Traveling Through Time

What is time? Is time travel possible? For centuries, these questions have intrigued mystics, philosophers, and scientists. Much of ancient Greek philosophy was concerned with understanding the concept of eternity, and the subject of time is central to all the world’s religions and cultures. Can the flow of time be stopped? Certainly some mystics thought so. Angelus Silesius, a sixth-century philosopher and poet, thought the flow of time could be suspended by mental powers: Time is of your own making; its clock ticks in your head. The moment you stop thought time too stops dead. The line between science and mysticism sometimes grows thin. Today physicists would agree that time is one of the strangest properties of our universe. In fact, there is a […] Read More

Are We the Galaxy’s Dumbest Civilization?

Jan. 31, 2002 by Seth Shostak – Senior Astronomer What does it mean to be intelligent? I get this question a lot, given the fact that “intelligence” is the last word of the SETI acronym. “Is there intelligence on Earth?” wags will ask (and by so doing, make their query relevant). What defines a species as intelligent, and how do SETI researchers decide? SETI folk are mostly interested in alien intelligence, not the brainpower of the local school kids. But investigating terrestrial IQs may help us estimate how often sentient beings evolve elsewhere. To test human intelligence is straightforward, if controversial. But how can we assess the brainpower of other critters? One approach taken by biologists is to compute an “encephalization quotient,” which is […] Read More

Terence McKenna – Time Acceleration

Terence McKenna speaks about the perceived acceleration of time during his lecture entitled “Eros & The Eschaton,” Seattle 1994. Related articles Terence McKenna on Psychedelic Animation The Best of Times or the End of Time Mankind’s Cradle of Civilisation Found in Java? Jim Vieira and the Giants Updates in Pink Slime Yum Yum

Time and its Discontents

By John Zerzan Anarchy: a journal of desire armed. #39, Winter ’94. The dimension of time seems to be attracting great notice, to judge from the number of recent movies that focus on it, such as Back to the Future, Terminator, Peggy Sue Got Married, etc. Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time (1989) was a best-seller and became, even more surprisingly, a popular film. Remarkable, in addition to the number of books that deal with time, are the larger number which don’t, really, but which feature the word in their titles nonetheless, such as Virginia Spate’s The Color of Time: Claude Monet (1992). Such references have to do, albeit indirectly, with the sudden, panicky awareness of time, the frightening sense of our being tied to it. Time is increasingly […] Read More

Teach your brain to stretch time

Caroline Williams 04 February 2006 Source: news service MIKE HALL has taught himself to stretch time. He uses his powers to make him a better squash player. “It’s hard to describe, but it’s a feeling of stillness, like I’m not trapped in sequential time any more,” he says. “The ball still darts around, but it moves around the court at different speeds depending on the circumstances. It’s like I’ve stepped out of linear time.” Hall, a sports coach from Edinburgh, UK, is talking about a state of mind known as “the zone”. He puts his abilities down to 12 years of studying the martial art t’ai chi, and now makes a living teaching other sportspeople how to “go faster by going slower”. For […] Read More

Parallel Universes

Written by Editor VOPUS There is a bold hypothesis that suggests the existence of a phantom universe similar to our own: “Only a very weak interaction between these two universes exists, therefore we do not see this other world that is mixed with our own.” Revolutionary, scientific Gnosticism goes much further into this question, emphatically affirming the harmonious coexistence of an infinitude of parallel universes. The radical exclusion of this transcendental, scientific concept would leave a considerable number of unclassified events without a logical explanation, such as mysterious disappearances, etc. On the perfumed and delectable shores of a river, that joyfully and happily sings while gliding within the profound jungles of a tropical region of South America, a group of innocent children watched in […] Read More

Parallel universes, the Matrix, and superintelligence

June 26, 2003 by Michio Kaku Physicists are converging on a “theory of everything,” probing the 11th dimension, developing computers for the next generation of robots, and speculating about civilizations millions of years ahead of ours, says Dr. Michio Kaku, author of the best-sellers Hyperspace and Visions and co-founder of String Field Theory, in this interview by Editor Amara D. Angelica. Published on June 26, 2003. What are the burning issues for you currently? Well, several things. Professionally, I work on something called Superstring theory, or now called M-theory, and the goal is to find an equation, perhaps no more than one inch long, which will allow us to “read the mind of God,” as Einstein used to say. In other words, […] Read More

Beyond Genes – The Particle and Waves that Control life

The Physics of Self Organizing Life, Information and Cosmos Science has moved from simplicity to complexity. The article and the site tries to bring the simplicity behind the complexity. It leads to certain physical phenomenon that is responsible for all the complexity of life and the Cosmos Abstract Introduction The Logics of New Realm A Short Review of initiation of Time in Biology [For the sake of physicist] Exploring the space and understanding Dynamic Information The Great Secret of Nature A short hint how nature reverses the time direction and initializes Arguments for Centromere as the Seat of Living Matter Proof, Conclusion and what the New Knowledge means to human life and its suffering and survival 1] Abstract Under overwhelming influence of early physicist […] Read More

Walked Into the Past

On March 15, 2011 at 3:15 in afternoon I got into my car back of my new law office and started car to go pick up grandchild at 3:25 for her piano practice. I then turned off car and got out to go into my old law office where I and my late father, mother, brother, and others had our law practice {which building dates to pre-civil war era} next door to check for damage, having read in the local paper about Mercer County, KY residents upset with local factory doing some blasting late fall of 2010 causing damage. I went in back door and up side stairs straight to my mother’s room, checking waiting area on way, no damage, then my old room, […] Read More