Understanding the 3 States of Consciousness: 3D, 4D, and 5D

There is no doubt that other dimensions or realms exist in this Universe. You may have seen them yourself through your dreams or through astral travel. You may have felt the experience of deja vu, or simply felt through a meditation that there is so much more to what we can comprehend. Just like we have different dimensions in this Universe, we also have different dimensional states of consciousness. These dimensions available to us on Earth are referred to as  3D, 4D and 5D. These dimensions are not actual places but rather they are states of consciousness. Here on Earth, we are all living life in either 3D, 4D, 5D or a combination of all three. In fact, it is most likely that majority […] Read More

Einstein Was Wrong?! New Theory Says There’s No Gravity And No Dark Matter

Gravity is something all of us are familiar with from our first childhood experiences. You drop something – it falls. And the way physicists have described gravity has also been pretty consistent – it’s considered one of the four main forces or “interactions” of nature and how it works has been described by Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity all the way back in 1915. But Professor Erik Verlinde, an expert in string theory from the University of Amsterdam and the Delta Institute of Theoretical Physics, thinks that gravity is not a fundamental force of nature because it’s not always there. Instead it’s “emergent” – coming into existence from changes in microscopic bits of information in the structure of spacetime. Verlinde first articulated this groundbreaking […] Read More

The Connection Between Shamanism & Quantum Physics

Shamanism was an integral part of humanity for thousands of years. They were the first healers, teachers, and scholars. Eventually, the wisdom of the shamans was lost through the trials and travails of humanity. Now, in our modern age with technology that grants us access to knowledge from around the world, we have brought the old wisdom back, and in the most stunning of ways. Science has actually come to parallel the ancient practices of shamanism. Here is a list of 5 ways the sub-atomic level of reality parallels with the core methods of shamanic healing. 1. Observer Effect We all know through experiments in the lab that sub-atomic particles (the fabric of the universe) are affected when there is an observer. Through rituals […] Read More

2015: Scientists Created A Wormhole In A Lab That Can Transport Magnetic Waves

by Tia Ghose, Senior Writer  Ripped from the pages of a sci-fi novel, physicists have crafted a wormhole that tunnels a magnetic field through space. “This device can transmit the magnetic field from one point in space to another point, through a path that is magnetically invisible,” said study co-author Jordi Prat-Camps, a doctoral candidate in physics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona in Spain. “From a magnetic point of view, this device acts like a wormhole, as if the magnetic field was transferred through an extra special dimension.” The idea of a wormhole comes from Albert Einstein’s theories. In 1935, Einstein and colleague Nathan Rosen realized that the general theory of relativity allowed for the existence of bridges that could link two different […] Read More

10 Scientific Studies That Prove Consciousness Can Alter Our Physical Material World

Nikola Tesla said it best, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Swami Vivekananda was Tesla’s mentor, an Indian Hindu monk and chief disciple of the 19th century saint Ramakrishna. Science works best when in harmony with nature. If we put these two together, we can discover great technologies that can only come about when the consciousness of the planet is ready to embrace them, like free energy I want to make it clear that my intention of presenting this information is to demonstrate that thoughts, intentions, prayer […] Read More

Quantum fluctuations of empty space: A new Rosetta Stone in physics?

by Dr Harold Puthoff Institute for Advanced Studies, 1301 Capital Of Texas Highway S., Suite B 121 Austin, Texas 78746 (512) 328-5751 In a recent article in the popular press (The Economist, January 7, 1989, pp. 71-74) it was noted how many of this century’s new technologies depend on the Alice-in-Wonderland physics of quantum mechanics, with all of its seeming absurdities. For starters, one begins with the observation that classical physics tells us that atoms, which can be likened to a miniature solar system with electron planets orbiting a nuclear sun, should not exist. The circling electrons should radiate away their energy like microscopic radio antennas and spiral into the nucleus. But atoms do exist, and multitudinous other phenomena which don’t obey the rules […] Read More


Freeman J. Dyson Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton New Jersey 08540 Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 51, No. 3, July 1979 (c) 1979 American Physical Society Edited for Internet Science Education Project by Jack Sarfatti. Quantitative estimates are derived for three classes of phenomena that may occur in an open cosmological model of Friedmann type. (1) Normal physical processes taking place with very long time-scales. (2) Biological processes that will result if life adapts itself to low ambient temperatures according to a postulated scaling law. (3) Communication by radio between life forms existing in different parts of the universe. The general conclusion of the analysis is that an open universe need not evolve into a state of permanent quiescence. Life and communication can continue […] Read More


By Sherrill Roberts There was a young lady named bright, Who traveled much faster than light. She started one day in a relative way, and returned on the previous night. A. H. Reginald Buller(1) While we are no longer so naive as to think that a mechanical device such as H.G. Wells’s Time Machine could be easily built, the “new physics” offers us tantalizing glimpses of the possibility of time travel, possibly utilizing forces and entities which exist, at least theoretically, in our universe today. “The notion you can move forward and back in time is allowed by some of the new ideas in physics,” says Jeffrey R. Kuhn, a physics and astronomy professor at Michigan State University.(2) The scientific premises suggesting a theoretical […] Read More

1999: Rethinking Relativity

BY TOM BETHEL No one has paid attention yet, but a well-respected physics journal just published an article whose conclusion, if generally accepted, will undermine the foundations of modern physics — Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in particular.  Published in Physics Letters A (December 21, 1998), the article claims that the speed with which the force of gravity propagates must be at least twenty billion times faster than the speed of light.  This would contradict the Special Theory of Relativity of 1905, which asserts that nothing can go faster than light.  This claim about the special status of the speed of light has become part of the world view of educated laymen in the twentieth century. NOTE: Tom Van Flandern‘s article, titled “The Speed of […] Read More

Music and the Brain

Laurence O’Donnell “Music is so naturally united with us that we cannot be free from it even if we so desired” (Boethius cited by Storr). Music’s interconnection with society can be seen throughout history. Every known culture on the earth has music. Music seems to be one of the basic actions of humans. However, early music was not handed down from generation to generation or recorded. Hence, there is no official record of “prehistoric” music. Even so, there is evidence of prehistoric music from the findings of flutes carved from bones. The influence of music on society can be clearly seen from modern history. Music helped Thomas Jefferson write the Declaration of Independence. When he could not figure out the right wording for a […] Read More