2019: What Is The Matrix And How Do We Exit From It?

Who are we? Once upon a time, it is said that Prime Creator, God, or Source suddenly found itself to be a conscious being. In order to realize what it was and what it was not, it wanted to send forth aspects of itself out to experience in different frequencies of vibration. As the saying goes “As above, so below”, we are all smaller but fractal (and equal) aspects of the one Source learning who we are and what we do not want through experience. Many souls have come from all over the Universe and even from other Universes to be a part of the end of a grand cycle here on Earth. At the end, there is a choice. Fractal soul aspects begin […] Read More

2018: The Art of Hyper Dimensional War – Matrix

This is a summary of what I have learned from my encounters with inner and outer demons. Let this text be food for thought and don’t take my word for anything… but do customize what you read here to fit your own experience. First, understand that you only experience what you need or choose to experience, and what you need to experience was chosen by you at some other time or level of being. Therefore, you are in some way responsible for all that happens to you, whether you created it or allowed it. The attacks you receive ultimately serve to teach you lessons, and how successfully you defend against these attacks determines how easily you learn your lesson. Learning a lesson before the […] Read More

How to Break Free from the Matrix and Go Beyond Time

We have been told time is only an illusion, and yet it seems to dominate so much of our day to day lives. Maybe we have even experienced brief glimpses of ‘timelessness’ in our meditations, in times of creative excellence, or in deep moments of love. However, it can be so easy to get sucked back into the ‘daily grind of life’ that it leaves us wondering, how can we truly be free of time? How do we move from experiencing ‘timelessness’ as more than just a theory? In this article, we will explore a few questions and perspectives designed to show you how moving beyond time is not a destination, but rather a ‘point of focus’ or a state of awareness, so you […] Read More

The Final Return To The Matrix

Many people have had the taste of what the joy and peace of 5d is like, and have had one foot in 5d while holding the other in 3d. However, some may find themselves being drawn back to 3d for a short period of time. Why on Earth would you ever want to re-enter the matrix after having a taste of the good life? If you have been struggling outside of the matrix, this may be one of the most important articles you can read right now. We are all doing the best we can in this tumultuous time of change that has long been foretold of. While watching so many people fall into dire straits, we continue to do our “work” on ourselves […] Read More

The Wake Up Call From Inside The Matrix

At some point in each person’s expansion and self-awareness, there is a time to turn away from the broken and failing system of control and domination, which is also known as “the Matrix”. At that point, we begin going within for our “answers”, and many find that all of our questions and all of our answers are already residing within. They have been there all along, just as when Dorothy realized she could have “gone home” at any time, because she had always been wearing the Ruby Slippers! Like Dorothy, we have become entranced in the Land Of Oz. Only this world, our “earthly maze”, is designed to lead us down a hall of mirrors and blind alleys, to get stuck in one, two, […] Read More

How Transmuting Dark Energies Will Heal the Universe

If you think about everything that is happening in the world, doesn’t it seem like you attract more of the dark as you raise your vibration? Perhaps that is because the archons negative energy yearns for healing just as much as we do. That doesn’t include ALL negative beings. As we know, we are dealing with a few psychopathic beings that are still running the negative harvest matrix program. Some people have said that the big bosses (the Archons) have actually left and all that is left is the middle men and they left them here to throw them under the bus. All ultimately comes from the same Source. Some of Source’s children have been very naughty and have not played by the rules […] Read More

Archonic Spiritual Enslavement of Our Species — The Matrix Farm

Our bodies should not require sleep/ rest since these organic vehicles have been designed to function continuously. We even have a self-servicing function, where our bodies repair themselves. And since we take our “fuel” from food, we shouldn’t require sleep at all. So why do we need it? The reason we need sleep is because humans beings (the real us, the souls) feed on energy, just like all other beings in our Multiverse (and what our bodies take from food is not enough to keep us going). When the Anunnaki built the prison-suits (i.e. human bodies) for our souls, they’ve made us in their image, but they took away many of the original features (such as cellular immortality, 12 DNA strands, the ability to […] Read More

How to Keep Yourself Perfectly Brainwashed in the Matrix

Perhaps exposing what one would have to do to stay asleep will shed light on what one would have to do to go along with the natural process of awakening that we are seeing worldwide. To begin with, staying fully asleep in the matrix of lies created by government is analogous to being a good slave, a slave that never complains and does as he or she is told. So to begin with, in order to stay perfectly asleep in the matrix of CIA western media lies one would have to commit to never questioning any story put out by mainstream media news. Purpose to feel comfortable with mainstream media news, make sure you always sympathize and empathize with everything they say. Reject any […] Read More

What You’ll Never Read About Virus-Research Fraud

Jon Rappoport, Guest THE RABBIT HOLE There are very few investigators on the planet who are interested in this subject. I am one of them. There is a reason why. In many articles, I’ve written about the shocking lack of logic in the curriculum of advanced centers of learning. When I attended college, I was fortunate to have a professor who taught logic, and taught it in a way that appealed to the minds of his students. In other words, for those of us who cared, we could not only absorb the subject matter, we could think with it; for example, we could approach an area of knowledge and track it back to its most basic premises. And then we could check those premises […] Read More

There’s Something Extraordinary Happening in the World

Most of us haven’t quite realized there is something extraordinary happening. A few months ago, I freed myself from standard-procedure society. I broke the chains of fear that kept me locked up into the system. Since then, I see the world from a different perspective: the one that everything is going through change and that most of us are unaware of that. Why is the world changing? In this post, I’ll point out the eight reasons that lead me to believe it. 1. No one can stand the employment model any longer We are reaching our limits. People working with big corporations can’t stand their jobs. The lack of purpose knocks on your door as if it came from inside you like a yell […] Read More