2018: Unexplained ‘Glitch’ While Driving Home

“My husband was in a rehabilitation center for physical therapy, following triple bypass heart surgery. The rehab was 2 towns away from my house. One night when I was leaving the rehab, I took the longer route home because it was more brightly lit. The shorter route was dark with no street lights, and I didn’t like traveling that route after dark. So, I was driving the long, brightly lit route, when a car in front of me pulled to the side of the road and let me pass by. But strangely, as soon as I passed the car, it immediately pulled out and began following me – closely! – with high beams. Just then, I crossed the border into the next town. There […] Read More

A 1.8 Billion light-year anomaly in space, suggests PARALLEL UNIVERSES exist

Is this the Ultimate evidence of PARALLEL UNIVERSES? Astronomers have made progress researching a massive—1.8 Billion-light-year—anomaly in space which they believe could mean parallel universes, with an infinite number of realities exist. The so-called ‘Cold-Spot’ in space is now being considered as an indication that alternate worlds, with their own version of reality, exist. The discovery is so cool in a number of ways. Imagine if we are not alone in the universe and that we are one of an INFINITE number of parallel universes that house INFINITE versions of ourselves. This is precisely what the so-called Multiverse theory puts forth, and a new scientific study presents an unprecedented discovery, a so-called ‘Cold Spot’ in space which may prove our universe is just one […] Read More

Professor Says Time Travel Is Possible – Mathematically

A professor at the University of British Columbia has claimed that time travel is mathematically possible, though we’re unlikely to take advantage of said possibility in the foreseeable future. According to Phys.org, Ben Tippett’s mathematical model appears in a study he recently published on the “feasibility of time travel.” It’s all a bit complicated, so I’d encourage you to head over there for a more detailed explanation, but to summarize: According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, Tippett says, it’s incorrect to think of time as a dimension separate from the other three spatial dimensions. Instead, all four dimensions (or directions) are connected, making up the space-time continuum. When space-time is warped (as with massive objects in space, like black holes), the time direction […] Read More

Are quantum computers proof of multiple universes?

Quantum computers may be 100 million times more powerful than today’s computers and they may do that by computing results simultaneously in multiple universes. Really? Google and Nasa announced they were collaborating on the D-Wave X2 quantum computer, which they say is 100 million times faster than a conventional computer chip, in 2013. It can answer certain algorithms in seconds rather than years. Google director of engineering, Hartmut Neven, said: “For a specific, carefully crafted proof-of-concept problem we achieve a 100-million-fold speed-up.” … Representing information in qubits allows the information to be processed in ways that have no equivalent in classical computing, taking advantage of phenomena such as quantum tunneling and quantum entanglement.  As such, quantum computers may theoretically be able to solve certain […] Read More

Andrew Basiago’s 1863 Gettysburg Time Travel Photo

Alleged chrononaut Andrew Basiago claims that in 1972 he was sent backwards in time to November 19, 1863. Where to? Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on the very day Abraham Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg Address. I’ve written about this before (see my article on Project Pegasus), but last week I received an email inquiring about Basiago’s photographic evidence, and thought I’d do a little digging into its origin. Here’s what I found. Photographs In Time Above Image: Andrew Basiago? Basiago claims he is the boy in the above photograph, and often shares it as proof of his time travel adventures. In this case, he says, he had stepped into a plasma confinement chamber in 1972 New Jersey, and hopped back to 1863 Gettysburg. There, he visited the dedication of […] Read More

The CHRONOVISOR: A device used by the Vatican to look into the future and past

According to numerous reports and stories that have been published through the years, among the many alleged secrets the Vatican has, there is a device called the Chronovisor. The device enables its user to observe future as well as past events.  Many believe this device is one of the greatest guarded secrets humanity has ever had. Some even believe it is a crucial ‘tool’ which has allowed the Vatican to preserve its influence and power through the years. Ever since H. G. Wells composed his novel ‘The Time Machine’ many people have been left fascinated by the idea of time travel. Even Theoretical Physics dreams of the possibility of making it work one day. Everything related to time travel today is related to science fiction, or so […] Read More

Lerina Garcia: Did She Wake Up In Another Universe?

“I think I jumped into a parallel universe…” Lerina Garcia posted her comment on July 16, 2008, in response to an article about the possibility of multiple universes. She said she was 41 years old, and had experienced something so bizarre, so inexplicable, that she worried others would think she was suffering from a psychotic break. And yet her story was so compelling, it became something of an urban legend. Her claim was this: She had gone to sleep one night, and woke up the next day to find that the world around her had changed in the strangest, and subtlest, ways. The first change was a very simple one. The sheets on her bed were different. This confused her, of course, but she didn’t […] Read More

Ex MiLab Operative Discloses Time Travel, Artificial Timeline Manipulations and Breakaway Group Operations

I had the fortunate opportunity to speak with Aug Tellez several times, and knew that what he remembers in his “milab” and time travel related experiences to be of extraordinary importance. For one, most “experiencers” of such operations rarely can remember such an expansive level of consciousness perception on many levels of awareness. For many in these kinds of secret projects, memories come slowly, usually later in life and not without difficulty in other areas of their lives. Many milabs and those who have undergone any level of MK Ultra programming have trauma and PTSD issues, memory suppression, as well as various levels of interference and “handling” in their lives. Image: Insurgent movie The excessive handling and interference serve to maintain security of these […] Read More

Parallel Worlds Exist And Interact With Our World, Physicists Say

New theory says parallel worlds exist and interact with our world! Quantum mechanics, though firmly tested, is so weird and anti-intuitive that famed physicist Richard Feynman once remarked, “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.” Attempts to explain some of the bizarre consequences of quantum theory have led to some mind-bending ideas, such as the Copenhagen interpretation and the many-worlds interpretation. Now there’s a new theory on the block, called the “many interacting worlds” hypothesis (MIW), and the idea is just as profound as it sounds. The theory suggests not only that parallel worlds exist, but that they interact with our world on the quantum level and are thus detectable. Though still speculative, the theory may help to finally explain some of the […] Read More

Parallel Worlds Exist And Interact With Our World, Physicists Say

New theory says parallel worlds exist and interact with our world! Quantum mechanics, though firmly tested, is so weird and anti-intuitive that famed physicist Richard Feynman once remarked, “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.” Attempts to explain some of the bizarre consequences of quantum theory have led to some mind-bending ideas, such as the Copenhagen interpretation and the many-worlds interpretation. Now there’s a new theory on the block, called the “many interacting worlds” hypothesis (MIW), and the idea is just as profound as it sounds. The theory suggests not only that parallel worlds exist, but that they interact with our world on the quantum level and are thus detectable. Though still speculative, the theory may help to finally explain some of the […] Read More