Time Traveler Who Spent 2 Years In The Future 2749 Tells All

Al Bielek, the Time Traveler, discusses what he remembers from his 6 weeks spent in the year 2137 and 2 years he spent in 2749 (see video below). One thing that I should stress is that many of the events he described as having happened, is happening now in our present time. The New World Order takeover and devastating climate change to name a few. The Montauk Project was a series of secret United States government projects conducted at Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Long Island for the purpose of developing psychological warfare techniques and exotic research including time travel. Jacques Vallée describes allegations of the Montauk Project as an outgrowth of stories about the Philadelphia Experiment. Al describes what […] Read More

Here’s why time doesn’t exist and its a product of humans

In recent years, many scientific studies have gone unnoticed by the general public — studies proving that time doesn’t exist. One study shows that “time” is perceived differently by size. Smaller species including insects live in a slow-motion world where everything is slowed down – which explains how flying bugs are able to easily dodge an object coming at them such as a newspaper. The study was led by scientists from Ireland who found that size affected how one perceived time and it involved more than 30 different species, including lizards, cats, dogs, birds, and mice. The research is based off of animals’ ability to detect separate flashes of fast-flickering light. Scientists found that “Critical flicker fusion frequency” is the point where the flashes seem […] Read More

Ex Milab Operative Discloses Time Travel, Artificial Timeline Manipulations and Breakaway Group Operations

Interview with Aug Tellez by Eve Lorgen This is a written question and answer interview designed to be supplemented later with a Video Conferencing Web Panel Discussion with Aug. I had the fortunate opportunity to speak with Aug several times, and knew that what he remembers in his “milab” and time travel related experiences to be of extraordinary importance. For one, most “experiencers” of such operations rarely can remember such an expansive level of consciousness perception on many levels of awareness. For many in these kinds of secret projects, memories come slowly, usually later in life and not without difficulty in other areas of their lives. Many milabs and those who have undergone any level of MK Ultra programming have trauma and PTSD issues, […] Read More

Parallel Universes: Theories & Evidence

By Elizabeth Howell Is our universe unique? From science fiction to science fact, there is a proposal out there that suggests that there could be other universes besides our own, where all the choices you made in this life played out in alternate realities. So, instead of turning down that job offer that took you from the United States to China, the alternate universe would show the outcome if you decided to venture to Asia instead.  The idea is pervasive in comic books and movies. For example, in the 2009 “Star Trek” reboot, the premise is that the Kirk and Spock portrayed by Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto are in an alternate timeline apart from the William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy versions of the […] Read More

The CIA Has a Secret Time Travel Program

by ufoholic Portals are found in many books, movies and video games. Some of them are links between distant places, others travel back or forward in time, and the most powerful ones lead into different dimensions. Most people presume that these gateways exist only in the realm of science fiction, but there are some who strongly support the idea that portals have been opened in ancient times and quite possibly in the present days as well. According to two National Security US Informants, the Department of Defense developed time travel technology over 45 years ago. As early as 1967, the US government possessed a fully operational time travel machinery built on the quantum access researched by Tesla. This technology has been used in order […] Read More

What If I Told You That You Are Living The Same Day Over And Over Again?

What if I told you that YOU are reliving the same day over and over again and you are not even aware of it? A couple of days ago I watched the classic “Groundhog Day” with Bill Murray. I have watched this movie before, maybe 10 years ago, but now I understood it a little better. Despite the great old school comedy, the entertaining story and the amazing presence of Bill, I saw something else. I realized something and I was astonished. Did you know that we are ALL reliving the same day over and over and over again and we are not even aware of it?! I realized that the movie is not a fantasy at all. It is a great, powerful analogy […] Read More

Woman Claims to be From a Parallel Universe

by Scott McMan, GhostTheory We’ve all heard of alternate dimensions and universes. Many believe we are just a frequency away from an alternate existence. Still others claim that beings from other dimensions pop in and out of our world at will, somewhat like The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Now a story comes to us out of Spain about a woman who claims to have woken up one day to find her life and past had changed.  Unfortunately, she remembers a different reality than those who know her best. Lerina García, a 41 year old, well educated professional opened her eyes one morning to discover she was in what she later assumed to be an alternate universe existence of her own life. Garcia’s experience […] Read More

Trying To Find Time Travelers

A few days ago I was interviewed on a Canadian morning radio show about my research into so-called “cryptids.” We’re talking about the Chupacabra, lake-monsters, Mothman, and so on. During the course of the interview the host – in a very lighthearted fashion – asked me if I thought it was possible that what people are seeing might be animals extinct in our world today, but which are time-traveling back and forth from the periods when they were alive. Because that’s the kind of question daytime radio asks, right? I told the host I’m actually quite open to the idea that at least some of our cryptids may originate in other realms, or dimensions, of existence. Which had him momentarily stuck for words, I’m […] Read More

The Secret CIA Time Travel Program

Portals appear in many books, movies and video games. Some of them connect distant places, others travel back or forward in time, and the most powerful ones bridge into different dimensions. Most people suppose these gateways exist only in the realm of mysticism or science fiction, but there are some who strongly believe that portals have been opened up in ancient times and, quite possibly, even in the present day. NASA: Portals Exist, Hidden in Earth’s Magnetic Field According to two National Security US Informants, the Department of Defense developed time travel technology over 40 years ago. As early as 1967, the US government was using a fully operational time travel facility built on Tesla-based quantum access. This technology has been used to keep […] Read More

5 Documented Cases of Possible Time Travel

All the Evidence that Time Travel is Happening All Around Us Science fiction and reality collide when we start finding proof suggesting that time travel is not only possible but may already be happening! I am not sure if people are slipping in and out of dimensions, teleporting, or going back in time but you have to check out these incidents. Time travel’s been one of man’s wildest fantasies for centuries. The most fantastic thing? It’s probably possible. Read more here: http://humansarefree.com/2015/03/10-d… Related articles THINK ABOUTIT’S ALIEN TYPE SUMMARY – Zeti Understanding Tarot Cards To Understand Your Thoughts Maybe Ancient Aliens Are Out There After All This Is How It Feels to Walk Out of Prison After 21 Years