1989: How To Remember Your Dreams

Remembering your dreams is the starting place for learning to have lucid dreams. If you don’t recall your dreams, even if you do have a lucid dream, you won’t remember it! And, in order to be able to recognize your dreams as dreams while they are happening, you have to be familiar with the way your own dreams work. Before it will be worth your time to work on lucid dream induction methods, you should be able to recall at least one dream every night. Getting plenty of sleep is the first step to good dream recall. If you are rested it will be easier to focus on your goal of recalling dreams, and you won’t mind so much taking the time during the […] Read More

2012: The Big Secret and The Education of our Soul

~ Behave as if you are the world and everybody in it ~ The Big Secret on earth is – that mankind is not in control of itself. There are Alien and Secret Forces of a higher density that have great influence over Mankind! These Fourth Density and Fifth Density Alien Beings, in combination with certain World Governments and their Departments as well as other Organizations, make sure that certain happenings take place on earth. These Forces are in control of all major Governments and form the Actual Force in command of all major events on earth. The Forces on planet earth are represented by the NWO or the Illuminati… They rule the world and they are behind happenings like the 911 WTC destruction […] Read More

The Big Secret and The Education of our Soul

~ Behave as if you are the world and everybody in it ~ The Big Secret on earth is – that mankind is not in control of itself. There are Alien and Secret Forces of a higher density that have great influence over Mankind! These Fourth Density and Fifth Density Alien Beings, in combination with certain World Governments and their Departments as well as other Organizations, make sure that certain happenings take place on earth. These Forces are in control of all major Governments and form the Actual Force in command of all major events on earth. The Forces on planet earth are represented by the NWO or the Illuminati… They rule the world and they are behind happenings like the 911 WTC destruction […] Read More

The Observer’s Position

Before we can understand why the world is so disharmonious we need to know what we as human beings actually are. … To have knowledge is Human …  … To have awareness is Divine … Please consider the following… We are spiritual beings who have come to earth in order to live in human bodies. This means that temporarily we become a human beings or think we are one. However, we are not the body! We are a Cosmic Energy or Soul living within the human body. As a human being we are an instrument of our Soul. Souls animate and direct the body and perform a very important function. Our soul is The Infinite Light itself… Not in harmony with Mother Nature… We […] Read More

Live Forever – Uploading The Human Brain… Closer Than You Think

By Raymond Kurzweil, PhDhttp://www.psychologytoday.com/features3.html2-1-2000Thought to Implant 4: OnNet, please. Hundreds of shimmering thumbnail images mist into view, spread fairly evenly across the entire field of pseudovision. Thought: Zoom upper left, higher, into Winston’s image. Transmit: It’s Nellie. Let’s connect and chat over croissants. Rue des Enfants, Paris in the spring, our favorite table, yes? Four-second pause. Background thought: Damn it. What’s taking him so long? Receive: I’m here, ma chêre, I’m here! Let’s do it! The thumbnail field mists away, and a café scene swirls into place. Scent of honeysuckle. Paté. Wine. Light breeze. Nellie is seated at a quaint table with a plain white tablecloth. An image of Winston looking 20 and buff mists in across from her. Message thumbnails occasionally blink against […] Read More

2000: Live Forever – Uploading The Human Brain… Closer Than You Think

By Raymond Kurzweil, PhDhttp://www.psychologytoday.com/features3.html2-1-2000Thought to Implant 4: OnNet, please. Hundreds of shimmering thumbnail images mist into view, spread fairly evenly across the entire field of pseudovision. Thought: Zoom upper left, higher, into Winston’s image. Transmit: It’s Nellie. Let’s connect and chat over croissants. Rue des Enfants, Paris in the spring, our favorite table, yes? Four-second pause. Background thought: Damn it. What’s taking him so long? Receive: I’m here, ma chêre, I’m here! Let’s do it! The thumbnail field mists away, and a café scene swirls into place. Scent of honeysuckle. Paté. Wine. Light breeze. Nellie is seated at a quaint table with a plain white tablecloth. An image of Winston looking 20 and buff mists in across from her. Message thumbnails occasionally blink against […] Read More

The Biological Chip in our Cells

Revolutionary results of modern genetics by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf Light is in principle the oldest and most important food of the world, and still in addition – understood as electromagnetic wave – a perfect storage medium. We know today that life in the universe is a process which is always swiming against the river. Physics predicts that everything in nature is going towards a condition of a thermal equilibrium. With every energy consuming process always also warmth is produced, which cannot be completely reconverted into work energy. This is well-known to each power station operator. The universe favours disorder and decay rather than order and structure. In such an environment an organism can temporarily exist only because it constantly supplies new order […] Read More

2012: The Biological Chip in our Cells

Revolutionary results of modern genetics by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf Light is in principle the oldest and most important food of the world, and still in addition – understood as electromagnetic wave – a perfect storage medium. We know today that life in the universe is a process which is always swiming against the river. Physics predicts that everything in nature is going towards a condition of a thermal equilibrium. With every energy consuming process always also warmth is produced, which cannot be completely reconverted into work energy. This is well-known to each power station operator. The universe favours disorder and decay rather than order and structure. In such an environment an organism can temporarily exist only because it constantly supplies new order […] Read More

Parallel universes, the Matrix, and superintelligence

June 26, 2003 by Michio Kaku Physicists are converging on a “theory of everything,” probing the 11th dimension, developing computers for the next generation of robots, and speculating about civilizations millions of years ahead of ours, says Dr. Michio Kaku, author of the best-sellers Hyperspace and Visions and co-founder of String Field Theory, in this interview by KurzweilAI.net Editor Amara D. Angelica. Published on KurzweilAI.net June 26, 2003. What are the burning issues for you currently? Well, several things. Professionally, I work on something called Superstring theory, or now called M-theory, and the goal is to find an equation, perhaps no more than one inch long, which will allow us to “read the mind of God,” as Einstein used to say. In other words, […] Read More


A first glimpse of a postmodern physics, in which mass, inertia and gravity arise from underlying electromagnetic processes Bernard Haisch, Alfonso Rueda & H.E. Puthoff published in THE SCIENCES, Vol. 34, No. 6, November / December 1994, pp. 26-31 copyright 1994, New York Academy of Sciences (posted with permission)   The most famous of all equations must surely be E=mc2. In popular culture that relation between energy and mass is virtually synonymous with relativity, and Einstein, its originator, has become a symbol of modern physics. The usual interpretation of the equation is that one kind of fundamental physical thing, mass (m in the equation), can be converted into a quite different kind of fundamental physical thing, energy (E in the equation), and vice versa; […] Read More