the world. Make no mistake, consciousness has (and has been for quite sometime) studied by numerous scientists, especially in its relation to quantum physics and how it might be correlated with the nature of our reality. What is consciousness? Consciousness includes a number of things. It’s how we perceive our world, our thoughts, being aware, our intentions and more. “Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking in the radio for the announcer.” – Nasseim Haramein The statement that “consciousness creates reality” comes with a number of different questions. Does this mean we as individuals (and on a collective level as one human race) can […] Read More