Maps: A Symbolic Representation – Mental Overlay On Reality

One of the more dramatic ways to see the effect of the mind upon our perception of reality is with our knowledge and understanding of the earth itself. Now after our trips into space, viewed from space we have a familiar image of Earth’s topography. But the human mind does not stop there; to understand reality “better” we have divided the globe into lines of latitude and longitude, enabling us to better navigate its surface. But of course actual “lines” of latitude and longitude do not exist in “reality” –just in our mental overlay onto the reality of what exists within our perception of nature. Similarly the “borders” that we have superimposed onto the planet to divide us into nations and states do not actually […] Read More

The Internet of Pain: When Suffering Goes Viral

Image: Shutterstock It begins with a sickly child, as so many stories do. This week saw two news stories which tested the “viral” potential of bodily suffering. The first was that of Victoria Wilcher, the three-year-old survivor of a pit bull attack who was asked to leave a branch of KFC because of her “scary” facial scarring. The narrative lends itself to social media: hate on the giant fast food chain, side with the child victim, then share your outrage on Twitter and Facebook. Then a second story surfaced: after investigation the entire account was shown to be a hoax. Whatever the parents’ intentions, they must have known their daughter would attract online attention. Her story coincides with another, yet more sinister one: that of Garnett Spears, […] Read More

2014: A Neuroscientist Explains What Happens To Your Brain When You Meditate

Meditation is becoming very popular lately. Perhaps it’s the anecdotal evidence friends are sharing with each other or the fact that more and more science is coming out to confirm the benefits of meditation that it’s encouraging people to take up the practice. Meditation has shown to decrease stress, increase happiness,quality of life, increase gray matter in the brain, making people more compassionate, lowering blood pressure, increasing memory and more. A great series of benefits from such a peaceful practice. Meditation can be discouraging at times. It’s not easy to calm your mind, stop the thoughts and get into a space that is quiet. Since many of us, especially in western culture, are never taught to explore this practice at a young age it […] Read More

A Neuroscientist Explains What Happens To Your Brain When You Meditate

Meditation is becoming very popular lately. Perhaps it’s the anecdotal evidence friends are sharing with each other or the fact that more and more science is coming out to confirm the benefits of meditation that it’s encouraging people to take up the practice. Meditation has shown to decrease stress, increase happiness,quality of life, increase gray matter in the brain, making people more compassionate, lowering blood pressure, increasing memory and more. A great series of benefits from such a peaceful practice. Meditation can be discouraging at times. It’s not easy to calm your mind, stop the thoughts and get into a space that is quiet. Since many of us, especially in western culture, are never taught to explore this practice at a young age it […] Read More

10 Scientific Studies That Prove Consciousness Can Alter Our Physical Material World

Nikola Tesla said it best, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Swami Vivekananda was Tesla’s mentor, an Indian Hindu monk and chief disciple of the 19th century saint Ramakrishna. Science works best when in harmony with nature. If we put these two together, we can discover great technologies that can only come about when the consciousness of the planet is ready to embrace them, like free energy I want to make it clear that my intention of presenting this information is to demonstrate that thoughts, intentions, prayer […] Read More


Revelation given in 1988  Introduction written in 1991 Property of: Miranda Rt 3 Box 282 A Gallatin, Mo. 64640 Introduction It was in approximately June, 1985, that I first heard of Vesta, Nebraska, a place so obscure and so unknown that it is not on most maps. Yet, it has risen to the forefront of interest as a location of major importance within the energy matrix known as the THE HEART OF THE DOVE in Midwest USA. There are, of course, many dimensions to this that is known as the Merkabah of the Dove and the Heart of the Dove, but we are in this writing to focus primarily upon its influence in a geographical sense. (reference to the map of the Dove on […] Read More

2013: The 12 New Rules For Prosperity

By Whitneay T. Vanwells Rule #1.  ‘Everybody is rich, but poor me’ … Or, ‘I am a money victim’ … You came into this life with past experiences from other times.  In those times you were rich, you were poor, and you sometimes starved to death.  Those past life experiences gave you a subconscious belief that you were poor, and that life must always be a struggle.  As an adult, you may continue to believe this, and also take great subconscious effort in re-creating and manifesting WRONG BELIEFS.  This is at the heart of the prosperity problem.  What you believe, you will see in your life.  It is Spiritual Law, – As Above, So Below.  Above meaning the higher level of your mind.  Below meaning, your physical life, and what you manifest in it.  Challenge your beliefs, that […] Read More


PREPARATION: Quartz Crystals, note pads, pens, calm music. We recommend that you begin and end each lesson with a short meditation of ten minutes duration, as your body and mind need to be calm and relaxed to achieve the best spiritual/psychic results. DREAM PROGRAMMING Everybody dreams nightly, but not everyone remembers their dreams, on awakening. Some people dream in color, others in black and white. We are all individuals, even in our dream state. Yet this is a great resource, God – given to us, which is often under-utilized and which can be used successfully for our Higher Spiritual growth. Even so-called “nightmares” can help us examine our inner fears and blocks. Master White Eagle has told us in channellings recently, that, ” The Great […] Read More

2013: Wake Up from the Awake Dream

by Paul Levy When you begin to wake up in the dream you realize that the seemingly external dreamscape, be it your night dream or waking dream, is not separate from you. More than that, you realize that the seemingly external dreamscape that you find yourself in is somehow mysteriously connected to your mind. Just like the quantum physicists tell us, there is no objective universe, and the very act of observing the universe changes the universe. When you realize this, you understand that how you view this seemingly external dream has an immediate effect on how the dream appears. The two processes are simultaneous, mutually arising processes that happen in no time. Once you realize that how you view the universe immediately impacts […] Read More


This simple dreaming while awake practice pulls the unconscious mind into the realm of the conscious mind. Meditate with a partner at dusk or in a low light situation with your eyes open. Look into each other’s eyes for a long period of time while blanking your mind. Let your eyes be slightly soft-focused and see. Allow any change in your vision to occur naturally. Be aware of the entire peripheral area and notice the highlights and shadows intensify. The face may disappear altogether or may change to other faces. Whatever you see, there is nothing to fear. A variation of this practice is to stare in a mirror in a low light situation. Another practice is to meditate facing someone, with your eyes […] Read More