Understanding the 3 States of Consciousness: 3D, 4D, and 5D

There is no doubt that other dimensions or realms exist in this Universe. You may have seen them yourself through your dreams or through astral travel. You may have felt the experience of deja vu, or simply felt through a meditation that there is so much more to what we can comprehend. Just like we have different dimensions in this Universe, we also have different dimensional states of consciousness. These dimensions available to us on Earth are referred to as  3D, 4D and 5D. These dimensions are not actual places but rather they are states of consciousness. Here on Earth, we are all living life in either 3D, 4D, 5D or a combination of all three. In fact, it is most likely that majority […] Read More

2017: Scientists Get Closer to Understanding Why (And When) We Dream

Like everyone else, I’ve had all sorts of dreams. Most are about ordinary, everyday things – sometimes I’m back at school, or hanging out with people I’ve never met, or getting hundred-thousand-dollar book deals. Other times, I’ll be hiding behind a tree watching people get vaporized by space aliens. I guess it depends on my mood. The funny thing about dreams, though, is that while everyone has them all the time, we still don’t understand them very well. They’re an enigma, and that doesn’t even include the wonder that is lucid dreaming. Luckily, a team of scientists led by Francesca Siclari at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have just published some interesting research that might reveal why dreams happen, and when. Life Could Be A Dream They’ve […] Read More

2017: Easily Create Lucid Dreams By Doing These Things

Via The Mind Unleashed Lucid dreaming is beyond bizarre to most of us. You are asleep and dreaming yet you know you are dreaming, and many lucid dreamers can affect actions and outcomes in dreams just like they do during waking moments. Only in dreams, you can do much more fantastical things – bend steel, fly, stop bullets, and finally talk to that girl at the coffee shop that always makes you so nervous.  We already know that lucid dreamers have some of the highest brain wave frequencies on the planet, but what if you could induce a lucid dreaming state – known for helping to drastically change your waking life – simply by applying the right electrical current at the right frequency to […] Read More

2016: 10 Important Dream Symbols You Should Absolutely Never Ignore

For years we have been fascinated by dreams and dream symbols.  Most of the time, we don’t remember our dreams at all. Often enough, we wake up in the morning having absolutely no recollection of what we dreamed about through the night. Just because we don’t remember them, that does not mean that they didn’t happen. In fact, there are many theories on why we dream and what it does to us. Many believe that it is our way of understanding the world and making sense of the things that happen to us on a day to day basis. Still, it can be kind of frightening when you keep having the same recurring dream. All too often, people struggle when it comes to their dreams. […] Read More

Physicists Claim That Consciousness Lives In Quantum State After Death

Physicists make a shocking claim that consciousness lives in quantum state after death! Does quantum mechanics predict the existence of a spiritual “soul”? Testimonials from prominent physics researchers from institutions such as Cambridge University, Princeton University, and the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich claim that quantum mechanics predicts some version of “life after death.” They assert that a person may possess a body-soul duality that is an extension of the wave-particle duality of subatomic particles. Wave-particle duality, a fundamental concept of quantum mechanics, proposes that elementary particles, such as photons and electrons, possess the properties of both particles and waves. These physicists claim that they can possibly extend this theory to the soul-body dichotomy. If there is a quantum code for all […] Read More

2016: Scientists Discover People Who Are Awake Can Influence Dreams of Sleeping People Using Telepathy

by Arjun Walia Dream telepathy suggests that human beings have the ability to communicate telepathically with another person while they are dreaming. This isn’t a new concept, scientific interest in telepathy dates back to the fathers of the psychoanalytic movement. Freud, for example, looked at the implications of telepathy on psychoanalytic thought. He also considered dream telepathy, or the telepathic influence of thought on dreaming, on multiple occasions. Carl Jung believed in the telepathic hypothesis without question, and even developed a theoretical system to explain “paranormal” events of this nature. (2) It seems that all great minds encourage the study of various types of non-physical phenomena. “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in […] Read More

Meditation a Path of Freedom in Swedish Prisons

… By Susanne W. Lamm Epoch Times Staff GOTHENBURG, Sweden—A Swedish prison, specialized in treating drug offenders, offered the inmates meditation – under the label of “mindfulness” – as an addition to their regular treatment program. The idea was that prisoners would be able to cope better with everyday life after their release. The method is called “The Path of Freedom”, and has received high praise from inmates and prison staff alike. Ulrika Lilljegren, former manager of the Högsbo prison facility, says that inmates seem to be more responsive to the other treatment programs if they are combined with yoga or meditation, for instance. According to Lilljegren, many inmates most likely suffer from neuropsychiatric disorders, like ADHD, or are damaged from long-term drug abuse. […] Read More

2014: Meditation a Path of Freedom in Swedish Prisons

By Susanne W. Lamm Epoch Times Staff GOTHENBURG, Sweden—A Swedish prison, specialized in treating drug offenders, offered the inmates meditation – under the label of “mindfulness” – as an addition to their regular treatment program. The idea was that prisoners would be able to cope better with everyday life after their release. The method is called “The Path of Freedom”, and has received high praise from inmates and prison staff alike. Ulrika Lilljegren, former manager of the Högsbo prison facility, says that inmates seem to be more responsive to the other treatment programs if they are combined with yoga or meditation, for instance. According to Lilljegren, many inmates most likely suffer from neuropsychiatric disorders, like ADHD, or are damaged from long-term drug abuse. They […] Read More

Croatian man allegedly cures with awkward stare

Nope. That’s not some forgotten 80s rockstar up there in that photo. That’s Braco. He’s a ‘healer’ like Benny Hinn is a ‘healer’. Except Braco, who’s from Croatia and whose name literally translates to ‘Bro’ in Croatian, has done away with that whole laborious process of actually talking and interacting physically with people. That’s for rookies. He just stares at them with a gaze that might cause…uh…something…to happen to pregnant women specifically: • Pregnant women are not allowed to live stream or attend a live event after their third month of pregnancy due to the intensity of the energy. People come in droves, stand in an open space and wait for Braco to stroll out, stare at them until it’s completely awkward and uncomfortable […] Read More

Is Nature A Gateway To Understanding The Secrets Of The Universe?

Any individual or organization that discourages or prohibits inquiry into nature, science, or the cosmos, should immediately cause red flags to rise, for the only reason for doing so is to subvert attention away from an opaque agenda. If you become Nature’s lover, Nature will surely give up all of its secrets to you… Family is a metaphor for the fractal organization of the Universe. Your inbreath and outbreath mirror the toroidal energy field that embodies the paradoxical material/non-materiality of every “object.” Weather patterns are resonant energy patterns of polarity that affect the planet similarly to how your mood can change inexplicably as resonant energy patterns move around you… Einstein, Tesla, Emerson, Thoreau and DiVinci are just a few who have revealed that Nature […] Read More