This is going to be a very practical Course. Therefore, I hope that everyone in this class has a very clear picture of what he desires, for I am convinced that you can realize your desires by the technique you will receive here this week in these five lessons. That you may receive the full benefit of these instructions, let me state now that the Bible has no reference at all to any persons who ever existed or to any event that ever occurred upon earth. The ancient story tellers were not writing history but an allegorical picture lesson of certain basic principles which they clothed in the garb of history, and they adapted these stories to the limited capacity of a most uncritical […] Read More

The Amazing Holographic Universe

By Michael Talbot     12-23-5 In 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the University of Paris a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to be one of the most important experiments of the 20th century. You did not hear about it on the evening news. In fact, unless you are in the habit of reading scientific journals you probably have never even heard Aspect’s name, though there are some who believe his discovery may change the face of science. Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn’t matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 […] Read More

Intuition: Consciousness and the “Theory of Everything”

Connections Through Time,   Issue 6: January – March 2000 Can the reality of consciousness be included in a fundamental theory of our universe?   Physicists recognize that superstring theory is not intended to be a theory of “Everything” as often characterized in the popular press.   It is, however, a powerful unifying theory that might explain some very fundamental aspects of our universe in a deeper and potentially far-reaching manner.   For example, the idea that there are more “dimensions” than the 3-space and 1-time possibly opens the way for consciousness to be included in an expanded theory that accounts for the scientific measurements of precognition and other intuitive realities. The avenue is open for a truly unifying model that treats time in a very different fashion.   Here are some quotes […] Read More

Traveling Through Time

What is time? Is time travel possible? For centuries, these questions have intrigued mystics, philosophers, and scientists. Much of ancient Greek philosophy was concerned with understanding the concept of eternity, and the subject of time is central to all the world’s religions and cultures. Can the flow of time be stopped? Certainly some mystics thought so. Angelus Silesius, a sixth-century philosopher and poet, thought the flow of time could be suspended by mental powers: Time is of your own making; its clock ticks in your head. The moment you stop thought time too stops dead. The line between science and mysticism sometimes grows thin. Today physicists would agree that time is one of the strangest properties of our universe. In fact, there is a […] Read More

1999: Thought Power

By Sri Swami Sivananda A DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY PUBLICATION Sixth Edition: 1997 (2,000 Copies) World Wide Web (WWW) Edition : 1999 WWW site: HTTP://WWW.SHIVANANDADLSHQ.ORG/ This WWW reprint is for free distribution © The Divine Life Trust Society Published By THE DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY P.O. Shivanandanagar—249 192 Distt. Tehri-Garhwal, Uttar Pradesh, Himalayas, India.                    CONTENTS   PUBLISHERS’ NOTE PREFACE 1. THOUGHT POWER—ITS PHYSICS AND ITS PHILOSOPHY Thought Excels Light in Speed The Medium Through Which Thoughts Travel The Ether of Space Registers Thoughts Thoughts Are Living Things Thoughts Are Finer Forces Thoughts As Wireless Messages Thoughts Are Tremendous Powers Thought-waves and Thought-transference Marvels of Thought-vibrations Diversity of Thought-vibrations Conservation of Thought-energy The Cell-theory and the Thoughts Primal […] Read More

Thought Power

By Sri Swami Sivananda A DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY PUBLICATION Sixth Edition: 1997 (2,000 Copies) World Wide Web (WWW) Edition : 1999 WWW site: HTTP://WWW.SHIVANANDADLSHQ.ORG/ This WWW reprint is for free distribution © The Divine Life Trust Society Published By THE DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY P.O. Shivanandanagar—249 192 Distt. Tehri-Garhwal, Uttar Pradesh, Himalayas, India. CONTENTS PUBLISHERS’ NOTE PREFACE 1. THOUGHT POWER—ITS PHYSICS AND ITS PHILOSOPHY Thought Excels Light in Speed The Medium Through Which Thoughts Travel The Ether of Space Registers Thoughts Thoughts Are Living Things Thoughts Are Finer Forces Thoughts As Wireless Messages Thoughts Are Tremendous Powers Thought-waves and Thought-transference Marvels of Thought-vibrations Diversity of Thought-vibrations Conservation of Thought-energy The Cell-theory and the Thoughts Primal Thought and Modern Science Radium and the Rare Yogi Thought—Its […] Read More

Teach your brain to stretch time

Caroline Williams 04 February 2006 Source: news service MIKE HALL has taught himself to stretch time. He uses his powers to make him a better squash player. “It’s hard to describe, but it’s a feeling of stillness, like I’m not trapped in sequential time any more,” he says. “The ball still darts around, but it moves around the court at different speeds depending on the circumstances. It’s like I’ve stepped out of linear time.” Hall, a sports coach from Edinburgh, UK, is talking about a state of mind known as “the zone”. He puts his abilities down to 12 years of studying the martial art t’ai chi, and now makes a living teaching other sportspeople how to “go faster by going slower”. For […] Read More

2012: Losing your mind? Upload your brain and gain eternal life

A doctoral student at McGill says computers could help humans achieve immortality. While the scenario may sound like an episode of the X-Files, Randal Koene envisions a network of uploaded brains. The question is, who gets a shot at prolonged life? by Kathy Zucca Despite medical advances, humans are still subject to the law of aging; at some point our bodies break down and we die. But death may not always be the end result. The latest in humanity’s quest for prolonged life involves scanning brain tissue and creating an equivalent representation of the mind. Though still in the theoretical stages Mind Uploading, also known by the more technical term “Whole Brain Emulation,” could one day allow people to continue living long after their […] Read More

Losing your mind? Upload your brain and gain eternal life

A doctoral student at McGill says computers could help humans achieve immortality. While the scenario may sound like an episode of the X-Files, Randal Koene envisions a network of uploaded brains. The question is, who gets a shot at prolonged life? by Kathy Zucca Despite medical advances, humans are still subject to the law of aging; at some point our bodies break down and we die. But death may not always be the end result. The latest in humanity’s quest for prolonged life involves scanning brain tissue and creating an equivalent representation of the mind. Though still in the theoretical stages Mind Uploading, also known by the more technical term “Whole Brain Emulation,” could one day allow people to continue living long after their […] Read More

How to Find Your Real Self

*PDF Download coming How to Find Your Real Self Mildred Mann was a bestselling author and teacher of the New Thought Movement. Her ideas and ideals and those of others in the New Thought Movement have seen a resurgence with the release of the bestselling book and film “The Secret” and the popularity of the Jerry and Esther Hicks Abraham Teachings. How do we find ourselves? We do so by going “within.” We get to know ourselves, to understand how we are made, and then we learn to use the magnificent power within us. We do it by understanding the mind, what it is, and how it works. There is nothing more fascinating than the mind. Actually, it consists of three sections, – the […] Read More