Scientific Paradoxes are Omens of Advance

“Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science.” –Charles Darwin There are problems with science today, no doubt. With all the knowledge we’ve accumulated about the Universe, from the smallest subatomic scales to the farthest recesses of deep space, there are still realms and regimes where our best theories fail, where the predictions and the data don’t match, and where no known explanation is sufficient for the phenomena that shows up. Image credit: The Michelson-Morley interferometer, via University of Virginia. But this is where all the potential for scientific growth lives. Believe it or not, one of […] Read More

Our Star-Trek Future? NASA Scientists Engineering a Warp-Drive Solution for Faster-Than-Light Space Travel

Move over Star Trek! According to state-of-the art theory, a warp drive could cut the travel time between stars from tens of thousands of years to weeks or months. Harold G. White, a physicist and advanced propulsion engineer at NASA and other NASA engineers are trying to determine whether faster-than-light travel — warp drive — might someday be possible. The team has attempting to slightly warp the trajectory of a photon, changing the distance it travels in a certain area, and then observing the change with a device called an interferometer. “Space has been expanding since the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago,” said Dr. White, 43, who runs the research project told the New York Times. “And we know that when you look […] Read More


READ THIS PAGE!!! TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS!!! SEE IT BEFORE IT GETS PERMANENTLY SHUT DOWN!!!! What are anti-positrons??? Anti-positrons are tiny subatomic particles. They have been proven by QUANTUM PHYSICS and are very real. Your government knows about anti-positrons. The Russians know about anti-positrons. Japan knows about anti-positrons. Aliens are using anti-positrons in their crusade against the earth. Read this page to learn all about them. Make a link to this page. Tell everyone you know!!! This page must be read while it’s still here!!! Anti-positrons are extremely hazardous to your health. The scientific test has shown a direct link between death and excessive exposure to anti-positrons. That is why the government requires warnings on all tv sets, radios, and microwave ovens produced in […] Read More

2010: Boson-Fermion Condensates

by Barry Carter Strange “powers” or abilities are mentioned in almost every spiritual tradition. For example, these abilities are called siddhis in the Hindu tradition and fruits of the spirit in the Christian tradition� These abilities include clairvoyance, telepathy, levitation, prophecy, apparitions, and teleportation. Most of these abilities appear to correspond with certain quantum particle behaviors mentioned in the literature of quantum physics. These correlations might be: Clairvoyance Quantum Coherence Telepathy Quantum Coherence Levitation Superconductive Meissner Effect Prophecy Tachyon Theory Teleportation Josephson Tunneling Apparitions Superfluid Behavior The problem, with applying these quantum physical explanations to macrophysical phenomena, has traditionally been that the quantum behaviors are mainly seen at the scale of the atom or smaller. Physicists say that little stuff does this but big […] Read More

1999: Rethinking Relativity

BY TOM BETHEL No one has paid attention yet, but a well-respected physics journal just published an article whose conclusion, if generally accepted, will undermine the foundations of modern physics — Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in particular.  Published in Physics Letters A (December 21, 1998), the article claims that the speed with which the force of gravity propagates must be at least twenty billion times faster than the speed of light.  This would contradict the Special Theory of Relativity of 1905, which asserts that nothing can go faster than light.  This claim about the special status of the speed of light has become part of the world view of educated laymen in the twentieth century. NOTE: Tom Van Flandern‘s article, titled “The Speed of […] Read More

Dimensions: How many are there and where do they stop?

Dimensions, we know for sure that there is 3 and most can stumble through understanding the basics of a 4th. There is much talk about who can work out the most dimensions, according to the Twitter guy below, he can do 110. Have we not learned that the results will be what we want or don’t want, in other words. Just by observing we change the outcome. Hmmmmm. Lets take a look at some of the information out there. So buckle up and let the Merry-Go-Round begin. Esoteric Other Worlds: Dimension (mathematics and physics) http://esotericotherworlds.blogspot.com3/4/13 As already seen the fourth dimension entry to this blog, and the concept of dimensions can play an important part in the theoretical aspects of parapsychology. What follows is just a general article […] Read More

Is Quantum Mechanics Controlling Your Thoughts?

Science’s weirdest realm may be responsible for photosynthesis, our sense of smell, and even consciousness itself. By Mark Anderson| A sea slug neuron may tap quantum forces to process information. In humans quantum physics may be integral to thought.Dylan Burnette/Olympus Bioscapes Imaging Competition Graham Fleming sits down at an L-shaped lab bench, occupying a footprint about the size of two parking spaces. Alongside him, a couple of off-the-shelf lasers spit out pulses of light just millionths of a billionth of a second long. After snaking through a jagged path of mirrors and lenses, these minus­cule flashes disappear into a smoky black box containing proteins from green sulfur bacteria, which ordinarily obtain their energy and nourishment from the sun. Inside the black box, optics manufactured to billionths-of-a-meter […] Read More

The Moment of Quantum Awakening

Taken from the writings of Ken Carey “At the moment of quantum awakening, change will occur rapidly, rippling across the terrestrial surface like a wave. Everything in the earth’s gravitational field will be affected in some way. There will be a time of massive change, of change on a scale that has no historical precedent, though it does have antecedents in the prehistoric events of this and of distant worlds. The changes that your generation will experience before it passes the torch to another are more fundamental than those that accompanied the agriculture revolution-and those changes took thousands of years. They are more far-reaching than the changes of industrialization, which took nearly three centuries to transpire. Yet, deep and fundamental, massive though these present […] Read More


A first glimpse of a postmodern physics, in which mass, inertia and gravity arise from underlying electromagnetic processes Bernard Haisch, Alfonso Rueda & H.E. Puthoff published in THE SCIENCES, Vol. 34, No. 6, November / December 1994, pp. 26-31 copyright 1994, New York Academy of Sciences (posted with permission)   The most famous of all equations must surely be E=mc2. In popular culture that relation between energy and mass is virtually synonymous with relativity, and Einstein, its originator, has become a symbol of modern physics. The usual interpretation of the equation is that one kind of fundamental physical thing, mass (m in the equation), can be converted into a quite different kind of fundamental physical thing, energy (E in the equation), and vice versa; […] Read More

The Quantum Physics of Remote Viewing

By Gerald O’Donnell. Reprinted with permission. Eighteenth and nineteenth century physical science had completed and embellished the “golden age of a mechanistic and deterministic models of the universe” where the universe and its constituents are ruled by rigid interactive forces that can be measured, phenomena that can be predicted using mathematical tools, and where the universe or any system operating within it is made of the sum of its parts. Light was thought to be an electromagnetic wave vibrating in an undetected, and later experimentally disproved media: “the ether”, at certain rates of vibration that would define its color. It was part of the electromagnetic wave spectrum that allowed one to perceive an electromagnetic wave as heat, light, radio waves or other electromagnetic radiations […] Read More