2015: 10 Facts About the CERN Large Collider You Need to Know

by Robert Bridge In September, Europe’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will smash together sub-atomic particles at nearly the speed of light, an unprecedented experiment that has some of the leading voices in the world of science – and religion – sounding the alarm on the risks involved. CERN is perhaps most famous for its discovery in 2012 of the elusive Higgs Boson [named after British physicist Peter Higgs who predicted its existence in 1964], the so-called ‘God particle,’ which allows other particles to build up mass as they pass through the Higgs field. Today, however, CERN is more famous – or perhaps infamous is the better word – for an upcoming experiment in which scientists will play God in an effort to recreate the […] Read More

2018: Quantum Retro-causality Explained

September 19, 2018 A recent quantum mechanics experiment, conducted at the University of Queensland in Australia, seems to defy causal order, baffling scientists. In this post however, I’ll explain why this isn’t anomalous at all; at least, if you come to accept the Digital Consciousness Theory (DCT) of reality. It boils down to a virtually identical explanation that I gave seven years ago to Daryl Bem’s seemingly anomalous precognition studies. DCT says that subatomic particles are controlled by finite state machines (FSMs), which are tiny components of our Reality Learning Lab (RLL, aka “reality”).  These finite state machines that control the behavior of the atoms or photons in the experiment don’t really come into existence until the measurement is made, which effectively means that the […] Read More

The Matter-Antimatter ‘Angel Particle’ Has Been Discovered

If science was a soap opera, the theoretical Angle Particle would make the perfect mysterious ‘is he good or bad?’ character because it could play both matter and antimatter. Well, get your scripts ready and hire a casting agent because the Angel Particle is real and ready for its close-ups. Scientists in California (where else?) have successfully created a particle that is both matter and antimatter … and all without annihilating the universe. Will this be the science show that finally knocks “The Big Bang Theory” out of its number one spot? Like any good mystery drama, this one needs some exposition. One aspect of the real big bang theory is that the universe was made of equal amounts of matter and antimatter. In […] Read More

Einstein Was Wrong?! New Theory Says There’s No Gravity And No Dark Matter

Gravity is something all of us are familiar with from our first childhood experiences. You drop something – it falls. And the way physicists have described gravity has also been pretty consistent – it’s considered one of the four main forces or “interactions” of nature and how it works has been described by Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity all the way back in 1915. But Professor Erik Verlinde, an expert in string theory from the University of Amsterdam and the Delta Institute of Theoretical Physics, thinks that gravity is not a fundamental force of nature because it’s not always there. Instead it’s “emergent” – coming into existence from changes in microscopic bits of information in the structure of spacetime. Verlinde first articulated this groundbreaking […] Read More

The Connection Between Shamanism & Quantum Physics

Shamanism was an integral part of humanity for thousands of years. They were the first healers, teachers, and scholars. Eventually, the wisdom of the shamans was lost through the trials and travails of humanity. Now, in our modern age with technology that grants us access to knowledge from around the world, we have brought the old wisdom back, and in the most stunning of ways. Science has actually come to parallel the ancient practices of shamanism. Here is a list of 5 ways the sub-atomic level of reality parallels with the core methods of shamanic healing. 1. Observer Effect We all know through experiments in the lab that sub-atomic particles (the fabric of the universe) are affected when there is an observer. Through rituals […] Read More

CERN LHC Accidentally Opened Time Portal,Caused Iberworld Airbus A330-300 To Time Travel 5,500 Miles Across The World

Media reports also failed to give details about what caused the blackout that affected millions of people across South America.According to conspiracy theorists, a series of experiments conducted at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) facility in Switzerland, as part of preparations for restarting the machine in November, 2009, triggered an “anomalous event” that generated a “time warp.” And as the “time warp” or “time wave” reverberated across the planet through ancient pyramid complexes in South America, it crossed the path of a jetliner in flight and transported it, in an instant, to a location thousands of miles away. THE TIME WARP CAUSED A MASSIVE BLACK OUT The “time warp” or “time wave” also caused a massive black out across South America that plunged millions […] Read More

Experts Abuzz About Possible Discovery That Would All but Upend Most Basic Understanding of Physics

Scientists around the globe are revved up with excitement as the world’s biggest atom smasher — best known for revealing the Higgs boson four years ago — starts whirring again to churn out data that may confirm cautious hints of an entirely new particle. Such a discovery would all but upend the most basic understanding of physics, experts say. The European Center for Nuclear Research, or CERN by its French-language acronym, has in recent months given more oomph to the machinery in a 27-kilometer (17-mile) underground circuit along the French-Swiss border known as the Large Hadron Collider. In a surprise development in December, two separate LHC detectors each turned up faint signs that could indicate a new particle, and since then theorizing has been […] Read More

CERN Will Open New Dimensions – But With More Knowledge or Harm?

BY DAVID MONTAIGNE ⋅ CERN is amazing – and our scientists have already discovered many things about subatomic particles and how matter and energy are held together.  But in opening new doors to see through their looking glass, what risks are involved?  If Stephen Hawking is concerned, perhaps we all should be. We know that physicists have created small amounts of antimatter, and that it must be magnetically contained or it combines with matter and converts completely to energy.  The explosive potential of this antimatter is far stronger and more explosive than nuclear fission or fusion. Have they also managed to create small amounts of dark matter, and is this any more dangerous? (Just how much – and how little – we know about […] Read More

2015: Scientists Created A Wormhole In A Lab That Can Transport Magnetic Waves

by Tia Ghose, Senior Writer  Ripped from the pages of a sci-fi novel, physicists have crafted a wormhole that tunnels a magnetic field through space. “This device can transmit the magnetic field from one point in space to another point, through a path that is magnetically invisible,” said study co-author Jordi Prat-Camps, a doctoral candidate in physics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona in Spain. “From a magnetic point of view, this device acts like a wormhole, as if the magnetic field was transferred through an extra special dimension.” The idea of a wormhole comes from Albert Einstein’s theories. In 1935, Einstein and colleague Nathan Rosen realized that the general theory of relativity allowed for the existence of bridges that could link two different […] Read More